रचनाकारलाई खोज्न अंग्रेजीमा नाम टाइप गर्नुहोस् ।
प्रमुख सम्पादक/सङ्कलक
~ आविष्कार ~
विधा छान्नुहोस्
- English article Nepali Writer (392)
- Essay (28)
- Memoir (6)
- Micro Story (24)
- Poem (246)
- Review – Criticism (2)
- Story (86)
- Misc (11)
- अनुवादित साहित्य (516)
- Translated Essay (3)
- Translated Memoir (1)
- Translated Poem (175)
- Translated Poetic Novel (2)
- Translated Song (4)
- Translated Story (24)
- अनुदित उपन्यास (1)
- अनुदित खण्ड-काव्य (1)
- अनूदित कथा (110)
- अनूदित कविता (155)
- अनूदित नाटक (1)
- अनूदित निबन्ध (14)
- अनूदित लघुकथा (21)
- अनूदित संस्मरण (1)
- गीत (1,416)
- देउडा गीत (30)
- नेपाली गीत (1,279)
- नेपाली पप गीत (10)
- नेपाली प्यारोडी गीत (34)
- नेपाली भजन (20)
- रोइला / चुड्का (1)
- लोक गीत (18)
- स्वदेश गान (25)
- नाटक – रङ्गमञ्च (89)
- एकाङ्की (43)
- नाटक (40)
- प्रहसन (5)
- रेडियो नाटक (1)
- नेपाली उपन्यास (29)
- नेपाली काव्य (11,373)
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- मुक्तक (298)
- रुबाई (25)
- लघु-काव्य (1)
- लिमरिक (5)
- वीरकालीन कविता (4)
- शोक-काव्य (1)
- सिजो (9)
- सेदोका (7)
- सेन्र्यू (12)
- हाइकु (148)
- नेपाली गद्य (5,122)
- जातक कथा (5)
- धर्मिक कथा (1)
- निबन्ध (405)
- नेपाली कथा (3,335)
- नैतिक कथा (18)
- पत्र साहित्य (60)
- पुस्तक अंश (31)
- पौराणिक कथा (53)
- मनोवाद / स्वगत (34)
- लघुकथा (1,057)
- लोककथा / दन्त्यकथा (98)
- सूत्रकथा (70)
- बाल साहित्य (376)
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- बाल कविता (105)
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- बाल गीत (18)
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- अवधी कविता (1)
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- कुलुङ भाषी रचना (8)
- कुलुङ कविता (1)
- कुलुङ गजल (3)
- कुलुङ गीत (3)
- कुलुङ मुक्तक (1)
- चाम्लिङ भाषी रचना (22)
- चाम्लिङ कविता (19)
- चाम्लिङ गजल (3)
- डोट्याली रचना (20)
- डोट्याली कविता (1)
- डोट्याली गजल (11)
- डोट्याली गीत (8)
- तामाङ भाषी रचना (27)
- तामाङ कथा (1)
- तामाङ कविता (10)
- तामाङ गजल (11)
- तामाङ गीत (1)
- तामाङ मुक्तक (1)
- तामाङ लघुकथा (1)
- तामाङ हाइकु (2)
- थामी भाषी रचना (10)
- थामी कविता (4)
