रचनाकारलाई खोज्न अंग्रेजीमा नाम टाइप गर्नुहोस् ।
प्रमुख सम्पादक/सङ्कलक
~ आविष्कार ~
विधा छान्नुहोस्
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नेपाली साहित्य लेखन सहयोगी
१. साहित्य सृजना कसरी गर्ने ?
२. हाइकु कसरी लेख्ने ?
३. गेडी कसरी लेख्ने ?
४. गजल कसरी लेख्ने ?
५. छन्दमा कविता कसरी लेख्ने ?
६. तान्का कसरी लेख्ने ?
७. रुबाई कसरी लेख्ने ?
८. छेस्का कसरी लेख्ने ?
९. मुक्तक कसरी लेख्ने ?
१०. कविता कसरी लेख्ने ?
११. सिजो कसरी लेख्ने ?
१२. तप्कना कसरी लेख्ने ?
१३. तियाली कसरी लेख्ने ?
१४. बाछिटा कसरी लेख्ने ?
१५. कथा कसरी लेख्ने ?
१६. लघुकथा कसरी लेख्ने ?
१७. उपन्यास कसरी लेख्ने ?
१८. नाटक कसरी लेख्ने ?
१९. एकाङ्की कसरी लेख्ने ?
२०. रेडियो स्क्रिप्ट कसरी लेख्ने?
21. पत्रसाहित्य कसरी लेख्ने?Follow साहित्य सङ्ग्रहालय
यो हफ्ता धेरै पढिएको
Category Archives: Translated Poem
Translated Poem : Bloodstains from Iraq
~Yuyutsu Sharma~ In the hands of a black night severed head of a young Buddha trying to read its pallid
Translated Poem : How dare you kiss these eyes?
~Hari Adhikari~ Translated by Yuyutsu Sharma Pockets of lust beneath my throbbing heart, that’s what I had sold out to you– lips of my private fish that have lost its translucence,
Translated Poem : Lonely I am….
~Krishna Bhakta Shrestha~ Translated by Yuyutsu Sharma Lonely I am as a yoked bull in a life consumed beyond orders of human exhaustion lonely like a lump of flesh and blood waiting in a mother’s womb to grow into a … Continue reading
Translated Poem : Bullet
~Keshab Silwal~ Translated by Yuyutsu Sharma This is the rose that a dictator pins on your chest and numerous dead bodies line up… People with guts target people with shining chests. This is a medal earned in the name of … Continue reading
Translated Poem : I Lean over my own corpse
~Krishna Bhakta Shrestha~ Translated by Yuyutsu Sharma I lean over my own corpse as an old bunch-back over his own shadow; I lean and look, scanning with a vulture’s ariel eyes and dripping loops of fetid saliva I prepare to … Continue reading
Translated Poem : Addiction
~Keshab Silwal~ Yuyutsu Sharma The Flowers in their Baskets The flowers in their baskets do not smell of crisp books or rhymes that sing of flowers of freedom. Pale as pulp of their wiped out eyes
Translated Poem : Laxmi Lekali
~Yuyutsu Sharma~ Laxmi Lekali sister of our butchered dreams Laxmi Lekali the foolish cops who conspired to dictate awe of your slogans who plotted to smash the heightened pagodas
Translated Poem : Here/There
~Shailendra Sakar~ Translated by Yuyutsu Sharma Searching images of Himal’s shadow spreading in the icy depths of the Pacific Ocean on the steps of escalators recalling Lisno, the ladders dug in scented tree trunks, recalling hillside courtyards, resting-plinths, mule path … Continue reading
Posted in Translated Poem
Tagged Yuyutsu Rd Sharma, शैलेन्द्र साकार - Shailendra Sakar
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Translated Poem : The Story of my Love
~Gopal Prasad Rimal~ Translated by Yuyutsu Sharma I had a dark one then, the one who couldn’t dare to face the magnificent daggers of my awesome presence. I was her King but she couldn’t be my Queen.
