कथा : कलाको विश्वविद्यालय

~गौतम “उदय”~Gautam 'Uday'

त्यति परसम्म जानै पर्दैन, हाम्रो आफ्नै जीवनक्रमलाई पछाडि फर्की हेरेमात्र पनि गनेर नभ्याइने परिवर्तनहरु भेटिन्छन् । संचार र चिकित्सा क्षेत्रमा त झन प्रत्येक दिन जसो बिकास र आबिश्कारको बिष्फोटन नै भएको छ भन्दा पनि अत्युक्ति हुँदैन। उड्ने कारका बिक्रिकक्षहरु खुलिसके । कम्पुटर स्क्रिनको एक छुवाईले भान्सामा खाना पाकी डाइनिंग टेबलमा खाना तयारी अबस्थामा हुन थाल्यो । दिमागमा एक शुस्म चिप्स राखेर सिकेको कुनै पनि कुरा मान्छेले आफ्नो जीवनकालभरि सम्झिन सक्छ अब । आइपीएस कोषबाट चाहिएका शरीरका अङ्गहरु बनाउन मिल्ने भयो । हुँदाहुँदा रगतको परीक्षणबाट मान्छेको आयु र उसलाई भविष्यमा लाग्न सक्ने रोग समेत बताउन सकिने भैसक्यो ।

शिक्षा क्षेत्रमा पनि भएका छन् सानातिना परिवर्तनहरु । “लौरो फाल, बच्चा बिगार” बदलिएर “माया गर बच्चा बनाऊ, जे मन गर्छ त्यही गर्न देऊ” भएको छ । भाषा शिक्षणमा “नियम पढाऊ”-“खेल खेलाऊ”-मा र “शुद्ध बोल”-“गल्ती बोल तर बोल”-मा रुपान्तरित भएका छन् ।
मन्जुलले असल शिक्षक बन्ने सपना बोकेको छ यो बखत । ब्यबहारमा उतार्न र खारिन बाँकी नै भए पनि पैंतालीस दिने अंग्रेजी अभ्यास शिक्षणमा आएको उसले राम्ररी बुझेको छ आधुनिक शिक्षा र शिक्षणको सिधान्त । प्रायः यो कक्षाको बिषय शिक्षकको सल्लाह अनुसार अध्यापन गर्छ, अक्कल झुक्कल उनका कक्षाहरु अबलोकन गर्छ र अभ्यास अबस्थामा विद्यार्थीहरुलाई सघाउँछ । यी बिषय शिक्षक पेसामा प्रबीण छन् तर अल्लि पुरानो सोँचका । बिद्यार्थीलाई माया त गर्छन् साथै आफू मास्टर हुँ भन्ने कुरा पनि बिर्सिसकेका छैनन्।

मन्जुलको अभ्यास शिक्षणको दशौँ दिन मोहन सरले अध्यापन गर्ने दिन पर्यो । उनले बिद्यार्थीलाई वार्म-अप गराए, आफूले त्यो दिन पढाउने पाठ प्रस्तुत गरे र अभ्यास अबस्थामा विद्यार्थीहरुलाई कार्य-पत्रक दिइसकेपछि विभिन्न उप-समुहमा बाँढे अनि अभ्यास राम्रोसंग भए नभएको निश्चयताको लागि केही समुहलाई अफूले अवलोकन गरे भने केही समुहलाई अवलोकन गर्न मन्जुललाई अह्राए ।

बिद्यार्थी जीवन नै के हुन्छ कुन्नि, विश्वविद्यालय तहसम्मै शिक्षकले भनेबमोजिमका सत-प्रतिशत कुराहरु गर्ने कोही पनि बिद्यार्थी हुदैनन् भन्दा बढाईचढाई हुँदैन । त्यसमाथि पनि यी बिधार्थी त मात्र कक्षा नौ मा पढ्ने किशोर किशोरी न थिए ! कतिपयले कार्य-पत्रकले मुख छोपीछोपी अन्य कुरा गरिरहेको मन्जुलले देख्यो तथापी केही भनेन बरु एक जोडीलाई बडो उत्सुकताका साथ नजानिदो गरी हेरिरह्यो । तिनीहरुको नाम उसलाई याद थिएन । कुराकानीको बिषय बस्तु प्रति चासो पनि थिएन तदपि उसले ती मध्येकी एउटी बिद्यार्थीका, खासगरी अनुहार र हातका, हरेक हाउभाउ आफ्नै आँखाले खिची, दर्ज गरी, आफ्नो मानसपटलमा अवतरण गराइरह्यो । त्यो घन्टी सिद्धिएपछि उनैलाई सोधेर थाहा पायो की उनको नाम स्वेता रहेछ ।
मंजुलको नारीहरुलाई हेर्ने दृष्टिकोण एकदमै असल छ । कुनै पनि नारीहरुलाई नराम्रा ठान्दैन र भन्दैन ऊ । आहा कस्तो उत्तम र उन्नत सोँच ! सुन्दरतामा धनात्मकता ऋणात्मकता हुन सक्छ तर नारीहरु सबै सुन्दर हुन्छन भन्ने मान्यता राख्ने अधिकतम बिकशित सोँच छ उसको । हुनपनि नारीहरु सुन्दरताका सच्चा प्रतिमूर्ति न हुन् । को चाहिँ राम्रो हुँदैन ? अनि के मात्र राम्रो हुँदैन उनीहरुको ?