- थामी गजल (4)
- थामी संस्मरण (2)
- थारू भाषी रचना (40)
- थारु निबन्ध (1)
- थारू कथा (9)
- थारू कविता (7)
- थारू गजल (9)
- थारू छेस्का (1)
- थारू बालकथा (2)
- थारू मुक्तक (7)
- थारू हाइकु (2)
- धिमाल भाषी रचना (16)
- धिमाल कविता (15)
- धिमाल गजल (1)
- नेवारी रचना (46)
- नेवारी कविता (30)
- नेवारी गजल (3)
- नेवारी गीत (4)
- नेवारी मुक्तक (1)
- नेवारी समीक्षा (5)
- नेवारी हाइकु (3)
- बज्जिका रचना (3)
- बज्जिका कविता (1)
- बज्जिका गजल (1)
- बज्जिका लघुकथा (1)
- बान्तावा भाषी रचना (5)
- बान्तावा कविता (2)
- बान्तावा गजल (2)
- बान्तावा गीत (1)
- भोजपुरी रचना (9)
- भोजपुरी कथा (2)
- भोजपुरी कविता (3)
- भोजपुरी गजल (3)
- भोजपुरी गीत (1)
- मगर भाषी रचना (9)
- मैथिली रचना (85)
- मैथिली कथा (4)
- मैथिली कविता (32)
- मैथिली गजल (22)
- मैथिली गीत (5)
- मैथिली मुक्तक (13)
- मैथिली समीक्षा (1)
- मैथिली हाइकु (8)
- लिम्बू भाषी रचना (12)
- लिम्बू कविता (6)
- लिम्बू गजल (3)
- लिम्बू हाइकु (2)
- वाम्बुले भाषी रचना (1)
- वाम्बुले कविता (1)
- शेर्पा भाषी रचना (13)
- शेर्पा कविता (4)
- शेर्पा गजल (8)
- शेर्पा गीत (1)
- संस्कृत रचना (5)
- संस्कृत कविता (2)
- संस्कृत गजल (1)
- संस्कृत समीक्षा (2)
- सुनुवार भाषी रचना (39)
- सुनुवार कविता (33)
- सुनुवार गजल (3)
- सुनुवार गीत (3)
- अवधी रचना (3)
- लेख – समीक्षा (832)
- विचार मन्थन|चिन्तन (28)
- संस्कार – संस्कृति परिचय (28)
- साहित्यिक भलाकुसारी (38)
- स्थान परिचय (4)
- स्मृति साहित्य (535)
- स्रष्टा चिनारी (81)
- स्रष्टा जीवनी (26)
- स्रष्टा परिचय (54)
- स्रस्टा वैयक्तिक विवरण (1)
- हास्य – व्यङ्ग्य (555)
- English article Nepali Writer (392)
नेपाली साहित्य लेखन सहयोगी
१. साहित्य सृजना कसरी गर्ने ?
२. हाइकु कसरी लेख्ने ?
३. गेडी कसरी लेख्ने ?
४. गजल कसरी लेख्ने ?
५. छन्दमा कविता कसरी लेख्ने ?
६. तान्का कसरी लेख्ने ?
७. रुबाई कसरी लेख्ने ?
८. छेस्का कसरी लेख्ने ?
९. मुक्तक कसरी लेख्ने ?
१०. कविता कसरी लेख्ने ?
११. सिजो कसरी लेख्ने ?
१२. तप्कना कसरी लेख्ने ?
१३. तियाली कसरी लेख्ने ?
१४. बाछिटा कसरी लेख्ने ?
१५. कथा कसरी लेख्ने ?
१६. लघुकथा कसरी लेख्ने ?
१७. उपन्यास कसरी लेख्ने ?
१८. नाटक कसरी लेख्ने ?
१९. एकाङ्की कसरी लेख्ने ?
२०. रेडियो स्क्रिप्ट कसरी लेख्ने?
