रचनाकारलाई खोज्न अंग्रेजीमा नाम टाइप गर्नुहोस् ।
प्रमुख सम्पादक/सङ्कलक
~ आविष्कार ~
विधा छान्नुहोस्
- English article Nepali Writer (392)
- Essay (28)
- Memoir (6)
- Micro Story (24)
- Poem (246)
- Review – Criticism (2)
- Story (86)
- Misc (11)
- अनुवादित साहित्य (516)
- Translated Essay (3)
- Translated Memoir (1)
- Translated Poem (175)
- Translated Poetic Novel (2)
- Translated Song (4)
- Translated Story (24)
- अनुदित उपन्यास (1)
- अनुदित खण्ड-काव्य (1)
- अनूदित कथा (110)
- अनूदित कविता (155)
- अनूदित नाटक (1)
- अनूदित निबन्ध (14)
- अनूदित लघुकथा (21)
- अनूदित संस्मरण (1)
- गीत (1,416)
- देउडा गीत (30)
- नेपाली गीत (1,279)
- नेपाली पप गीत (10)
- नेपाली प्यारोडी गीत (34)
- नेपाली भजन (20)
- रोइला / चुड्का (1)
- लोक गीत (18)
- स्वदेश गान (25)
- नाटक – रङ्गमञ्च (89)
- एकाङ्की (43)
- नाटक (40)
- प्रहसन (5)
- रेडियो नाटक (1)
- नेपाली उपन्यास (29)
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- ताङ्का (12)
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- महाकाव्य (8)
- मुक्तक (298)
- रुबाई (25)
- लघु-काव्य (1)
- लिमरिक (5)
- वीरकालीन कविता (4)
- शोक-काव्य (1)
- सिजो (9)
- सेदोका (7)
- सेन्र्यू (12)
- हाइकु (148)
- नेपाली गद्य (5,122)
- जातक कथा (5)
- धर्मिक कथा (1)
- निबन्ध (405)
- नेपाली कथा (3,335)
- नैतिक कथा (18)
- पत्र साहित्य (60)
- पुस्तक अंश (31)
- पौराणिक कथा (53)
- मनोवाद / स्वगत (34)
- लघुकथा (1,057)
- लोककथा / दन्त्यकथा (98)
- सूत्रकथा (70)
- बाल साहित्य (376)
- बाल उपन्यास (3)
- बाल एकाङ्की (8)
- बाल कथा (223)
- बाल कविता (105)
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- बाल गीत (18)
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- भाषा-भाषी साहित्य (373)
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- अवधी कविता (1)
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- कुलुङ भाषी रचना (8)
- कुलुङ कविता (1)
- कुलुङ गजल (3)
- कुलुङ गीत (3)
- कुलुङ मुक्तक (1)
- चाम्लिङ भाषी रचना (22)
- चाम्लिङ कविता (19)
- चाम्लिङ गजल (3)
- डोट्याली रचना (20)
- डोट्याली कविता (1)
- डोट्याली गजल (11)
- डोट्याली गीत (8)
- तामाङ भाषी रचना (27)
- तामाङ कथा (1)
- तामाङ कविता (10)
- तामाङ गजल (11)
- तामाङ गीत (1)
- तामाङ मुक्तक (1)