मुख्य बिषय अंग्रेजी शिक्षण पद्दति भए पनि ऐच्छिक बिषय भाषा तथा साहित्य लिएर पढेको मन्जुलले राम्ररी बुझेको छ नारी र नारी अङ्ग सौन्दर्यताका कुराहरु । आस्वस्त छ परिभाषाबाट । रेसमी चुल्ठो, ठूलाठूला आँखा, पिपलपाते ओठ, पुष्ट छाती, बारुले कम्मर, बाटुलो नितम्ब, रामतोरिया औंला, पिउरी जस्ता हात, सुडौला तिग्रा, चन्द्रमा हाँसो, चन्चेले बानी, लजालु स्वभाब, ललिते बोली, मायालु हेराइ लगायतका आम जिब्रोका भाषा मात्र होइन की सुमुख, कबरी, कटिया, कनपट, कतली, कँडेउल, कटी, वक्ष, अनङ्ग, नयनाभिराम, शोड़शि आदिआदि नारी अङ्गका साहित्यिक उपमा पनि जानेको छ राम्रोसंग प्रयोग गर्न । त्यसैले त दर्ज गरेको थियो उसले स्वेताका हात मुखका हाउभाउ कटाक्षहरु आफू भित्र ।

हुन त मन्जुल बाहिस बर्षे अविवाहित लक्का जवान हो अपितु यौन उन्माद वा प्यास दुबैले हेरेको होइन उसले स्वेतालाई । जीवन साथी बनाउने रुमानी सपनाले पनि होइन । सुन्दरताको धर्म देखिनु हो देखियो अनि चक्षुको धर्म देख्नु हो देख्यो । स्वेताले देखाई, मन्जुलले देख्यो । नगर्नु केही गरेनन् दुबैले । आखिर जनेन्द्रिय देखाउने र हेर्ने गरेका त होइनन् उनीहरुले । त्यसमाथि पनि दुबैले गर्दै गरेको कुरा अर्कोलाई थाहा थिएन ।
अर्थ छ र बनाइएका छन् इन्द्रियहरु । ज्ञानशक्ति र कर्मशक्तिका मानवीय अङ्ग नाक, कान, आँखा, जिब्रो र छालाले गोचर गर्नु पर्ने कुरा गर्न सकेनन् या गरेनन भने त जीवन र जगतका धेरै कुराहरु गोलमाल भैहाल्छन् नि !

त्यो दिन घर आएर मन्जुलले एकान्तमा हेर्न थाल्यो मोहन सरले बिहानको कक्षामा अभ्यास गराउँदाका स्वेताका केही हाउभाउहरु ।

धुँधली र पातली छे स्वेता । कपाल घाँटीसम्मको छोटो छ होला पूरै फिँजायो भने । सिधा अगाडिको भाग आँखीभौ ढाक्ने गरी कोरेकी छ अनि कंचेटनिर दुई वटा लामा लुर्का झुण्ड्याएकी छ झींगुरका सींग जस्तै बनाएर । पछाडिपट्टि रबर ब्यान्डले बाँधेको केश न्यौरेमुसाको पुछर जस्तो होइन की टाउको जस्तो देखिएको छ । गर्दनमा मेरु दण्डको हड्डी अलि ठूलो देखिएको छ । अनुहार ठीकैको छ गालामा कतै कतै राता बिबिरा छन् । चिउँडो खेलकूँद खेल्दा लडेर ददारिएको छ तर ददार नै सृंगार गरेझैँ सुहाएको छ । आँखा राम्रै छन् तर मृग नयन भने होइनन् । निर्धारित विद्यालय पोशाक सेतो कमिज लगाएकी छ, वक्षस्थल त्यति पुस्ट देखिएका छैनन् । विद्यालय पोसाककै निलो रंगको ठीकै कस्सिएको प्यान्ट्स लगाएकी छ । छोटा सेता मोजा र केही दोबारेको प्यान्ट्स बीचमा गोलिगाँठा माथि कफी काला नलीखुट्टा देखिएका छन् । समग्रमा धनात्मक राम्री नै लाग्छ उसलाई स्वेता।

अपितु उक्त पाठ अभ्यास अबस्थाको पुगनपुग दश मिनेटको समयमा स्वेताको अनुहारमा आएका सुन्दर बिबिधताबाट ऊ यति मन्त्रमुग्द भयो की उसको बाइसबर्षे जीवनकालमा यस्तो सुन्दरता सपनामा बिपनामा, यथार्थमा परिकल्पनामा कहीं कतै देखेको थिएन । के देख्दै थियो ऊ आफै चकित थियो !

कुरा को चुरो र प्रसंगको के थियो कुन्नि ! स्वेताका आँखा एक फन्को फनक्क नाँचे मंजुल्को अगाडि । अनि त दौडिरहेको कालो बादलले छोपेको सूर्य मिलिक्क देखिएझैँ अनुहार झलमल भयो । नाक कुच्चिएर माथिपट्टि मसिना मुज्जा परे । दुवै गालामा सप्तमीका दुई चन्द्र एकैसाथ मुख तर्फ फर्किएर उदाएर । ओंठ उघ्रिएर सुन्दर र पिपल पात बने । देखिने जति दाँत एकाएक टम्म हार मिलेर बसे । टाउको बारम्बार तलमाथि गर्यो । छाती थल्क्यो । घाँटी नजिकका दुइटा हड्डी उक्से । गर्दनमा उठेको मेरुदण्डको गोलो हड्डी लुक्यो ।

