Tag Archives: nepali literature

कविता : बिसे नगर्चीको बयान

~श्रवण मुकारुङ~ मालिक ! म यो गोरखा राज्यमा अर्ढाई सय वर्षछि बौलाएँ । मेरो टाउको फनफनी घुमिरहेछ जमिन आकाशतिर आकाश जमिनतिर भइरहेछ आँखा तिर्मिरतिर्मिर भएर हजुरको शिर दसवटा देखिरहेछु खोई मेरो पैताला कहाँनिर छ – कहाँनिर छ बिसे नगर्ची – … Continue reading

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कविता : कहाँ खोजु वुद्धलाई ?

~आरजु विष्ट “सल्यानी”~ दर्शन र सुदृष्टि भन्दा वुद्धलाई देउता बनाए, पत्थरको देउता बनाए, …द्रष्टा, दर्शन भन्दा पनि मात्र देउता र मूर्ति । अनि,

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विचार मन्थन पुस्तक : विचार विज्ञान

~खप्तड बाबा~    विचार विज्ञान | खप्तड बाबा विचार के हो ? विचारमाथि विचार गर्नुभन्दा पहिले त यी प्रश्न नै उत्पन्न हुन्छन्– विचार के हो ? कहाँबाट उत्पन्न हुन्छ ? तथा विचारहरुको के प्रभाव पर्दछ ? विचारहरुमा कति शक्ति छ … Continue reading

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कथा : आरम्भ अर्थात् सुरुआत

~धीरकुमार श्रेष्ठ~ वर्तमान लगातार साइरन बजिरहेको छ । सबैलाई लाइनअगाडिको खुला चउरमा हातहतियारसहित उपस्थित हुनाका लागि जनाउ दिइएको हो, यो । जो जुन अवस्थामा छन्, सोही अवस्थामा लाइनतिर दगुर्छन् । भात खाइरहेकाहरु थाल छाड्दै, नुहाइरहेकाहरु शरीरका साबुन नपखाली, शौचालय गएकाहरु … Continue reading

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कविता : तिम्रो अभाव

~ऋचा शर्मा तिवारी~ मेरो जीवनको हर खुशीहरुमा जहर घोल्न नआउ तिमी । खुशी रहन चाहने मेरा रहरहरुमा दर्दको आतंक फैलाउन नआउ तिमी ।

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कविता : संसार भरिका हाकिमहरु

~डिग बहादुर तामांग~ कोहि हाकिम सारै राम्रा आखांमा राखेनी हुने कोहि हाकमि सारै खराब बांदरे चुटेनी हुने । कोहि हाकिम सारै असल काम अति नै जान्ने कोहि हाकिम सारै खराब काम अति नै चोरने । कोहि हाकिम सारै असल काम … Continue reading

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कविता : मायालु तिमी

~राकेश कार्की~ खहरे मेरो यौवनमा मायालु तिमी बगी आयौ बिरह पोलेको यो मनमा बादलु तिमी बनि छायौ

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कविता : आजको स्वतन्त्रता

~होमनाथ सुवेदी~ मान्छे थिए विविध वर्ग र वर्णताका, मार्थे ल शोषण गरेर त दासताका, भन्छौं सबै पतन भो पहिलो जमाना, स्वातन्त्र्यता र समता अबको खजाना ।

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कविता : सपनामा मेरो देश

~शिशिर शर्मा~ एकरात मैले अकस्मात सपना देखेँ लम्पसार सुतेका लाशहरु घारोका लागि काटेका बाँसहरु जर्याकजुरुक उठे, रगतसितै लत्पतिएका घाँसहरु मनसितै गलेका आसहरु उसैगरी उठे ।

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कविता : काँडे बयर

~शिव प्रकाश~ मीठो फलको आश गरेर रोपिएको बयर न कहिल्यै ढकमक्क फूलेर मगमग सुभाषित नै भयो । न कहिल्यै लटरम्म फलेर त्यसले मीठो फल नै खुवायो । झण्डै अढाइसय वर्ष पुराने बयर जति जति बुढो हुदैं आयो, त्यति त्यति झाँगिन … Continue reading

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कविता : दैलो ढप्कि सकेछ

~राकेश कार्की~ खहरे हिंडदा हिंडदै झमक्क सांझ परेछ हतार हतार पुगेछु दैलो ढप्कि सकेछ बाटो बाटोमा तिम्रो पाईला खोजें अश्रुको झरीले संभावना रुझे धुनि तापि बसेका ए युगल जोडी देखेनौ तिनीलाई सोंधे आश गरी