- तामाङ लघुकथा (1)
- तामाङ हाइकु (2)
- थामी भाषी रचना (10)
- थामी कविता (4)
- थामी गजल (4)
- थामी संस्मरण (2)
- थारू भाषी रचना (40)
- थारु निबन्ध (1)
- थारू कथा (9)
- थारू कविता (7)
- थारू गजल (9)
- थारू छेस्का (1)
- थारू बालकथा (2)
- थारू मुक्तक (7)
- थारू हाइकु (2)
- धिमाल भाषी रचना (16)
- धिमाल कविता (15)
- धिमाल गजल (1)
- नेवारी रचना (46)
- नेवारी कविता (30)
- नेवारी गजल (3)
- नेवारी गीत (4)
- नेवारी मुक्तक (1)
- नेवारी समीक्षा (5)
- नेवारी हाइकु (3)
- बज्जिका रचना (3)
- बज्जिका कविता (1)
- बज्जिका गजल (1)
- बज्जिका लघुकथा (1)
- बान्तावा भाषी रचना (5)
- बान्तावा कविता (2)
- बान्तावा गजल (2)
- बान्तावा गीत (1)
- भोजपुरी रचना (9)
- भोजपुरी कथा (2)
- भोजपुरी कविता (3)
- भोजपुरी गजल (3)
- भोजपुरी गीत (1)
- मगर भाषी रचना (9)
- मैथिली रचना (85)
- मैथिली कथा (4)
- मैथिली कविता (32)
- मैथिली गजल (22)
- मैथिली गीत (5)
- मैथिली मुक्तक (13)
- मैथिली समीक्षा (1)
- मैथिली हाइकु (8)
- लिम्बू भाषी रचना (12)
- लिम्बू कविता (6)
- लिम्बू गजल (3)
- लिम्बू हाइकु (2)
- वाम्बुले भाषी रचना (1)
- वाम्बुले कविता (1)
- शेर्पा भाषी रचना (13)
- शेर्पा कविता (4)
- शेर्पा गजल (8)
- शेर्पा गीत (1)
- संस्कृत रचना (5)
- संस्कृत कविता (2)
- संस्कृत गजल (1)
- संस्कृत समीक्षा (2)
- सुनुवार भाषी रचना (39)
- सुनुवार कविता (33)
- सुनुवार गजल (3)
- सुनुवार गीत (3)
- अवधी रचना (3)
- लेख – समीक्षा (832)
- विचार मन्थन|चिन्तन (28)
- संस्कार – संस्कृति परिचय (28)
- साहित्यिक भलाकुसारी (38)
- स्थान परिचय (4)
- स्मृति साहित्य (535)
- स्रष्टा चिनारी (81)
- स्रष्टा जीवनी (26)
- स्रष्टा परिचय (54)
- स्रस्टा वैयक्तिक विवरण (1)
- हास्य – व्यङ्ग्य (555)
- English article Nepali Writer (392)
नेपाली साहित्य लेखन सहयोगी
१. साहित्य सृजना कसरी गर्ने ?
२. हाइकु कसरी लेख्ने ?
३. गेडी कसरी लेख्ने ?
४. गजल कसरी लेख्ने ?
५. छन्दमा कविता कसरी लेख्ने ?
६. तान्का कसरी लेख्ने ?
७. रुबाई कसरी लेख्ने ?
८. छेस्का कसरी लेख्ने ?
९. मुक्तक कसरी लेख्ने ?
१०. कविता कसरी लेख्ने ?
११. सिजो कसरी लेख्ने ?
१२. तप्कना कसरी लेख्ने ?
१३. तियाली कसरी लेख्ने ?
१४. बाछिटा कसरी लेख्ने ?
१५. कथा कसरी लेख्ने ?
१६. लघुकथा कसरी लेख्ने ?
१७. उपन्यास कसरी लेख्ने ?
१८. नाटक कसरी लेख्ने ?
१९. एकाङ्की कसरी लेख्ने ?
२०. रेडियो स्क्रिप्ट कसरी लेख्ने?