यसै बीचमा कुराको प्रसंग बदलियो अथवा नयाँ अध्याय शुरु भयो क्यार एक पटकमात्र छिटो जोडले दुवै आँखा चिम्म गरी, खोली र खोल्दा चट्यांग पारी । दायाँ हातलाई पंखा बनाएर चार पाँच पटक घाँटीमा हम्की अनि तुरुन्तै झींगुरसींगे कपालका धर्सालाई चोर औँला र बुढी औंलाले बिस्तारै दुई तीन पटक तानेर बटारी। हाँसोको पर्रा छुट्यो । दुवै हातले नाक र मुख छोपी । टाउको घुमाएर आँखा बलढेंग्राका गेडा जस्तै बनाउँदै एक पटक पुलुक्क मोहन सर तर्फ हेरी । उनी टाढै भएको निश्चित भएपछि बार्तालाप फेरि जारी भयो । वक्ष चस्माको तलको बीट पहिला पछाडिपट्टिबाट अनि फेरि अगाडिपट्टिबाट तानी । कुमनिर अलिकति फिता देखिएको थियो छोपी । निहुरिएर आफ्नो छाती यस्सो हेरी । कमिजको घाँटी निरको एउटा टाँक बढी खुलेको मौका छोपी भित्रको रंगीन र बुट्टादार बस्त्रले बाहिरी संसार नियाल्दै थियो, त्यसका आँखा बन्द गर्दिई । साथीले के कुरा भनी कुन्नि कुराको सिलसिलामा गोल्याएको आफ्नो कार्य-पत्रकले साथीलाई टाउकोमा प्याट हानी । फेरि गल्की र तुरुन्तै मुखमा दायाँ हातले बाबाबाबा बनाई । फेरि के थपियो कुन्नि मस्किँदै हल्लिहल्ली नाकैनिर दुवै हात लगेर ताली पिटी । यत्तिकैमा मोहन सरले कक्षा समय सकिएको कुरा सुनाए । स्वेताहरुले कुरा बन्द गरे भने मन्जुल सामान्य अवस्थामा फर्क्यो । स्वेता फेरि धुँधली नै देखिई ।

एक पटक मंजुल्ले आफैलाई प्रश्न गर्यो । म भविष्यको शिक्षक, कर्णधारको शिक्षक, भविष्यका राष्ट्र प्रमुखको शिक्षक, समाजको दर्पण, मैले हेर्नु र देख्नुमा केही अमिल्दो छ, गल्ती छ ? छैन भन्ने उत्तरमा आफैले आफैलाई बिस्वस्त पार्यो । किनकी उसले कुनै नराम्रो दृष्टिकोणले हेरेको थिएन अनि नारीप्रति सम्मान घटाएको पनि थिएन ।
उसको आँखा सद्दे छन् त्यसैले देख्यो । सुन्दर बस्तुमा सबैका आँखा पर्छन नै ! कहाँ भएका छन र कुरूपहरुका प्रतियोगिता ? कहाँ लेखिएका र गाइएका छन र असुन्दरहरुका गीत-गज़लहरु ? कुन चित्रकारले क्यानभासमा भरेको छ र नराम्राहरुका चित्र र मूर्तिहरु ? कुन चलचित्रमा छानिन्छन र नाराम्राहरु नायक र नायिकामा ?

मन्जुलले आनीको गीत सम्झ्यो, अनि त्यो दिनदेखि आफ्ना आँखालाई झन राम्रा फूल बनाएर अझै व्यापक दृष्टिकोणले हेर्न थाल्यो नारीहरुलाई ।
चार बर्ग थिए यो स्कूलको नौ कक्षामा ! बिषय शिक्षण पद्दति भएकोले हरेक बर्गमा मोहन सरसँगै गएर अध्यापन वा अवलोकन गर्नु पर्थ्यो मन्जुलले । भोलिपल्टको अर्को कक्षामा पनि मोहन सरले उही तरिकाले पढाई गरे । फरक के थियो भने अभ्यास अवस्थामा कार्य-पत्रकको सट्टा समुहलाई प्रश्न सोध्ने खेल थियो । यो कक्षामा अलि धेरै पटक गैसकेकोले केही बिद्यार्थीका नाम याद थियो उसलाई । सेली एकदम गोरी, सिल्की कपाल, ठुल्ठुला आँखा, फत्रेका तार झैँ परेला, सिनित्त बनाएर मिलाएको आँखीभौं, सोक्रेटस्को जस्तो नाक, पुष्ट छाती भएकी विछट्टै राम्री र आकर्षक शरीर भएकी केटी थिई यो कक्षामा । पढाइ साहित हरेक क्रियाकलापमा ज्याद्री ।

खेल शुरु भयो । हरेक उप-समुह मध्ये सबभन्दा पहिले हात सेलीले उठाई । प्रश्नको उत्तर मिलेपछि विनबल्डन टेनिसमा नम्बर ल्याउँदा सरापौवाले झैँ मुट्ठी कंसी हात माथि लगेर थर्काउँदै आफू बलियो भएको संकेत गरी । औधि प्रशन्न मुद्रामा छे ऊ । मिलेका दाँत, राता सुन्दर ओंठ देखाउंदै हाँसी । उफ्रे जस्तै गरी । राम्रा पुष्ट वक्षलाई झड्कारी, कोक्रोमा सुताएको बच्चालाई चुनु गराउँदाझैँ दुई तिर हल्लाई, थल्काइ, यही रिदममा गोलो र आकर्षक नितम्वलाई उफारी, थर्काई । अर्ध बसेउठेको अबस्थामा आफ्नो समुहका साथीहरुको उत्तर पढ्न तन्किँदै थिई, टुप्पैको भरमा समबेदना नै पलायो होला जस्तै गरी स्तनहरु उसको डेस्कमा लतारिए । तल भित्र लगाएको रंगीन थंगको माथिल्लो भाग गोरो बारुले कम्मरमा देखियो । कम्मरमा आधा दर्जन जति मेरुदण्डका मसिना गोला हड्डी देखिए । नितम्बको बिच भागमा प्यान्ट्स बाहिरबाटै थंगले दुख्ने गरी कोमल फिलामा डाम पर्ने गरी डसेको प्रस्ट देखियो । मोहन सरले आज पनि समय सकिएको संकेत गरे । मन्जुल झल्यास्स भयो । सेली उस्तै राम्री देख्यो ।