Translated Poem : Ruksana’s letter
~Buddhi Sagar Chapagain~ Translated by Yuyutsu Sharma Perhaps moonlight died in the gloom of your burka— Eid’s full Moon. Ruksana, at this moment what could I send you except these words? While placing the morsel of bread in your mouth … Continue reading
Translated Poem : March 27, 2003
~Buddhi Sagar Chapagain~ Translated by Yuyutsu Sharma In the fast fading blood has been drenched the empty vacuum flask, the lost ring and the ladyfinger close by has been blown off by the bullet. Under the merciless sun in a … Continue reading
Translated Poem : Papaji
~Shreejana Bhandari~ Translated by Yuyutsu Sharma An old snayasi is pushed into the loft of an old haveli carrying the bulky weight of a crumbling past and made hostage to a shattered relationship like the last remains of a delaying … Continue reading
Chetnath Dhamala’s three translated Haikus
~Chetnath Dhamala~ Translated by Yuyutsu Sharma Sells demonstrations, Terror’s mist, Lip service. ** Salty frost,
Translated Poem : Timepiece
~Bimal Nibha~ Translated by Yuyutsu Sharma The killer has withdrawn from the scene of oppression, leaving behind a sea of silences, a confluence of items elemental. Some of the items had special significance
Translated Poem : Hunger Dreams
~Pramod Snehi~ Translated by Yuyutsu Sharma In the remote mountain villages little children are playing in the dust of the famished streets. And uninterrupted in the vivid mirrors of their eyes are dancing stunning sequences of a beautiful hunger. More … Continue reading
Translated Poem : Vulture
~Krishna Bhakta Shrestha~ Translated by Yuyutsu Sharma A vulture’s first peck is at the eyes, the eyes that see the iridescence of the spectrum of life. Haphazardly it pounces and snaps,
Translated Poem : Daily in my Dreams…
~Bhupi Sherchan~ Translated by Yuyutsu Sharma Daily in my dreams young mothers come and like a lunatic “O now my milk is of no value, nor there remains now any meaning of my motherhood” start singing this song and start … Continue reading
Translated Poem : The Flowers in their Baskets
~Yuyutsu Sharma~ The flowers in their baskets do not smell of crisp books or rhymes that sing of flowers of freedom. Pale as pulp of their wiped out eyes these are stones of destiny heavy from watery weight of their … Continue reading
Translated Poem : I am Syria speaking
~N. B. Ghimirey~ Translated By: Denuka Rai Where the days begin with bombs, Night bid in bullets. Where the sun rises – American, Moon rises – Russian. I am Syria speaking, I am Syria crying. My hands are their weapons, … Continue reading
Translated Poem : Incarnation of Hunger
~Hari Adhikari~ Translated by Yuyutsu Sharma Dust-colored, fragile-limbed, and of medium height, these wandering women are my weakness and my lost pride too. Bare to the bone, foul-smelling and famished,
Translated Poem : O Children of Partridges, Quails and Sacrificial Buffaloes
~Bhupi Sherchan~ Translated by Yuyutsu Sharma O unfortunate children of partridges, quails and sacrificial buffaloes, be it the German attack, Burma’s turbulent borders, the rubber forests of Malaya, Nefa’s or Ladakh’s battlefields of fire,
Translated Poem : City’s Evening Lights
~Chunky Shrestha~ Translated by Yuyutsu Sharma The evening city’s lights were blown off, they murdered supremacy of the ultimate truth. Carrying their smarting snouts soaked in blood, the wolves stalked
Translated Poem : The Caves
~Nakul Silwal~ Translated by Yuyutsu Sharma We aren’t aware of the hands that take pride in building passages we are forced to take. We do not know nature of the substance,
Translated Poem : My mother and I
~Buddhi Sagar Chapagain~ Translated by Yuyutsu Sharma Every morning my mother looks into the other end of the sky and says— Look son, even last night sky got aflame. I do not understand a thing. What I do understand is—
Translated Poem : Forget me
~Arun Budhathoki~ Translated by Yuyutsu Sharma Forget me as a dejected Moon, stroking its silvery hair praying for the lake to stand still before winter visits
Translated Poem : Ruins of a Naked Poem
~Punya Gautam ‘Bishwas’~ Translated by Yuyutsu Sharma A wounded mountain ravaged by a landslide a huddled hut aflame from a corporate trickster a green paddy field upturned by a relentless floods
Translated Poem : Rainbow of Dasani’s Skirt
~Shyamal~ Translated by Yuyutsu Sharma From the fury of the blistering winds flutters Dasani’s skirt, like a failed nation’s flag wavers Dasani’s skirt Million brutal kicks it has survived water wells of blood it has shed so many rapes
Translated Poem : Water Well of Darkness
~Tanka Uprety~ Translated by Yuyutsu Sharma Once in, I switched the lights on and darkness leapt out of the windows, frantic. Also turned the lights outside on, darkness ran off, clambered up the fence and sat on it, a frightened … Continue reading
Translated Poem : Before Leaving for Town
~Masan Upasak~ Translation: Mahesh Paudyal Before leaving for town we ought to look at Mothers old loin and promise, we would change it the following year; ought to listen to Fathers age-old dreams and counsel, we have to dream anew … Continue reading
Translated Poem : Mad, Lover and Poet
~Ram Prasad Prasain~ Translated by : Welkin Seskin Spilling surfeiting syrup on the wings of (dragon) fly, Do not scale my heart this time still. I will not drown, and never ever again. Thinking as beloved the Moon shinning on … Continue reading
Posted in Translated Poem
Tagged Welkin Seskin, राम प्रसाद प्रसाईं - Ram Prasad Prasai
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Translated Poem : Placid
~Suraj Rana~ Translated by : Ismael subba I feel right to remain silent, Silent like darkest night, Silent like flora, Silent like martyrs statue, Silent like colossal sky.. To yell making loud noise are the works of Pornstars from the … Continue reading
Translated Poem : The chaotic love
~Nabin Pyasi~ Translated by : Ismael subba I am a lover Sleeping in the grave of Spy of love… Woke up from this grave I want to walk Such restricted paths Of the world Where,there is free For you and … Continue reading