Tag Archives: nepali literature

Poem : The Village

~Paul Rana~ Beside a quietly gurgling mountain stream High upon a green crested hill I sit, An open book of poems Resting upon my knees, An azure blue sky above, And God’s little acre spread out below me.

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Essay : Contemporary Nepali Literature: A Bird’s Eye View

~Mukul Dahal~ Nepali short story has achieved its present state of development in shorter time than other genres. This area of literature has already been enriched by a number of classic world-class short stories. The contribution of the figures such … Continue reading

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Story : A Letter to God

~Smita Magar~ Dear God, This is a Thank you letter with a special request from ‘me’ to ‘You’.

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Poem : My Definition of Life

~Dhruva Thapa~ Life is what we think, Is always different. We hope to be good, But it turns worse. Perhaps it is life. Life, without any hope,

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Poem : Next Agenda

~Gopal Parajuli~ Translated by Tek B. Karki The country has been turned into a battle-ground And all of my Security-passes have been torn out. Desirous of the victory of human rights I have been arrested by you, Gods being disinterested … Continue reading

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Poem : O! Bharati I am dying now!

~Kamala Sarup~ The silence……………. The silence of the heart Souls can measure Beautiful moment, My dreams and you……… Which once again Every day I loved, I could feel,

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Poem : Why I Cry ?

~Kamala Sarup~ I see, love for only you. I could die. >From you, Till the sun grows Starting at forever, From within my heart. It is because of you. Love asks me. Why I cry? Alive and devotion More than … Continue reading

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Poem : My Metamorphosis

~Sunil Khanal~ The nude trees next to my apartment seemed to be sighing all winter long perhaps they remember those cold days and my pathetic kindness “What a skeleton!” I used to shout “God has no mercy on you dear! … Continue reading

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Poem : Who is she?

~Pranati Koirala~ Eyes focused on those rosy cheeks As she descended from the stairs He was amazed and shocked That such a rare beauty could even exist Keeping him spell bounded by the charm, “Where on earth did she come … Continue reading

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Poem : When I was Young

~Ram Kharel~ When I was young I never needed anyone Making Jokes was just for FUN Those days are gone….

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Poem : Be Famous

~Shah Pravinchandra Kasturchand~ You keep your name anonymous, Without name you will be famous. Toil hard with ordinary name, Still he earns not the fame; He sleeps his final sleep, Only he knows he is asleep.

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Poem : This is what they Are

~Benoy Thapa~ Bravest among the bravest No storm can stop them Might is like the force of nature Like the wind blowing forever This is what they are.

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Poem : Constitution

~Sailendra Sakar ~ (Translated by: Yuyutsu R. D, Sharma) Constituion isn’t some books name, nor is it a fresh weapon from some nuclear arsenal, A blue stretch of a sky, A bird exuberent attempt to fly, A cry of a … Continue reading

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Essay : “Amer-I can”…not American

~Shilu G.Neupane~ I used to give lectures in my class about America and Americans before I came to America in real. I used to teach English in the government college of Nepal, an Asian country, and while teaching about American … Continue reading

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Essay : State of the Nation

~Dibesh Karmacharya~ Like every year, we had Nepali New Year parties in New York/New Jersey areas this year as well. With the growing Nepali population in the area, it is getting harder to organize Nepali get together these days. I … Continue reading

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Story : Beneath the Sky Touching Mountain

~Hari Har Khanal ~ Along with the chirping of Cicadas, the darkness fell and the towering hills gradually disappeared from sight. The chilly wind blew from the jagged icy peaks in the northeast. Gradually the huts in the neighborhood grew … Continue reading

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Microstory : Anjali’s Father

~Indira Prasai~ There is a sudden gust of the wind. I drown completely in the summer heat. I feel shaken, I was thinking of life’s infirmity. The calendar flutters. Today is the eleventh day of the month. I like this … Continue reading

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Poem : The Path of Truth and Peace

~Chandra Rai ‘Akash’~ I recognize your sovereignty, pleasant matter you respect deeply my values, no superiority, no inferiority, no ego and no fears between each of us; a harmonious friendship of two sovereigns.