फेरि एक पटक आफैलाई प्रश्न गर्न बाध्य भयो मन्जुल । अरु शिक्षकको बारेमा सोंच्यो। पेन्सन पाकुन्जेल यस्तै बिद्यार्थीसँग समय व्यतित गर्ने शिक्षकहरुले पक्कै पनि नारी सुन्दरता त देख्छन होला ! देखे पछि पक्कै पनि आँखा चिम्लंदैनन होला, मुन्टो बटारेर अर्को तर्फ फर्किन्नन् होला ! मान्छे यात्रा गर्दा पनि प्राकृतिक रमणीय स्थल मै जान्छ नि, को जान्छ र मसानघाटको यात्रा गर्न, को जान्छ र बगर हेर्न ! कस्ले नराम्रो फूलको माला गाँस्छ ? कसले नराम्रो फूल वा खोटो बलि मन्दिरमा चढाउँछ र ? नदेख्ने, नहेर्ने हो भने सुन्दरताको भेद कसरी पाउन सकिन्छ त जीवनमा ? सुन्दरताको के अर्थ र महत्व हुन्छ ? कुन बाबुआमाले आफ्नो छोरी नराम्री भनेको सुन्न चाहन्छ र ? राम्रो बन्नुको र देखिनुको अर्थ नहुने भए किन आफ्नो कमाइको करिब पन्द्र प्रतिशत सृंगारमा लगाउँछन त महिलाहरुले ?

अर्को पुरक प्रश्न पनि गर्यो आफैलाई मन्जुलले । मैले किन केटालाई हेरिन त ? के मैले बिद्यार्थी बिद्यार्थी बीचमा बिभेद गरेँ ? तुरुन्तै उत्तर भेटायो अहँ गरेको छैन । केटाले केटालाई त्यसरी हेर्नु त नराम्रो हो । फेरि केटाको के नै राम्रो अनि हेरुँहेरुँ लाग्ने सुन्दर हुन्छ र ? जे हेर्यो भुत्ले, कडा, जर्खरिएको, बिझाउने, डस्ने, ददार्ने र दुखाउने ! फेरि मैले केटी हेरेको होइन त ! सुन्दरतालाई पो हेरेको हुँ त ।

आफूले कुनै नराम्रो काम नगरेकोमा पूर्ण बिस्वस्त भयो मन्जुल । त्यस पछिका अन्य थुप्रै दिनहरुमा अरु कक्षाका सिलु, सुमली, सब्रिना, अनु, बिजया आदिलाई पनि मजाले हेर्यो । हेरे जति सबैलाई एकसेएक सुन्दर पायो । तत्पशत त झन उसले सहकर्मी शिक्षिकाहरुलाई, आफ्नै परिवारका सदस्यलाई तथा बाटोघाटोमा भेटिने सबै नारीलाई गहन रुपमा हेर्न थाल्यो । जति गहिरिएर हेर्यो त्यति गहिरो ज्ञान हासिल गरिरह्यो । यो अलि पहिलेको कुरा हो । आजसम्म आईपुग्दा ऊ एउटा राम्रो अंग्रेजी शिक्षक तर प्रख्यात साहित्यकार, चित्रकार र मूर्तिकार भैसकेको छ । ऊ आफ्नो यो सफलताको सारा श्रेय निर्धक्कताका साथ महिला सुन्दरतालाई नै दिन्छ ।


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3 Responses to कथा : कलाको विश्वविद्यालय

  1. Keshav Adhikari says:

    subhadra says:
    यहाँको प्रतिक्रिया मध्यस्तताको पर्खाइमा छ ।
    फ्रेवुअरी 17, 2014 मा 11:02 बेलुका

    Uttam Gautm! Rosy ,Sony. sanu Gautam’s Daddy ..! how do you forget all the truth about your true self , and about your life who you are and where you came from? you are Balakrishan Gautam’s son from Magaule you have three brother and tow sister one have married to Jyamangel Kumal !! you had get married with Subhadra Adhikari [ that is Me] Daughter of Chhabiraman Dahikari from bharatpur Chiutwan 2040 Neapl year.. you went to usa in 1996 and i went in 1997 with my and your daughter sanu but sanu you sand back home alone after three month and after three years later year 2000 get landed to Canada Toronto and bring three Childrens who do not know abuse till that time after we came to Toronto you start abusing Rosay ,Sony and Sanu Mentely , phaysicaly ,and vorbaly . you chase kids with knife to killed them pull their hair and take handful haire on your hand ..telling them you will buy gun and shot them and me and you will get married by Neapli Ritual way …when i come from work childrens will be fearful and saken crying and beggeing me to not to leave them alone with him if i do you say you will kill them.. year 2002 kids and i was in the church you tell sanu your car was broken and you going to fix car and give her 20 dollars to go home..after that you did not come but we find car our Appartment parking lots next day and i know you have left us .. that wsa not the first time you did but that was 26 th time in my life you have leave me alone in neapl but i did not let any one kniow beside my mother and brother i fear caltur and socity i grow up.. before 2002 you had leave me and kids alone not more then 15 days .. but in 2002 you make me to put momey down payment to buy home the money i had earn by taking care of ealderly peopl and baby sitting i write the checks and give it to Builder’s Compeny name Paridise and house was finish bulding on Sepetmber 2002 house closing date was October 22, 2002 i was hoping you will come back and give rest of the money and kids can have place to leave but you did not come back or contact any one we did not know you was live or not .. but you contact Pastor Allan Bown and tell him where you have hide my Nepali passport , you had hide my Npeali passport and my health card was out of date i could not go to Dr. and i was Emaling you that only thing we know about you uttamgautham@hotmail.com but you never repply to us finnly after 12 month later you email to pastor by your new hotmail ID ourcontact@hotmail.com and after tow month later you responce to my eamil that kids use to write for me i did not know how to write in English and i did not have email Adress after that Rosy’s friend open hotmail for me to email you that is nanicolagi@hotmail.com .. you repent with me and kids on the mail ask me to call Rejesh Pandit brother who is from Krishnapur and Nepali Conculate Kunjer Sherma and Madan KC from Nepali Commnuity leader you told me to ask them to have meeting at my Appartment with you that you can repent with them about how you leave kids and me alone and watch us going through hardship .. but i say no i will not do that to you as honor i will trust you and please come back and you cam back and saty there till 2004 feb ..but you did not talk to me or kids after you came back only curse and abuse us more mentely and phyicallymore then before ..in 2003 july you had car Accdent at foodBasic , Food store parking lot and you calm for inserence for that you saty with us in same appartment till 2004 feb 9 that morning i went to work you was in living room in front computer bout when i came back in the night Rosy say he left !! since that time we have no idea where you are and waht you doing ?? when you went to Neapl 2002 you sold all the land i have that my mother have guiven me and take that money to Beligum’s Bussiels bank how do i know banks and paper to my Appartment by mistake..it was over 70,000 Euro Dollars. you not only took that every thing my mother have given to me but you took over $50,000 USa dollars onmy name from Cridit cards ..and you took money from insurence $35, 000 canadian dollars and you have take over $50,000 from canadian banks line of credit and credit card they called us and ask us to pay back thret kids and me .. till year 2012 they called and make threat us to pay kids cry and cry scare ..how could you get all this ..if you are kind to your self please write truth about your self and give your true name.. you teach Bharath pur Brindra Campus ,Bharathpur Mabi, Gaduli Mabi,Gandaki Campus, you had won Cosmopalation Lauguage Institute ,, even if you forget about your self all your student from Chitwan know you and people from Canada and USA know you mister uttam gautam ..i take cake three Daughter that you have given to me by cleaning wash room and changing Elderly peopls dipers and get food from food bank.. also from 2004 to 2007 Canadian Government give some money to pay rent now kids are grown tow daughter have family and i also have three grand son one grand daughter another one coming soon ..you are Uttam Gautam from Bharatpur Chitwan near Eyes .Hospital
    subhadra says:
    यहाँको प्रतिक्रिया मध्यस्तताको पर्खाइमा छ ।
    फ्रेवुअरी 17, 2014 मा 11:45 बेलुका

