रचनाकारलाई खोज्न अंग्रेजीमा नाम टाइप गर्नुहोस् ।
प्रमुख सम्पादक/सङ्कलक
~ आविष्कार ~
विधा छान्नुहोस्
- English article Nepali Writer (392)
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- Micro Story (24)
- Poem (246)
- Review – Criticism (2)
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- अनुवादित साहित्य (516)
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- Translated Poetic Novel (2)
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- नेपाली गीत (1,279)
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- नेपाली प्यारोडी गीत (34)
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- नेपाली कथा (3,335)
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- चाम्लिङ कविता (19)
- चाम्लिङ गजल (3)
- डोट्याली रचना (20)
- डोट्याली कविता (1)
- डोट्याली गजल (11)
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- तामाङ भाषी रचना (27)
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- तामाङ गजल (11)
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- तामाङ लघुकथा (1)
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- थारू कविता (7)
- थारू गजल (9)
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- थारू मुक्तक (7)
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- बज्जिका गजल (1)
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- बान्तावा गीत (1)
- भोजपुरी रचना (9)
- भोजपुरी कथा (2)
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- मैथिली कविता (32)
- मैथिली गजल (22)
- मैथिली गीत (5)
- मैथिली मुक्तक (13)
- मैथिली समीक्षा (1)
- मैथिली हाइकु (8)
- लिम्बू भाषी रचना (12)
- लिम्बू कविता (6)
- लिम्बू गजल (3)
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- वाम्बुले भाषी रचना (1)
- वाम्बुले कविता (1)
- शेर्पा भाषी रचना (13)
- शेर्पा कविता (4)
- शेर्पा गजल (8)
- शेर्पा गीत (1)
- संस्कृत रचना (5)
- संस्कृत कविता (2)
- संस्कृत गजल (1)
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- सुनुवार भाषी रचना (39)
- सुनुवार कविता (33)
- सुनुवार गजल (3)
- सुनुवार गीत (3)
- अवधी रचना (3)
- लेख – समीक्षा (832)
- विचार मन्थन|चिन्तन (28)
- संस्कार – संस्कृति परिचय (28)
- साहित्यिक भलाकुसारी (38)
- स्थान परिचय (4)
- स्मृति साहित्य (535)
- स्रष्टा चिनारी (81)
- स्रष्टा जीवनी (26)
- स्रष्टा परिचय (54)
- स्रस्टा वैयक्तिक विवरण (1)
- हास्य – व्यङ्ग्य (555)
- English article Nepali Writer (392)
नेपाली साहित्य लेखन सहयोगी
१. साहित्य सृजना कसरी गर्ने ?
२. हाइकु कसरी लेख्ने ?
३. गेडी कसरी लेख्ने ?
४. गजल कसरी लेख्ने ?
५. छन्दमा कविता कसरी लेख्ने ?
६. तान्का कसरी लेख्ने ?
७. रुबाई कसरी लेख्ने ?
८. छेस्का कसरी लेख्ने ?
९. मुक्तक कसरी लेख्ने ?
१०. कविता कसरी लेख्ने ?
११. सिजो कसरी लेख्ने ?
१२. तप्कना कसरी लेख्ने ?
१३. तियाली कसरी लेख्ने ?
१४. बाछिटा कसरी लेख्ने ?
१५. कथा कसरी लेख्ने ?
१६. लघुकथा कसरी लेख्ने ?
१७. उपन्यास कसरी लेख्ने ?
१८. नाटक कसरी लेख्ने ?
१९. एकाङ्की कसरी लेख्ने ?
२०. रेडियो स्क्रिप्ट कसरी लेख्ने?
