Tag Archives: nepali literature

Translated Poem : Refugee

~Jyoti Jungle~ Trans : Manu Manjil You are unwanted, dreams! don’t come looking for my eyes. I’ve left my vision in the horizons of my nation. here I’m without eyes here I’m without address. I’m a leaf in the wind

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Story : Tell me a tale about a tail

~Hitendra Raj Joshi~ Rossy returns from her school thrusts into the kitchen but she doesn’t feel hungry so she kicks bathroom door, she unbutton her shirt, she throws her vest, she strip her skirt and she 2064AD September 28 in … Continue reading

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Translated Poem : Walls of Kalighat and Waves of Gangasagar

~Sheetvindu~ Trans: Krishna Chandra Sharma With the fall of evening With the kindling of light The physique of Beli, Chameli and Sita Feelings of Tulsi, Ujeli and Rita Begin burning one by one Mute, smouldering While burning other things become … Continue reading

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Poem : Man O Man !

~Ram Belbase~ When without money, eats wild vegetables at home When has money, eats same wild vegetables in fine restaurant. When without money, rides bicycle; When has money, rides the same ‘exercise machine’.

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Story : The Masseur in Gauri Kunda

~Bishwaraj Adhikari~ It was 2005 or 2006, I cannot recall. We were going to Kedarnath after completing the pilgrimage of Yamunotri and Gangotri. The paved road ended in Gauri Kunda and from there we had to either walk or take … Continue reading

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Translated story : Forgetting

~Biswambhar Chanchal~ Trans: Mahesh Paudyal ‘Prarambha’ It is Saturday. Since quite early in the morning, I have been feeling that I have forgotten something important. But I can never remember. I am, however quite sure: I have forgotten something for … Continue reading

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Memoir : My First Struggle

~Sulochana Manandhar~ Winter, after stubbornly ruling the valley for months, finally folded back its icy wings, slowly and unwillingly. Spring was there, again and had brought back warmth to the earth. Trees were green again, flowers started blooming and birds … Continue reading

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Translated Story : A Demise of a Heap of Books

~Hari Govinda Luintel~ Trans: Bhakta Bahadur Shakya Mr. Sadananda, a learned man died today. Local people gathered before his dead body. “Oh! What a wise man he was.” “Oh! What a tremendous knowledge he possessed.” “He had digested hundreds of … Continue reading

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Translated Poem : Childhood

~Krishna Bhushan Bal~ Trans : Mukul Dahal The silken curtain of reminiscences is fluttering in the window of my eyes. In each fringe of the curtain peers a rainbow and vanishes. In each nap of the eyes a rose blooms … Continue reading

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Poem : Story of a Village

~Prabin Khaling~ Now a Day, villages somber in deep sleep Habit of waking in the dawn has been forgotten Walking with the rosters call has been interrupted Now a day, villages run to the cities with flags and slogans.

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Essay : The art of Internet!

~Swami Subash Chandra~ Strange things are going down. Millions of inconsequential things are happening every minute. A ‘celebrity’ does something and it’s a news breaking headline. A famous person’s ‘tweet’ sends shockwaves around the first world. Mobile game and ‘in-app’ … Continue reading

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कविता : नारी

~प्रतिभा पौडेल ‘एकता’~ त्यागिदिइन् घरपरिवार, जन्मभूमि छोडिदिइन् विवश भई सम्बन्धलाई, अरुसँगै जोडिदिइन्। झारी गइन् अश्रुधारा दुख मान्दै रोई अब उन्लाई मनाउने आयो अरु कोही। राखी गइन् मातापिता,

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Poem : Focus on The Good

~Swami Subash Chandra~ Focus on the good inside Where darkness always seeks to hide From words, the daggers fly in hate And envy, malice cannot be sate.

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Poem : Solitude’s Embrace

~Swami Subash Chandra~ I know now Why I like the solitude I know now Why I love to hear the sounds of silence with closed eyes. I came to realize that I love someone’s love to me

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Poem : Change

~Swami Subash Chandra~ As winter weeps slowly to soft bladed ground, And carolers merry end melodious sound. Sun sinks to peach; bidding us an adieu.

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Poem : Without Noise

~Swami Subash Chandra~ What do these words seek to say While other rush to lurid play? Tingles of excitement buzz While pen scratches ode to love A heady hush for calmness seeks A restful place in subtlety.