21. पत्रसाहित्य कसरी लेख्ने?Follow साहित्य सङ्ग्रहालय
यो हफ्ता धेरै पढिएको
- स्रष्टा जीवनी : कथाकार देवकुमारी थापा
- समीक्षा : तामाङ जाति र सेलो
- किराँती दन्त्यकथा : स्याङ्ग्री बूढीको नाति
- लोक नैतिक कथा : कालिदास र सरस्वती
- स्रष्टा जीवनी : मैथिलीका कविकोकिल विद्यापति
- कविता : मानव
- बाल नाटक : बाल अधिकार
- कविता : मेरो विज्ञान-प्रविधि
- बालकथा : बिचरो कौवा
- पुस्तक समीक्षा : “राष्ट्रनिर्माता खण्डकाव्य” भित्र एक नजर लाउँदा
Category Archives: English article Nepali Writer
Story : A Teenager from Mars
~Janak Prasad Dhungana~ It is the dawn of April , 2071 AD . The people of Mars are still in deep slumber. The Whole City of Marson illuminates like full lunar. The robot dogs bark and cocks crow. The electric … Continue reading
Story : The Masseur in Gauri Kunda
~Bishwaraj Adhikari~ It was 2005 or 2006, I cannot recall. We were going to Kedarnath after completing the pilgrimage of Yamunotri and Gangotri. The paved road ended in Gauri Kunda and from there we had to either walk or take … Continue reading
Memoir : My First Struggle
~Sulochana Manandhar~ Winter, after stubbornly ruling the valley for months, finally folded back its icy wings, slowly and unwillingly. Spring was there, again and had brought back warmth to the earth. Trees were green again, flowers started blooming and birds … Continue reading
Poem : Nepal
~Hiranya Bhojpure~ Nepal, is the country of Feelings of my feeling Nepal, is the country of Dreams of my dream Nepal, Mero Nepal, Pyaro Nepal. My dream is : To live together
Story : Trust
~Rajan Kafle~ ‘Saugat’s daddy, can we take the children to the theatre tonight?’ Manorama asked her husband as she helped him put his jacket. Lookdeep was flanked by his wife and kids as he was ready to go to his … Continue reading
Poem : Story of a Village
~Prabin Khaling~ Now a Day, villages somber in deep sleep Habit of waking in the dawn has been forgotten Walking with the rosters call has been interrupted Now a day, villages run to the cities with flags and slogans.
Memoir : Ram Narayan Sir
~Mohan Sitoula~ With a very handsome and majestic personality, still better with his skillfully pruned and very well taken care of hair, Ram Narayan Pradhan was a dedicated teacher of talent and sweet tone, a committed educational administrator and later … Continue reading
Poem : Request
~Rajan Kafle~ Imagine me a candle you the wick inside and your love the oil that keeps burning me as your image tricks my eyes as my eyes chase your image the game of hide and sick
Poem : The sun
~Himanshu Nibha Kunwar~ The sun comes up and the moon goes down When the moon comes up The sun goes down We sleep in moon
Poem : Travesty of silence
~Rajan Kafle~ For many years, day and night Since she first came in sight I loved her with all my emotions With Pure notions of love, Little desires, no obsessions The image of a lady in red Dwelt in my … Continue reading
Poem : It belongs to me
~Rajan Kafle~ My eyes rest on No ordinary appearance My heart sets on No ordinary elegance The beauty Which the world is glad of The grace Which the world is mad of
Poem : Clueless
~Rajan Kafle~ Resolute dream Strong bond Simple desire Ample trust Endearing vicinity Eternal affinity Plentiful respect Yet imperfect
Poem : Sweetheart’s letter
~Rajan Kafle~ Sweetheart, I read your letter And I read it many times I smiled with your words And I cried with them And again I smiled There was love and emotion There was passion and desperation
Essay : The art of Internet!
~Swami Subash Chandra~ Strange things are going down. Millions of inconsequential things are happening every minute. A ‘celebrity’ does something and it’s a news breaking headline. A famous person’s ‘tweet’ sends shockwaves around the first world. Mobile game and ‘in-app’ … Continue reading
Poem : Don’t Know the Meaning of the Word
~Raksha Gautam~ You said you would pray with me but when the struggles appeared, you strayed away from me Care? Don’t Know the Meaning of the Word Harsh maybe, but your tears are undefined Especially to entertain another one’s goodness … Continue reading
Children’s Story : The White Crow
~Binay Kasajoo~ It was a hot summer day. Luse, a crow, was resting on the branch of a dense tree. He was about to fall asleep when he felt some liquid falling on his body. His body became drenched with … Continue reading
Poem : Focus on The Good
~Swami Subash Chandra~ Focus on the good inside Where darkness always seeks to hide From words, the daggers fly in hate And envy, malice cannot be sate.
