रचनाकारलाई खोज्न अंग्रेजीमा नाम टाइप गर्नुहोस् ।
प्रमुख सम्पादक/सङ्कलक
~ आविष्कार ~
विधा छान्नुहोस्
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नेपाली साहित्य लेखन सहयोगी
१. साहित्य सृजना कसरी गर्ने ?
२. हाइकु कसरी लेख्ने ?
३. गेडी कसरी लेख्ने ?
४. गजल कसरी लेख्ने ?
५. छन्दमा कविता कसरी लेख्ने ?
६. तान्का कसरी लेख्ने ?
७. रुबाई कसरी लेख्ने ?
८. छेस्का कसरी लेख्ने ?
९. मुक्तक कसरी लेख्ने ?
१०. कविता कसरी लेख्ने ?
११. सिजो कसरी लेख्ने ?
१२. तप्कना कसरी लेख्ने ?
१३. तियाली कसरी लेख्ने ?
१४. बाछिटा कसरी लेख्ने ?
१५. कथा कसरी लेख्ने ?
१६. लघुकथा कसरी लेख्ने ?
१७. उपन्यास कसरी लेख्ने ?
१८. नाटक कसरी लेख्ने ?
१९. एकाङ्की कसरी लेख्ने ?
२०. रेडियो स्क्रिप्ट कसरी लेख्ने?
21. पत्रसाहित्य कसरी लेख्ने?Follow साहित्य सङ्ग्रहालय
यो हफ्ता धेरै पढिएको
Category Archives: अनुवादित साहित्य
अनूदित कविता : बदला
~ताहा मुहम्मद अली~ अनुवाद : चन्द्र गुरुङ कहिलेकाहीँ …म कामना गर्छु भेट्न पाए हुन्थ्यो युद्धमा त्यो मान्छे जसले मेरो बाबाको हत्या गरेको थियो र हाम्रो घरलाई ध्वस्त पार्दै निष्कासित गरिदिएको थियो मलाई एउटा सानो देशमा
Translated Poem : Jungle: A Soliloquy
~Abinash Shrestha~ Translated by : Mukul Dahal Pushing Jungle to a desert I am singing of the immortality of it. Along with jungle vanished will be the beauty. Along with trees departed will be the appearance. Along with birds flown … Continue reading
अनूदित कविता : तिम्रा खुट्टा
~पाब्लो नेरूदा~ अनुवाद: बिनोदबिक्रम केसी जब हेर्न सक्दिनँ म तिम्रो अनुहार हेर्छु तिम्रा खुट्टा । गुम्बजाकार हाडका खुट्टा कडा र साना खुट्टा । मलाई थाहा छ तिमीलाई बोक्छन् तिनले
Translated Poem : O Children of Partridges, Quails and Sacrificial Buffaloes
~Bhupi Sherchan~ Translated By : Yuyutsu R.D. Sharma O unfortunate children children of partridges, quails and sacrificial buffaloes, be it the German attack Burma’s turbulent borders, rubber forests of Malaya,
Translated Poem : Time is coming
~Bhim Darshan Rokka~ Translation : Maya Watson From every hand, from lands both hospitable and hard, from jungle, slope, and stone, and from gentle sighs it comes Time continually comes.
Translated Poem : Lake Phewa
~Bhim Darshan Rokka~ Translation : Maya Watson At the verge of the forest waiting, dreaming of me veiling her face with her shivering sari reclining on the shadows of the trees. Here the white boats of cloud make crossing,
Translated Poem : Your Nearness
~Bhim Darshan Rokka~ Translation : Maya Watson However close, close to you I come that much more far, far I feel what kind of journey is this? more distant even that death miles from intimacy where life begins
Translated Poem : Alone Alone Aloof and Sad
~Bhim Darshan Rokka~ Translation : Maya Watson Alone alone aloof and sad, I am the sky in which the sun has set, but the stars have not yet risen wherever yesterday she may have staid that abandoned place, I am
Translated Poem : Who Comes to Snatch my Song?
~Bhim Darshan Rokka~ Translation : Maya Watson Who comes to snatch my song, Companion on this lonely trip! I have already crossed the finish, who comes to snatch my triumph! who comes to snatch my song, companion on this lonely … Continue reading
Translated Poem : I’ve Come by Many Roads
~Bhim Darshan Rokka~ Translation : Maya Watson I’ve come by many roads singing many songs standing, a mountain and arriving here, as the river course
Translated Poem : The Mountain’s Call
~Bhim Darshan Rokka~ Translation : Maya Watson Love,lets go there where the view of the Himalaya is clear where its borderlands begin to where it comes searching
Translated Poem : Border of your Thought
~Bhim Darshan Rokka~ Translation : Maya Watson Circumference of the Earth, border of your thought rising, silent growing thin thinner than gesture lighter than sweet summons silk brushed over silk touching me shapes of sky.
Translated Poem : At the Temple
~Bhim Darshan Rokka~ Translation : Maya Watson Boudhist temple balanced, solid unparallel creation within the temple, temples within temple slayers upon layers of stone resonating ring of bronze seamless surfaces of brick determined to stand eternal
Translated Poem : Four Pieces
~Bhim Darshan Rokka~ Translation : Maya Watson 1. The sky of stars distant hope calls and I catch the fragrance of the yet unblossomed bud.
Translated Poem : Night ! Day!