    Mr. Uttam Gautam [गौतम “उदय”~~] i was married to you and satyed as your wife 25 years take care of my three Daughters Rosy ,Sony, Sanu Gautam.. you commit Adultry continu with your Brindra Campus I .A. Student who was your Girlfriend Lila Dhai and his mother know her … yes Lila Dahi from bharatpur Chitwan who had bring you to my house with his mother , yes Lila dai love you and his mother and his mother was my mother’s friend that’s how this story start .. 2040 Nepali year Jyth 18 you ,me,my mother ,Lila dai. Karki Baa was in your rentel house and Engagement was done after that day you ask my mother if you can take me out and she say yes i have to go with you with fearful heart and you would abuse me but i could not tell any one just sad and shame give my life for more abouse this is your story and my story गौतम “उदय”~ there is not many woman have gon through what i have been through in my 25 years with you and my kids from you ….your blood and flash … why do you shame about telling true story about your self why.. you did all this you should be very proude to tell the world what you did to kids you have bring them to this world..!!!!! you write love story about Campus four girlfriend one of them was your true girl friend and you have keep that relation all that years ..that is your won story only i know peopl read but think just story but that is your ture story .. and you had cheatedd with school teacher ,, you had cheated on me with your Student when i was having Sony in my tummy and i find out when i was having Sanu and i called that girl home and talk to both of you infront other Student name Subhada from Gadauli and that girls say sorry she was child and make mistake ..she said right infront you that you had start taking her out since she was in grad 7 and i find out when she came to Bharatpur Studay to Prepare for SLC Exam.. and you had ask me to find room for her near to house that i had Built Momey came from the Land my mother had given to me now you sold it and took all ..continue all that years abuse my life every way..you had Rape me befre you married me.. this my story ..and i am very proud to tell the world what i have been through and where iam now.. i do thank you for bringing me and kids to Canada uttam Gautam i feel sorry that you told me by email last year September you are going blind but i am thinking if you are going blind how can you write all this thing..and you called my brother and tell him you are going blind ..i think there is other way to make money for you ..i think you have found some other very smart way to make big money about decelaring about loose of your site as you have done with otheInsurance Company in Canada year 2003 to 2004 …even if you try to make people blind God is not blind he can see allthingsyou doing and you cant hide from Him He can see you you ..

  2. Keshav Adhikari says:

    Why you are hiding your identity can you tell me your present identity as a Nepali citizen how Mandy citizenship you have
    Different name ,different date of birth
    Different surname …..

  3. subhadra says:

    subhadra says: यहाँको प्रतिक्रिया मध्यस्तताको पर्खाइमा छ । फ्रेवुअरी 17, 2014 मा 11:02 बेलुका