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कविता : आस्था

~दीपक जडित~ उनीहरुले जूनको गीत लेखेर गाएछन् उज्यालो त उनलाई पनि चाहिएकै रहेछ फरक मात्रै यती हो की उनीहरु अझै जूनकै उज्यालोले संसार हेर्न खोजीरहेछन् अब जूनको भर नपर भन्छु म जूनको उज्यालो तिम्रो आस्था हुन सक्दैन हरेक पल्ट झैं … Continue reading

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कविता : शुभकामना देशलाई

~शिव प्रकाश~ न त कुनै पर्वको अवसर नै छ न त कुनै महोत्सव नै चलेको छ तै पनि शुभकामना छ, देशलाई शुभकामना छ रावण “कौरव युद्धको दुन्दुभि देशमा अहिले बज्न छाडेका जस्तो लागेको छ बषौदेखि चलेको मारकाटका मोहत्सवबाट देशलेअहिले राहत … Continue reading

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Story : Murkuttae Bhut

~Soham Dhakal~ If I remember correctly, as a child, the rumors about Murkuttae Bhut had been very frightening. Now that I think about it, it was a deep resentment that could not be explained. Oh yes, there were a lot … Continue reading

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Story : Prabhuji’s Son

~Prawin Adhikari~ Harihar tightly grasps the toes of his opposite legs as he sits patiently in the lotus position, waiting for Sangita to knead his head and tell if the pumpkin is ripe enough for her to take to the … Continue reading

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Story : Cafe D’amor

~Jayendra Pathak~ I can’t say what made me fall in love with this cafe. Everything is so intense, the colors, the taste, even the Rain not the filthy rain as that of my town. They say whatever you are looking … Continue reading

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Story : Untitled

~Prawin Adhikari~ A child’s green shoe in the thorny shadows of a cactus hedge—wet, small, pitiably lonely without its pair—accused Janaki of slaughter. She crouched to hide from the world, but the wind caught her scent and blew it to … Continue reading

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Story : Conversations

~Soham Dhakal~ “You know, sometimes I wish that I could dissapear. Its not because I am running away from anything, its just that I want to vanish. Just because. There is actually no rational explanation. Well maybe because I get … Continue reading

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Story : The “Itch”

~Manjari Himchuli~ I first noticed the itch when I was maybe nine or ten years old. I think I might have had contracted it from one of my good friends as I started experiencing it right after she won her … Continue reading

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Poem : I am a Terrorist

~Tenzin Tsundue~ I am a terrorist I like to kill. I have a horn, two fangs and a dragon fly tail.

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Poem : To My Uncle

~Sagar Rijal~ When I leave I will remember the peas you planted on the yard and the lone orange tree, its leaves deep green in the winter sun, still too young to bear fruit.

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Poem : Bird Watching

~Sagar Rijal~ I don’t know where the birds go to die. I have never seen, a crow or a sparrow fall down in midflight. Not the hunted birds; the free wheeling ones, that die natural deaths.

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Poem : To Cigarette

~Arun Budhathoki~ Music Never Stops Bubbly faith floating profusely Between flippant contemplation and wall of desire Weaves majestic zenith-clouds; sparkling fire clout Heartbeats, falling ashes defile sanity, Coy traveller enrapture weak currents,

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Poem : The ruined history

~Chanky Shrestha ‘Avaya’~ They pierced here with a solemn dusk and murdered my dream at the moment when I was exessively passionate to it

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Poem : Coward

~Shradha Mukhiya~ civilization. the fragance of money, closets and drive- ins, the laser beams and wood, sex of power, constipated power freaks, guns and peace prize, psychoanalysis and depression, moral codes with double standards,

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Poem : Looking Back

~Kunga Tshring~ Looking back My life was like a chaotic kaleidescope Everywhere I turned, My Life seemed always bizzarre My darkest hours seem so hillarous My love life so mockfully null Looking back

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Poem : Refuge

~Prabal Thapa~ I came to refuge from a long way…. long long way that I would never anticipate to go back Everythings have been already packed for ever… there is nothing left behind Except gruesome memories of haunted house and … Continue reading

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Poem : Faces

~Deepak Shrestha~ Faces, too many faces Some I remember Most I forgot Some I love Few I hate But Faces

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Poem : Daffodils

~Deepak Shrestha~ I saw her In Daffodils garden With wings on her back Like an Angel I asked her How are you And She cried with pain While gently holding her warm arms

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Poem : Strong Enough

~Arati Yonjan~ Well, so many of them said that I was not strong enough to have and to hold the light of love. I am not one of those who seek their way through open doors to save their lives … Continue reading

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Poem : Thoughts

~Arati Yonjan~ Thoughts, ideas they are all like steam if you harnessed them properly they would turn into energy, if you failed,

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Poem : What Is Life Worth?

~Padminee~ What is life worth When your loved ones abuse you Accuse you? What is life worth When your friend leaves you Betrays you? What is life worth

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