21. पत्रसाहित्य कसरी लेख्ने?Follow साहित्य सङ्ग्रहालय
यो हफ्ता धेरै पढिएको
- नियात्रा : इलाम यात्रा
- समीक्षा : नारीमनकी कथाकार प्रेमा शाह र उनको ‘पहेँलो गुलाफ’
- कथा : एक रात
- शोधपत्र : विधा तत्वका आधारमा सन्त्रस्त आँखाहरु कथासङ्ग्रहको अध्ययन
- कविता : देशभक्ति
- समीक्षा : 'पापिनी आमा' खण्डकाव्यको विश्लेषण
- तेजिन्द्र रानाका तीन मुक्तकहरु
- कार्यपत्र : नेपाली उपन्यासको विकासक्रम
- बालकथा : बिचरो कौवा
- संस्कृति परिचय : किरात चाड उभौली/उधौली पर्वः बारे प्रचलित मिथकहरु
Category Archives: English article Nepali Writer
Micro Story : Blue Eyes
~Eagam Khaling~ A young man, with a high josh, dives barely into the blue water of the two ponds and swims across but cannot gain a complete satisfaction. He again dives into the water but that also fails to gratify … Continue reading
Poem : Seen Unseen
~Shreejana Rajbahak~ A mere fear craves for my soul I see shadows that i can’t see I hear the voices that i shouldn’t hear I feel something thats’ not even there An open door A closed door
Micro Story : I don’t know
~Eagam Khaling~ A stranger has come to their house and secretly conversing with husband. Wife is preparing two cups of black tea for them. At the very moment, the husband comes into the kitchen and modestly asks her clarifying the … Continue reading
Story : Metamorphosis
~Jiwan Kshetry~ I had been aware of the odd glance given by everybody else in the crowded jeep. Was it my attire or was it my face that was drawing attention of so many people? Either way, I chose the … Continue reading
Story : Bride
~Eagam Khaling~ A marriage ceremonial party is going on inside the hotel Seven Seventeen of Darjeeling town. A stranger in a black suit suddenly appears before the busy bride in a narrow space of the hall. The bride smiles touching … Continue reading
Story : Iveri and Internet
~Mokshyada Amgai~ ”Exam is coming closer. Do hard work and stand first. Then you’ll have internet facility.” asked Ramesh Ivery convincingly. Ivery studies in grade six now. She always insists on getting internet connected in her own home. However, her … Continue reading
Story : Lost in Oblivion
~Sanjiwan Pradhan~ That morning when the sun`s warm rays were still struggling beyond the horizon hoping to leap beyond the imaginary threshold they were entangled in, I felt cold. The usual warmth I was used to was not within my … Continue reading
Poem : Junkeri
~Dweep Mustang~ They say it rained yesterday Putting the flames to rest As if overnight someone Ran an undercover operation Wiping all evidence and allaying our fears. But the pelting of stones and The broken glasses tell a different tale.
Translated Microstory : How do we benefit?
~Binaya Kasajoo~ Translation : Dr. S. G. Tenzin This is not a satire on development but a true incident. Some years back, an international organisation provided service-latrines for every locality under the aegis of Health and Hygiene program. But the … Continue reading
Posted in Micro Story, Translated Story
Tagged Dr. S. G. Tenzin, Microstory, विनयकुमार कसजू - Binaya Kasajoo
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Essay : Dream, Insight, Crime and Penalty
~Rajendra Ojha ‘Nayan’~ Different types of stories are created with the flow of time. Some stories are natural and some are artificial in nature. Some stories are still being created by nature according to the need of time and (sometime) … Continue reading
Poem : Oh ! my Mother
~Abishek Dhungana~ I can differentiate, I can integrate, I can use theorem, I can relate, I can be precise, I can be accurate, Give me a pen, and I can deviate,
Translated Microstory : The Fish out here is really Great
~Binaya Kasajoo~ Translation : Deepak Thapa This is a tale of a development centre. The centre is a tall, five-storeyed building surrounded by ponds of various sizes. The pond is home of a lot of fish, some frogs, some crabs … Continue reading
Poem : My memory Chip
~Abishek Dhungana~ Like an ocean, full of emotion; Resembling the storm with limitless power Pouring upon me an idea-filled shower, Beneath its tides, lie countless wrecks, Like memoirs resting inside my head,
Story : Title of Poem
~Eagam Khaling~ In an early winter morning, a poet leaving his poem incomplete on the table suddenly walks towards the street. On the way measuring his restlessness a known person asks him, “Hello Sir! Where are you hurrying up to? … Continue reading
Poem : What If ?