    Uttam Gautm! Rosy ,Sony. sanu Gautam’s Daddy ..! how do you forget all the truth about your true self , and about your life who you are and where you came from? you are Balakrishan Gautam’s son from Magaule you have three brother and tow sister one have married to Jyamangel Kumal !! you had get married with Subhadra Adhikari [ that is Me] Daughter of Chhabiraman Dahikari from bharatpur Chiutwan 2040 Neapl year.. you went to usa in 1996 and i went in 1997 with my and your daughter sanu but sanu you sand back home alone after three month and after three years later year 2000 get landed to Canada Toronto and bring three Childrens who do not know abuse till that time after we came to Toronto you start abusing Rosay ,Sony and Sanu Mentely , phaysicaly ,and vorbaly . you chase kids with knife to killed them pull their hair and take handful haire on your hand ..telling them you will buy gun and shot them and me and you will get married by Neapli Ritual way …when i come from work childrens will be fearful and saken crying and beggeing me to not to leave them alone with him if i do you say you will kill them.. year 2002 kids and i was in the church you tell sanu your car was broken and you going to fix car and give her 20 dollars to go home..after that you did not come but we find car our Appartment parking lots next day and i know you have left us .. that wsa not the first time you did but that was 26 th time in my life you have leave me alone in neapl but i did not let any one kniow beside my mother and brother i fear caltur and socity i grow up.. before 2002 you had leave me and kids alone not more then 15 days .. but in 2002 you make me to put momey down payment to buy home the money i had earn by taking care of ealderly peopl and baby sitting i write the checks and give it to Builder’s Compeny name Paridise and house was finish bulding on Sepetmber 2002 house closing date was October 22, 2002 i was hoping you will come back and give rest of the money and kids can have place to leave but you did not come back or contact any one we did not know you was live or not .. but you contact Pastor Allan Bown and tell him where you have hide my Nepali passport , you had hide my Npeali passport and my health card was out of date i could not go to Dr. and i was Emaling you that only thing we know about you uttamgautham@hotmail.com but you never repply to us finnly after 12 month later you email to pastor by your new hotmail ID ourcontact@hotmail.com and after tow month later you responce to my eamil that kids use to write for me i did not know how to write in English and i did not have email Adress after that Rosy’s friend open hotmail for me to email you that is nanicolagi@hotmail.com .. you repent with me and kids on the mail ask me to call Rejesh Pandit brother who is from Krishnapur and Nepali Conculate Kunjer Sherma and Madan KC from Nepali Commnuity leader you told me to ask them to have meeting at my Appartment with you that you can repent with them about how you leave kids and me alone and watch us going through hardship .. but i say no i will not do that to you as honor i will trust you and please come back and you cam back and saty there till 2004 feb ..but you did not talk to me or kids after you came back only curse and abuse us more mentely and phyicallymore then before ..in 2003 july you had car Accdent at foodBasic , Food store parking lot and you calm for inserence for that you saty with us in same appartment till 2004 feb 9 that morning i went to work you was in living room in front computer bout when i came back in the night Rosy say he left !! since that time we have no idea where you are and waht you doing ?? when you went to Neapl 2002 you sold all the land i have that my mother have guiven me and take that money to Beligum’s Bussiels bank how do i know banks and paper to my Appartment by mistake..it was over 70,000 Euro Dollars. you not only took that every thing my mother have given to me but you took over $50,000 USa dollars onmy name from Cridit cards ..and you took money from insurence $35, 000 canadian dollars and you have take over $50,000 from canadian banks line of credit and credit card they called us and ask us to pay back thret kids and me .. till year 2012 they called and make threat us to pay kids cry and cry scare ..how could you get all this ..if you are kind to your self please write truth about your self and give your true name.. you teach Bharath pur Brindra Campus ,Bharathpur Mabi, Gaduli Mabi,Gandaki Campus, you had won Cosmopalation Lauguage Institute ,, even if you forget about your self all your student from Chitwan know you and people from Canada and USA know you mister uttam gautam ..i take cake three Daughter that you have given to me by cleaning wash room and changing Elderly peopls dipers and get food from food bank.. also from 2004 to 2007 Canadian Government give some money to pay rent now kids are grown tow daughter have family and i also have three grand son one grand daughter another one coming soon ..you are Uttam Gautam from Bharatpur Chitwan near Eyes .Hospital Reply subhadra says: यहाँको प्रतिक्रिया मध्यस्तताको पर्खाइमा छ । फ्रेवुअरी 17, 2014 मा 11:45 बेलुका

    Mr. Uttam Gautam [गौतम “उदय”~~] i was married to you and satyed as your wife 25 years take care of my three Daughters Rosy ,Sony, Sanu Gautam.. you commit Adultry continu with your Brindra Campus I .A. Student who was your Girlfriend Lila Dhai and his mother know her … yes Lila Dahi from bharatpur Chitwan who had bring you to my house with his mother , yes Lila dai love you and his mother and his mother was my mother’s friend that’s how this story start .. 2040 Nepali year Jyth 18 you ,me,my mother ,Lila dai. Karki Baa was in your rentel house and Engagement was done after that day you ask my mother if you can take me out and she say yes i have to go with you with fearful heart and you would abuse me but i could not tell any one just sad and shame give my life for more abouse this is your story and my story गौतम “उदय”~ there is not many woman have gon through what i have been through in my 25 years with you and my kids from you ….your blood and flash … why do you shame about telling true story about your self why.. you did all this you should be very proude to tell the world what you did to kids you have bring them to this world..!!!!! you write love story about Campus four girlfriend one of them was your true girl friend and you have keep that relation all that years ..that is your won story only i know peopl read but think just story but that is your ture story .. and you had cheatedd with school teacher ,, you had cheated on me with your Student when i was having Sony in my tummy and i find out when i was having Sanu and i called that girl home and talk to both of you infront other Student name Subhada from Gadauli and that girls say sorry she was child and make mistake ..she said right infront you that you had start taking her out since she was in grad 7 and i find out when she came to Bharatpur Studay to Prepare for SLC Exam.. and you had ask me to find room for her near to house that i had Built Momey came from the Land my mother had given to me now you sold it and took all ..continue all that years abuse my life every way..you had Rape me befre you married me.. this my story ..and i am very proud to tell the world what i have been through and where iam now.. i do thank you for bringing me and kids to Canada uttam Gautam i feel sorry that you told me by email last year September you are going blind but i am thinking if you are going blind how can you write all this thing..and you called my brother and tell him you are going blind ..i think there is other way to make money for you ..i think you have found some other very smart way to make big money about decelaring about loose of your site as you have done with other Insurance Company in Canada year 2003 to 2004 …even if you try to make people blind God is not blind he can see allthingsyou doing and you cant hide from Him He can see you you .. Reply
    केशव अधिकारी
    केशव अधिकारी
    Susan Dahl
    Susan Dahl

    subhadra says: यहाँको प्रतिक्रिया मध्यस्तताको पर्खाइमा छ । फ्रेवुअरी 17, 2014 मा 11:02 बेलुका