21. पत्रसाहित्य कसरी लेख्ने?Follow साहित्य सङ्ग्रहालय
यो हफ्ता धेरै पढिएको
- नियात्रा : इलाम यात्रा
- समीक्षा : नारीमनकी कथाकार प्रेमा शाह र उनको ‘पहेँलो गुलाफ’
- कथा : एक रात
- शोधपत्र : विधा तत्वका आधारमा सन्त्रस्त आँखाहरु कथासङ्ग्रहको अध्ययन
- कविता : देशभक्ति
- समीक्षा : 'पापिनी आमा' खण्डकाव्यको विश्लेषण
- तेजिन्द्र रानाका तीन मुक्तकहरु
- कार्यपत्र : नेपाली उपन्यासको विकासक्रम
- बालकथा : बिचरो कौवा
- संस्कृति परिचय : किरात चाड उभौली/उधौली पर्वः बारे प्रचलित मिथकहरु
Category Archives: English article Nepali Writer
Essay : Diamond Shumsher : A Doyen of Nepali Literature
~Sarad Pradhan~ Do you know the rise and fall of the Rana Regime? This question brings together fact and friction in a very vivid style in Seto Bagh, a legendary historical novel based on the rise of Rana Regime in … Continue reading
Translated Microstory : Have pity, Sahuji
~Binaya Kasajoo~ Translation : Deepak Thapa “Hey, Dhane, stop him. Stop him at once,” shouted the shopkeeper on seeing a small boy staggering under a huge load upto his shop. “How can such a small boy carry these loads? I … Continue reading
Micro Story : Poems in Eyes
~Eagam Khaling~ A college girl was travelling in a local bus. A man just sited next to her seat, exaggerates about her eyes. They talk on many topics. While parting, the man tells her that there are poems in her … Continue reading
Translated Microstory : A Vote for the master
~Binaya Kasajoo~ Translation : Deepak Thapa “So, did you vote, Rajaali?” asked Bikas. “Yes, master. I did.” “Who did you vote for? I hope you didn’t make a mistake,” said Bikas, pointing to the sample ballot paper on the wall. … Continue reading
Poem : The shadow
~Dhara Prabha~ House at the midst of the forests’ tray Hush and alone nauseating all the day Seems cast off a long time in a way Lights up whole always in gloomy array Makes a shadow behind hanging shutter Mystery … Continue reading
Micro Story : Who is she?
~Eagam Khaling~ In a Coffee Café, a lady seated on a chair expresses her feelings by singing some pieces of self-composed songs to a stranger and even asks his name and mobile number through a song. But the man without … Continue reading
Poem : Some snapshots of poor
~Pravin Rai Jumeli~ Many people marked that destiny has written the poor Other many used to state that God created that creature By seeing and reading this word it seems simple and as this is made of four letters only
Poem : Miss Word Contest
~Pravin Rai Jumeli~ Sprinkling the intoxication of elegance the obstinate hips and breasts of words C~A~T~W~A~L~K on the ramp of poetry
Poem : My Alibi
~Bhim Thatal~ I enter TV set And exploring through the channels Reach the tumultuous forests of Africa. Riding the turbulent waves of the tranquil forest There is a woman Who has Spent her entire legacy Amongst the sprouting hopes in … Continue reading
Criticism : Reminiscing Bhim Darshan Roka
~Jangab Chauhan~ Standing on the cliffs On the banks of the river that carries the flood and bore Walking alone Gazing at the horizons for shore I am drawing shape deep within the cloud‟s inner core (Trans. Watson, Nepalikavita.com) A … Continue reading
Micro Story : Without Husband
~Eagam Khaling~ Sabitri has been shouting at her five years old son, “Why did you accept the sweets from that man? From today onwards, if you accept any money and sweet from him, I shall punish you badly!” Today, Sabitri’s … Continue reading
Poem : Silence…
~Pooja Nepal~ Often i stand and stare into the diminishing light of the day horizon gradually fading into nothingness willow and pine piercing the night the earth ruptures into a song; accompanied with shrill whistles in the dark the howling … Continue reading
Essay : Metaphors and Poetic Freshness
~Mahesh Paudyal~ This write-up is an apology in favor of a recent argument that has gained wide currency in Nepali poetry: Nepali poetry should turn towards local resources for freshness. The argument is double-edged. In one hand, it questions the … Continue reading
Silence in Sound !!