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Translated Poem : The Pursuit of man amongst men

~Ganesh Khadka ~ Translated By : Pancha Vismrit Stepping on the fragile ladder of indistinct civilization Left by forefather Ramapithecus In the early days of the world Rising and falling, appearing and disappearing The famous animals and in their animal-presence … Continue reading

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Story : Strangers at Home

~Ajit Baral~ My sister walks past us and climbs down the stairs and out into the garden she goes without looking at us—not even from the corner of her eyes. “What has come between you two?” asks Father. “Nothing,” I … Continue reading

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Poem : Smiling Death

~Abha Niraula~ She looks around, vast emptiness. she tastes the air, bitter sweetness. she laughs aloud, dying laughter. She screams out, Loud Silence.

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Essay : Uniqueness in the Modernist Nepali Literary Discourse

~Abhi Subedi~ Introduction This paper focuses on one important aspect of Nepali literature noticed in the writings of the sixties and seventies. The writings under review can be called modernist by using the occidental nomenclature for writings that satisfy certain … Continue reading

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Story : WAYWARD BAHUN (Bigrayko Bahun)

~Rupnarayan Sinha~ That day, in order to attend to an urgent work, I had to reach Rameychap at any cost. It was the month of Shrawan and the rivers and rivulets were in spate. However, I had no alternative to … Continue reading

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Story : Unmaking

~Prawin Adhikari~ Binod couldn’t think straight anymore. He couldn’t decide if it was his negligence or an occult power that kept him from finishing Smriti’s portrait. He could paint fine; there was nothing lacking in the thought and skill he … Continue reading

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Poem : Grasshopper’s Mustaches, Sounds & Furies in Sand-Valley

~Ram Prasad Prasain~ Before turning innocent smiles into voices Greenery looks yellowish today Where life starts mutability The echoes from dense Vrindha vana Reverberates from caves to caves, Eden to Eden, and times to times With reconcile provocation Of happiness … Continue reading

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Poem : Echoing Civilizations from Sands’ Valley

~Ram Prasad Prasain~ Having adhered Into the gist of existential continuum Peace is getting bloomed Slowly and steadily Lampooning the germinated seeds in human desires Pompous outlined of headaches and heartaches With Amity and Enmity

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Poem : The tongue of a prey in the Falcon’s nest

~Baldev Bhatta “Bihani”~ Inexorable mourning for the sunken sun deprecates the approaching rays in the morning, In the removed honor of my absconding deities The word today holds the furious shocks of sunken sun !! Your stubborn glories of the … Continue reading

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Fictional Story : The Messiah

~Prawin Adhikari~ Mother died and left me alone, wearing white, my head shorn, worrying about nothing, and with only two cowries to my name. Nothing tethered me to the village of my birth, so I sold what little I had … Continue reading

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~Samadarshi Kainla~ A brook A brook means Ultromotivity ! it means a whole decession- flowing to make pantisocrasy it is likely that an intellectual turmoil of aqua. A brook means more than transubstantiation- even the transubstantiation is looking a vivid … Continue reading

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Story : Story of Love

~Unknown~ A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said “I don’t think I know you, but you must be hungry. … Continue reading

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Poem : A way in a Dream

~Arun Budhathoki~ Is like a silhouette Of year?s first spring?s greedy shower, The waiting place spurned by unhealthy driver Splashes, the light of darkness dissolves In the thick purging drops of sympathy, Rain?s flower bloom from the falling cries And … Continue reading

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Poem : Barren

~Chirag Bangdel~ Among Cracks & Crevices, And Thorns, But tiny purple flower, Nothing, That’s the only existence, Clouds & Majestic blue skies, And rain drops, But the anticipation, Until then, The glaring sun light,

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Poem : Your love is comfort

~Kamala Sarup~ Live very far away That life either have less conflict One way to deal with life failing to talk Sometimes a life long standing ones Sometimes allowing a difference Impediment I love the way you look into my … Continue reading

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Translated Poem : When a Lie Becomes Imminent

~Dutendra Chamling~ Translation: Mahesh Paudyal ‘Prarambha’ As children, we marveled at the flights of Demossile Cranes flying hither from across the Koshi crooning melodies of their heart. filed in a line like a wreathe Before long, they would dart away … Continue reading

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