    Uttam Gautm! Rosy ,Sony. sanu Gautam’s Daddy ..! how do you forget all the truth about your true self , and about your life who you are and where you came from? you are Balakrishan Gautam’s son from Magaule you have three brother and tow sister one have married to Jyamangel Kumal !! you had get married with Subhadra Adhikari [ that is Me] Daughter of Chhabiraman Dahikari from bharatpur Chiutwan 2040 Neapl year.. you went to usa in 1996 and i went in 1997 with my and your daughter sanu but sanu you sand back home alone after three month and after three years later year 2000 get landed to Canada Toronto and bring three Childrens who do not know abuse till that time after we came to Toronto you start abusing Rosay ,Sony and Sanu Mentely , phaysicaly ,and vorbaly . you chase kids with knife to killed them pull their hair and take handful haire on your hand ..telling them you will buy gun and shot them and me and you will get married by Neapli Ritual way …when i come from work childrens will be fearful and saken crying and beggeing me to not to leave them alone with him if i do you say you will kill them.. year 2002 kids and i was in the church you tell sanu your car was broken and you going to fix car and give her 20 dollars to go home..after that you did not come but we find car our Appartment parking lots next day and i know you have left us .. that wsa not the first time you did but that was 26 th time in my life you have leave me alone in neapl but i did not let any one kniow beside my mother and brother i fear caltur and socity i grow up.. before 2002 you had leave me and kids alone not more then 15 days .. but in 2002 you make me to put momey down payment to buy home the money i had earn by taking care of ealderly peopl and baby sitting i write the checks and give it to Builder’s Compeny name Paridise and house was finish bulding on Sepetmber 2002 house closing date was October 22, 2002 i was hoping you will come back and give rest of the money and kids can have place to leave but you did not come back or contact any one we did not know you was live or not .. but you contact Pastor Allan Bown and tell him where you have hide my Nepali passport , you had hide my Npeali passport and my health card was out of date i could not go to Dr. and i was Emaling you that only thing we know about you uttamgautham@hotmail.com but you never repply to us finnly after 12 month later you email to pastor by your new hotmail ID ourcontact@hotmail.com and after tow month later you responce to my eamil that kids use to write for me i did not know how to write in English and i did not have email Adress after that Rosy’s friend open hotmail for me to email you that is nanicolagi@hotmail.com .. you repent with me and kids on the mail ask me to call Rejesh Pandit brother who is from Krishnapur and Nepali Conculate Kunjer Sherma and Madan KC from Nepali Commnuity leader you told me to ask them to have meeting at my Appartment with you that you can repent with them about how you leave kids and me alone and watch us going through hardship .. but i say no i will not do that to you as honor i will trust you and please come back and you cam back and saty there till 2004 feb ..but you did not talk to me or kids after you came back only curse and abuse us more mentely and phyicallymore then before ..in 2003 july you had car Accdent at foodBasic , Food store parking lot and you calm for inserence for that you saty with us in same appartment till 2004 feb 9 that morning i went to work you was in living room in front computer bout when i came back in the night Rosy say he left !! since that time we have no idea where you are and waht you doing ?? when you went to Neapl 2002 you sold all the land i have that my mother have guiven me and take that money to Beligum’s Bussiels bank how do i know banks and paper to my Appartment by mistake..it was over 70,000 Euro Dollars. you not only took that every thing my mother have given to me but you took over $50,000 USa dollars onmy name from Cridit cards ..and you took money from insurence $35, 000 canadian dollars and you have take over $50,000 from canadian banks line of credit and credit card they called us and ask us to pay back thret kids and me .. till year 2012 they called and make threat us to pay kids cry and cry scare ..how could you get all this ..if you are kind to your self please write truth about your self and give your true name.. you teach Bharath pur Brindra Campus ,Bharathpur Mabi, Gaduli Mabi,Gandaki Campus, you had won Cosmopalation Lauguage Institute ,, even if you forget about your self all your student from Chitwan know you and people from Canada and USA know you mister uttam gautam ..i take cake three Daughter that you have given to me by cleaning wash room and changing Elderly peopls dipers and get food from food bank.. also from 2004 to 2007 Canadian Government give some money to pay rent now kids are grown tow daughter have family and i also have three grand son one grand daughter another one coming soon ..you are Uttam Gautam from Bharatpur Chitwan near Eyes .Hospital Reply subhadra says: यहाँको प्रतिक्रिया मध्यस्तताको पर्खाइमा छ । फ्रेवुअरी 17, 2014 मा 11:45 बेलुका

    Mr. Uttam Gautam [गौतम “उदय”~~] i was married to you and satyed as your wife 25 years take care of my three Daughters Rosy ,Sony, Sanu Gautam.. you commit Adultry continu with your Brindra Campus I .A. Student who was your Girlfriend Lila Dhai and his mother know her … yes Lila Dahi from bharatpur Chitwan who had bring you to my house with his mother , yes Lila dai love you and his mother and his mother was my mother’s friend that’s how this story start .. 2040 Nepali year Jyth 18 you ,me,my mother ,Lila dai. Karki Baa was in your rentel house and Engagement was done after that day you ask my mother if you can take me out and she say yes i have to go with you with fearful heart and you would abuse me but i could not tell any one just sad and shame give my life for more abouse this is your story and my story गौतम “उदय”~ there is not many woman have gon through what i have been through in my 25 years with you and my kids from you ….your blood and flash … why do you shame about telling true story about your self why.. you did all this you should be very proude to tell the world what you did to kids you have bring them to this world..!!!!! you write love story about Campus four girlfriend one of them was your true girl friend and you have keep that relation all that years ..that is your won story only i know peopl read but think just story but that is your ture story .. and you had cheatedd with school teacher ,, you had cheated on me with your Student when i was having Sony in my tummy and i find out when i was having Sanu and i called that girl home and talk to both of you infront other Student name Subhada from Gadauli and that girls say sorry she was child and make mistake ..she said right infront you that you had start taking her out since she was in grad 7 and i find out when she came to Bharatpur Studay to Prepare for SLC Exam.. and you had ask me to find room for her near to house that i had Built Momey came from the Land my mother had given to me now you sold it and took all ..continue all that years abuse my life every way..you had Rape me befre you married me.. this my story ..and i am very proud to tell the world what i have been through and where iam now.. i do thank you for bringing me and kids to Canada uttam Gautam i feel sorry that you told me by email last year September you are going blind but i am thinking if you are going blind how can you write all this thing..and you called my brother and tell him you are going blind ..i think there is other way to make money for you ..i think you have found some other very smart way to make big money about decelaring about loose of your site as you have done with other Insurance Company in Canada year 2003 to 2004 …even if you try to make people blind God is not blind he can see allthingsyou doing and you cant hide from Him He can see you you .. Reply