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Poem : Vulnerable

~Sanjay Rai~ Without a direction Blank, Scared, Clueless Blind and totally left Alone in mercy of faith.

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Story : The Price of Fish

~Shivkumar Rai~ (translated by: Vikash Pradhan)~ Maacha ko mol (1) The torrential shower had just ended. As a frisky southerly wind spread tiny cloud shards across the sky, a dazzling blue sky, freshly washed, peeked through small tears in the … Continue reading

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Poem : Only Peace nothing but Peace!

~Dig Bahdur Tamang~ Why don’t we Begin the war of Economic and Agricultures social justice And we should stop those foreign Vultures. Peace is sweet and cold It is neither arrogant nor bold! Pashupati Nath bless our Nepal! Lord Buddha … Continue reading

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Essay : My Foregone Sakewa

~Chandra Rai ‘Aakash’~ It was an absolutely fabulous, pleasurable moment never repeated in my life. Sakewa begins almost at the end of spring at dawn. My curious eyes opened from a long sleep, and I squatted in the hard but … Continue reading

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Poem : Memories

~Abha Niraula~ For a long time, after you left, I tried so hard to love my own skin. But every inch of it held your sweet smell

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Poem : Dim Sleep

~Sanjay Rai~ There was the continuous Gush of winds Blowing in and out Simmering the rhythms of life

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Translated Poem : A Day of Defeat

~Bairagi Kainla~ Translation : Dr. Govinda Raj Bhattarai We have merely heard of love like folk tales some of us have even read in short stories or novels or have seen on those old tattered papers glued to the small … Continue reading

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Poem : Student

~Sahara Bhattarai~ The choice has been made to broaden the wisdom far from the tender care struggling to make a mark of my own

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Poem : We know that you are rich

~Krishna Prasai~ If you desire, you can buy the foreign lands, If you think it necessary, you can abandon your motherland. But in the name of our property That you have thought to be worthless We still have some baskets … Continue reading

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Translated Memoir : Wow ! Himal

~Yubaraj Nayaghare~ Translation: Dr. Govindaraj Bhattarai The himals came out of this mind. From which point should I start to watch the himal? Which is the point of reference to understand the himal? How can I understand the completeness of … Continue reading

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लघुकथा : समयले कोल्टो फेरेपछि

~डा. ऋषि बस्ताकोटी~ त्यतिखेर देशको शासनसत्ता उहाँकै हातमा थियो । अधिकारको खोजी गर्नेहरू, स्वतन्त्रताको माग गर्नेहरू सबैसबैलाई सरकारले खूव दमन गर्यो । सैयौ शहीद भए, हजारौं कैद भए। मुलुक एक हिसावले राक्षसी राजमा बदलियो। आखिर अँध्यारोले उज्यालोलाई कति दिन पो … Continue reading

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गजल : मायाले भरिएँ म, मायामै पोखिएँ

~डा. ऋषि बस्ताकोटी~ मायाले भरिएँ म, मायामै पोखिएँ । कुन साइत के भयो, तिमीमै ठोकिएँ । न तिम्ले रोजेको, न मैले खोजेको, लेखेको त्यही रै’छ, तिमीमै तोकिएँ ।

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~ANUP JOSHI ~ If you reach too low or too high you needn’t feel frightened For you’ll get elevators to help you ascend or descend If you’re out in the dark night you needn’t feel frightened For you’ll see the … Continue reading

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गीत : औंलाहरू चुमेर

~बैरागी काईंला~ औंलाहरू चुमेर औँलाभरि सलाम मेरो हजुरलाई आँखाभरि सलाम, के बिराएँ ? नजरले चुमेँ ती फूल जो ओठमा फुले के बिराएँ ? हत्केलामा थापेँ ती केश जो लाजमा झुके मानेँ, कि मेरो हजुरलाई बाटोभरि साह्रै गरी लाज लाग्यो रे,

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