~Sushmita Chhettri~ Crouded roads all i see, still sense of solatair in the air noises are from here and there but the silence is hard to bear. people buying and selling in the fair. can i bargain with my soul … Continue reading
Micro Story : I Love Arunima
~Eagam Khaling~ A young girl who had come to the bank of a river to take a short walk writes on the dry sands of the bank with her index finger—‘I love Arun’, just below that, she writes again
Story : Fascination
~Suraj Shreewastav~ Mid June, 2000 AD, It was Birgunj, the southerner Terai city of Nepal. I was ready for my home. Bus departure time is 3:30 pm. I was waiting too long for holiday, so I was excited to reach … Continue reading
Poem : Espresso
~Prabal Thapa~ sip of espresso its bitterness is the truth as you taste with your tongues’s bud start your day
Poem : The Tale of a Town and Many Villages
~Pravin Rai Jumeli~ The painted winds of east gushed, told a tale and vanished Possessing the blanket knitted by cold and dust the new flowers hided that tale
Micro Story : Wife
~Eagam Khaling~ Do you know the temperature has tremendously gone down from the last week? Europe happens to turn more beautiful in the months of autumn, isn’t that true? Listen! I have heard that your boss has owned a new … Continue reading
Poem : While depicting the ‘Life’
~Pravin Rai Jumeli~ A brush dipped in yellow am walking over the lonesome backdrop of ‘Wheatfield with crows’ are not shivering the Vangogh hands of painter Words are aching
Poem : I
~Kalpana Satyal~ In every cell of my body is a living miracle The wholeness of me is an infinite miracle I am that, which no one knows
Poem : Road
~Himanshu Nibha Kunwar~ Oh! road I wonder Oh! I wonder Where do you stop? Where you go? I think You might stop at the edge of the world
Poem : God, this is an elegy for you
~Pravin Rai Jumeli~ God himself was in wonder in the uncovered tale of his forms that from the ages hearing the moans of unlimited prayers
Micro Story : Eyes to Eyes
~Eagam Khaling~ A handsome man enters into a coffee-café. This was his first time in the café. He shouts once, for a cup of coffee, keeping his handbag on the chair beside, then sits on another chair in a relaxed … Continue reading
Micro Story : A poet
~Eagam Khaling~ One full moon night, a fully drunken poet visited a lake. There, he managed to get a traditional boat to row around the lake. His thin dog was barking at him from the land. Hearing the dog barking … Continue reading
Microstory : Vision
~Binaya Kasajoo~ “You need a ‘Vision’ to develop your country”, said the teacher. One of his pupils started a ‘tele-vision’ station in the city. Another pupil constructed a ‘high-vision’ hall in his village.
Essay : Desire
~Eagam Khaling~ Why not try to overcome the limitation That makes us think we could not be perfect. —Jonathan We know that the cosmopolitans of twenty-one century have entered into the age where competitions are themselves in their rightful circumstances … Continue reading
Microstory : A hell of a Story
~Binaya Kasajoo~ As the story goes, the United Nations decided to set up replicas of villages from around the world at its headquarters in New York to give visitors a first hand account of rural life in developing countries. One … Continue reading
Story : The Other Way
~Jiwan Kshetry~ Sarala has cried countless times in her life. But this night in her forty-fifth year has no similarity with the sad nights earlier. She kept flowing tears that soaked her pillow. She was feeling dizzy and somewhat disoriented … Continue reading
Research Paper : Is Philosophy Dead?
~Eagam Khaling~ This paper is an outcome of reaction after reading Professor Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow’s statement that philosophy is dead because it has failed to keep up with modern development in science, particularly physics (maybe the ‘theoretical science’ … Continue reading
Poem : In the darkest depths of solitude
~Jiwan Kshetry~ In the darkest depths of solitude, there lies a humble picture of yours: a glimpse of light comes and goes, then remains the pervasive darkness. In the darkest depths of solitude, gloom lurks behind the facade of normalcy;
Poem : Looking in
~Jiwan Kshetry~ Me and that untouched glass of liquor late at night, alone at home, me and a glass of liquor Storms come and gone yet the mountain has not moved flowing eternally, yet the river is not dry