~Shrisha Tuladhar~ What if everything came to an end? Would the birds stop singing? Or the roads go silent? What if there would be nothing left?
Poem : A reporter`s sorrow
~Rajendra Bhandari~ The one fasting unto death has already broken his fast By drinking Mausami squash. Today no news of heart stroke of any Prime Minister, Minister or Ward Commissioner. No Scam. No Rape.
Poem : Harvest
~Nabin Kumar Chhetri~ It is only September and the fields have turned gold. Soon the harvest season will come when the paddies grow tall enough to whistle with the wind. The sparrows will come and build nests on the roof … Continue reading
Micro Story : A Sleeping Bag for Mr. Fox
~Binaya Kasajoo~ Mr. INGO once went to a village along with Mr. NGO. Around midnight Mr. INGO fumbled towards by bush to attend to a call of nature. He was greeted by a cacophony of foxes wailing together. Next morning … Continue reading
Poem : Parts are here to quell off
~Sujata Zimba~ Those sweet memories How so I remind you of Lone am I here So easily thee forgot Couldn’t even think Thy love could get hurt
Story : My Love…My Suspicion …and Then…
~Shristy Tuladhar~ I have suffered many disappointments in love. But, when Sophie came, everything changed. The first time I met her was at a friend’s party. I was head over heels in love with her. I found out that she … Continue reading
Poem : Pleading for the LOVE
~Pravin Rai Jumeli~ Do not arrest me within your forearms Do not play me with your kisses Do not draw the boundary of love by the love letters Your unrestrained youth does not flavors the love
Child Story : The Light of Peace
~Suren Upreti~ My name is Pemba . I was very excited to go on an educational tour with my class to Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha who is also called Siddhartha Gautam. Lumbini is situated in the western part of … Continue reading
Poem : Muktinath
~Sienna Radha Craig~ His hands the color of pitch he carries Calloused beyond the dozen years he bears Back and shoulders bent by forest’s weight Carried each day to make a meal Mother made frail by as many years of … Continue reading
Poem : A change in a Second
~Shreejana Rajbahak~ I am alive,wait..i was until u slammed that door to my dreams last night n i didn’t cry,no..not even a drop of my tears but i hit my head to the wall really hard
Poem : Tree ! This tree!
~Arun Budhathoki~ Lonesome tree, Half naked and half minded Mad tree; Laughing peacefully dances mysteriously In front of me. What you need? Love, food, gloom or cloth;
Poem : What if…?
~Kreeti Bhandari ~ What if life ends before expected? What if you believe in is nowhere accepted? What if you’re left all alone in the crowd?
Poem : A Madrigal of my Madness
~Pravab Dhakal~ you always smile but when i search your heat i fell the sorrow and the pain don’t try to hide it from me, you cannot lie, i can fell the depth.
Poem : Wings
~Purushottam Dhungel~ I have millions of wings Wings of million desires Wings of million dreams Wings of million imaginations These wings are not
Poem : To a Hypocrite
~Kreeti Bhandari ~ Hey girl! Wake up from your dreams And see this world through your open eyes I can be your friend when you’re in need But I cannot be your guiding light You try to find your inner … Continue reading
कविता : मलाई हेर्ने आँट नगर
~ममिता मर्मस्पर्शी~ मेरो बिहेको मौन-मौन आवाज सुन्दैछु मलाई हेर्न आउँछ रे सपना झलझली बुन्दैछु गनी-गनी वरमाला उन्दैछु कल्पनामा तिमीलाई नै चुन्दैछु फाटेकोलाई पनि तुन्दैछु त्यो वरमाला साँच्चै उन्दैछु तर सुहाउँदैन तिमीलाई मैले उनेको वरमाला
Poem : On Redefining Fear
~Arjun Dahal~ I am living with fear. -fear of hackers, -fear of police, -fear of suicidal thoughts, sometimes occurring
Poem : Journey
~Pravab Dhakal~ You look so peaceful when the night spreads it’s light of hope to the Earth. The clear sky with the moon and the twinkling stars really brings a smile on your confused face.