Poem : Solitude’s Embrace
~Swami Subash Chandra~ I know now Why I like the solitude I know now Why I love to hear the sounds of silence with closed eyes. I came to realize that I love someone’s love to me
Story : Happy Birthday!
~K. Anish Pokharel~ Under normal circumstances, the birth of a baby boy comes as a great moment of happiness for every aspiring father (when I say boy, I, in no proximity, am trying to exercise chauvinism, rather it is my … Continue reading
Poem : Change
~Swami Subash Chandra~ As winter weeps slowly to soft bladed ground, And carolers merry end melodious sound. Sun sinks to peach; bidding us an adieu.
Story : Off To School I Go
~Sunil Nepali~ The sudden drop in water pressure and the croaking shower awakened me to the muddy reality swirling around my feet. I stepped aside for a moment, but the water stayed murky, slimy. So I killed the shower and … Continue reading
Poem : Without Noise
~Swami Subash Chandra~ What do these words seek to say While other rush to lurid play? Tingles of excitement buzz While pen scratches ode to love A heady hush for calmness seeks A restful place in subtlety.
Story : The One
~Paramendra Bhagat~ She looked like the one. He met her on a boring Saturday afternoon after having been online a few hours. The crowd had dispersed. She asked a few questions, and he answered best he could. That had happened … Continue reading
Story : Going By The Clock
~Paramendra Bhagat~ When I saw her for the first time, she had her papers strewn all over the dining table: recent mail, news clippings, newsletters, papers in progress, handwritten notes, opened and sealed envelopes, pamphlets to pass around, her appointments … Continue reading
Poem : Solitude’s Embrace
~Shiva Gautam~ I know now Why I like the solitude I know now Why I love to hear the sounds of silence with closed eyes. I came to realize that I love someone’s love to me I embrace someone’s embrace … Continue reading
Story : The Discovery of the High Lama
~Sushma Joshi~ The older I get, the more I am astonished by this trickster hand of time. Look at all the boys we thought would go on to become doctors and engineers. They became lafanka men playing guitar in Thamel. … Continue reading
Poem : WATER
~Krisu Chhetri~ Do not regard water ever cold and liquid Do not regard water ever simple and plain Feel to its core A fire is ever burning inside the water Water ever revolts against motionlessness Water emits songs of revolt … Continue reading
Poem : The Song of Birds
~Krisu Chhetri~ A bird always sings the song of light the song of dawn against the dark, deep and desolate night The moon fights against the darkness the glowworm fights too While fighting against the night
Story : Home Comes The Bullock Cart
~Paramendra Bhagat~ It was past sunset. The village was veiled in the growing dark. Lanterns burned kerosene to throw the meager light in the little courtyards in front of the mud houses that sometimes made its way onto the narrow … Continue reading
Story : The End Of The World
~Sushma Joshi~ One day, everybody was talking about it. It had even been printed in the newspapers. A great and learned sadhu had prophesized a conflagration, a natural disaster of such proportions that more than half of the world’s population … Continue reading
Poem : Freedom Fighter
~Madhuban Paudel~ As I pass by that corner My eyes are struck on him ! A lonely man under that lamp post On a torn wheel-chair He laments every day He lost his both legs long ago struggling as a … Continue reading
Story : An Immutable Loss
~K. Anish Pokharel~ It was one of those cold, windy mornings of January of the year 2001; seismic waves got manifested in their worst possible form in the Indian state of Gujarat. It was the movement of the Indian sub-continental … Continue reading