~Bhim Darshan Rokka~ Translation : Maya Watson The crush of passengers covers everything. I can’t see out. Where are we? To what are we close? Where having I been brought? This place looks familiar,
Translated Poem : You are not Alone
~Bhim Darshan Rokka~ Translation : Maya Watson All our daily rites, houses where we shard multitudes of skies, and horizons we’ve made all with you, your companions
Translated Poem : Seeing Nepal
~Bhim Darshan Rokka~ Translation : Maya Watson Seeing Nepal it seems familiar in the morning its seems somewhere I’ve stepped in this courtyard before in my heart it seems I’ve met this place in dreams, Seeing Nepal it seems
Translated Poem : My country
~Bhim Darshan Rokka~ Translation : Maya Watson Where the clouds can always count on rest that place to which they aspire where every stream is cradled by a double cliff there my country. Where morning rouses its rays in the … Continue reading
Translated Poem : The Season of Rain
~Bhim Darshan Rokka~ Translation : Maya Watson The season of rain has come bearing the rainbow’s seven colors why shouldn’t I run with shirt held out to gather in this gift from far off lands has come. The season of … Continue reading
Translated Poem : Cholera
~Jiwan Namdung~ Its rainy season And there is an outbreak of cholera from contaminated water Cholera procreates cholera which procreates other choleras The neighborhoods seem like hospital these days The paths and streets like booby traps Neighbours have become like … Continue reading
अनूदित कविता : युनाइटेड फ्रुट कम्पनी
~पाब्लो नेरूदा~ अनुवाद: बिनोदबिक्रम केसी बिगुल बज्यो जब धर्तीमा सारा बन्दोबस्त मिलाइसकिएको थियो ईश्वरले कोकाकोला, एनाकोन्डा फोर्ड मोटर्स र अन्य कम्पनीलाई बाँडिदिए यो पृथ्वी । युनाइटेड फ्रुट कम्पनीले आफ्ना लागि सुरक्षित गर्यो
अनूदित कविता : लामाे परेड
~माअाे त्सेतुङ~ दसाैं हजार विकट पर्वत र मुसलधारे वर्षालार्इ सजिलैसँग परास्त गर्ने लालसेनाहरू लामाे परेडकाे गाेरेताे देखेर तिर्सिदैनन् । पाँच चुचुराले साैम्य तरङ्ग प्रवाहित गर्छन् अनि, माटाेका मसिना डल्लाहरूले गाैरवका साथ उमिङकाे फन्काे मार्छन् ।
Translated Poem : The Mother’s Dream
~Gopal Prasad Rimal~ Mummy ! Will he come ? “Yes, my child, he will come. He will come pouring light like the morning sun. You will see a weapon, shining like dew Suspended from his waist, With that will he … Continue reading
अनूदित कविता : मध्य-शरद दिवसको जून
~हेङचाङ साङ~ अनुवादः कुमुद अधिकारी मेरी आमा मरेदेखि मैले यसलाई हेरेकै छैन मलाई डरलाग्छ
Translated Story : Red Wine
~Nayan Raj Pandey~ Translation : Akhilesh Tripathi “Oh! You never drink, hajur? Really? You are not familiar with the taste of rum, brandy, whiskey or wine? We are blessed to have a person like you. We are happy. Extremely happy. We … Continue reading
Posted in Translated Story
Tagged Akhilesh Tripathi, नयनराज पाण्डे - Nayanraj Pandey
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Translated Poem : Staring Fire
~Bhim Darshan Rokka~ Translation : Maya Watson What fire starts its self? Negligence must’ve ignited it, or did someone mean to light it? But why?
Translated Poem : lālè’s life in danger
~Sudarshan Shrestha~ Translation: Jayant Sharma Lālè is not a person of great esteem Or say– Lālè is not a human being at all. Yet resembling somewhat human His is fate least that of humans either. Lālès of our land walk … Continue reading
Translated Poem : Asar, the Advent of Monsoon
~Bhupi Sherchan~ Translated By : Yuyutsu R.D. Sharma Like a Lahure returning home from afar to selebrate the festivities for Dasai bowed under the weight of memories,
अनूदित कविता : बिहान
~हो चि मिन्ह~ अनुवाद : सुवास दीपक बिहान उठ्नेबित्तिकै हामीमध्ये प्रत्येकले जुम्रा मार्ने अभियान थालेको हुन्छ। ठीक आठ बजे घण्टा-ध्वनिले बिहानको खाजाको सूचना दिन्छ।
Translated Poem : Just one Quarter of the Night is left
~Bhim Darshan Rokka~ Translation : Maya Watson Just one quarter of the night remains the collected consequences of the first three parts the moon, which alone reached the East has now in me just a single hope
अनूदित कविता : जलपरी र जँड्याहाहरूको दन्त्यकथा
~पाब्लो नेरूदा~ अनुवाद: बिनोदबिक्रम केसी पूर्णतः नग्न उनी त्यहाँ आइपुग्दा तिनीहरू त्यहीँ भित्रै थिए रक्सी खाइरहेका उनीहरू तब थुक्न थाले भर्खरै नदीबाट आएकी उनी बुझ्दिन थिइन् केही पनि बाटो भुलेकी मत्स्यकन्या थिइन् उनी उनको चम्किलो देहमाथि बग्न थाले अपमानहरू
Traslated Poem : Crazy
~Laxmi Prasad Devkota~ Translated By : David Ravin 1 Oh yes, friend ! I’m crazy- that’s just the way I am. 2 I see sounds, I hear sights, I taste smells, I touch not heaven but things from the underworld,