    मन परो वा परेन: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

    [Reply] | Comment in moderation. your Fromer {Ex wife ] Subhadra February 18, 2014 at 8:11 am

    you photo ta toronto ma ny leya ko ho.. i think this pict.was taken in Toronto Canada year 2001 behind 311 the west mall M9c1c9 .. how can you forget your won blood and flash and live life peacefully?? how??????????? what three kids Rosy ,Sony and Sanu have done to you ? how much you hurt them ? and have peace at your heart ..how much money do you take from all the credit card from my Name in USA and Canada ..why they have bother us and scare kids and me why kids have done to you .. Uttam Gautam [गौतम “उदय” / हवाई, अमेरिका ] you think no one can find you and see you.. how can you denies won blood and flash!!? how could you lie to your won self!!!? May Lord of Heaven and Earth forgive all things you have done to me and Rosy,Sony ,Sanu.. how much kids cry in front you ? how much they say Daddy please do not leave us …how do you think there is any human being can do things like you did to us..and for banks..wow..you think you are hero..

    मन परो वा परेन: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

    [Reply] | Comment in moderation. your Fromer {Ex wife ] Subhadra February 18, 2014 at 8:28 am

    thank you for giving me this chance to post my story what you have done to my life and kids..i was praying with my Heavenly Father God all this years to tell my Story to Neapali brothers and sisters. iam so proud and grateful to the Lord who sustain my and kids’s life in Canada.. do you think Pastor John Arnot. Pastor Steven and Sandra ,Pastor Duncan and Kate Smith from Catch the fire ministry do not know what you did and our Consulate Kunjer Sharma ,Kumod Sherma who teach Universityof Toronto for get all what kids and i have been through infront their eyes..and Rajesh Pandit bhai from Krishna pur .and Madan Dai from Toronto..and Pastor Allan Bowan who have to come to our place at night 1 am to save our life from your abuse you thing no one can member!!? every one remember every thing kids and we went through ..you think Pastor Duncan forget how he have to take Rosy in to His house and make take care as his daughter and get her married !! do you think God cant see sony’s broken heart and live with boy since age 17 and have baby age of 19 and she is 24 years old and have five kids no high school education who make that happen who?? how can your heart have peace and joy to do all this thing in the world?? uttam how can you stand before the man and talk like man when you have hurt this many life and done so much thing evil.. be kind to your self and ask God to help you to live true life ..your farmer [Ex wife] chhody ke Iemaie

    मन परो वा परेन: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

    [Reply] | Comment in moderation. your Fromer {Ex wife ] Subhadra February 18, 2014 at 8:38 am

    i clean wash room and make money to feed my three your kids गौतम “उदय” / हवाई, अमेरिका Rosy,sony ,sanu, i did not have money to sand them to university ..Rosy went to live with Pastor Kete and Duncan Smith with their three daughters ask you to give her some money to go to school you denie.. sanu my baby who cried …cried for her dad cried and say even he abuse me i love him more then my life..i will give my life for him i love him he is my dad.. she have to go live with her sister and do house cleaning some ones to pay rent and by food she ask for money to go to university you stop emailing her you say you are not bank you cant give money..she try to find job to survive but very hard without good education only have high school pass she had very big dream but no one to help to sand her to university how could your गौतम “उदय” / हवाई, अमेरिका heart beats and have peace after doing all this things to so many life..i wonder so much

    मन परो वा परेन: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0
    Susan Dahl
    Susan Dahl

    subhadra says: यहाँको प्रतिक्रिया मध्यस्तताको पर्खाइमा छ । फ्रेवुअरी 17, 2014 मा 11:02 बेलुका

    Uttam Gautm! Rosy ,Sony. sanu Gautam’s Daddy ..! how do you forget all the truth about your true self , and about your life who you are and where you came from? you are Balakrishan Gautam’s son from Magaule you have three brother and tow sister one have married to Jyamangel Kumal !! you had get married with Subhadra Adhikari [ that is Me] Daughter of Chhabiraman Dahikari from bharatpur Chiutwan 2040 Neapl year.. you went to usa in 1996 and i went in 1997 with my and your daughter sanu but sanu you sand back home alone after three month and after three years later year 2000 get landed to Canada Toronto and bring three Childrens who do not know abuse till that time after we came to Toronto you start abusing Rosay ,Sony and Sanu Mentely , phaysicaly ,and vorbaly . you chase kids with knife to killed them pull their hair and take handful haire on your hand ..telling them you will buy gun and shot them and me and you will get married by Neapli Ritual way …when i come from work childrens will be fearful and saken crying and beggeing me to not to leave them alone with him if i do you say you will kill them.. year 2002 kids and i was in the church you tell sanu your car was broken and you going to fix car and give her 20 dollars to go home..after that you did not come but we find car our Appartment parking lots next day and i know you have left us .. that wsa not the first time you did but that was 26 th time in my life you have leave me alone in neapl but i did not let any one kniow beside my mother and brother i fear caltur and socity i grow up.. before 2002 you had leave me and kids alone not more then 15 days .. but in 2002 you make me to put momey down payment to buy home the money i had earn by taking care of ealderly peopl and baby sitting i write the checks and give it to Builder’s Compeny name Paridise and house was finish bulding on Sepetmber 2002 house closing date was October 22, 2002 i was hoping you will come back and give rest of the money and kids can have place to leave but you did not come back or contact any one we did not know you was live or not .. but you contact Pastor Allan Bown and tell him where you have hide my Nepali passport , you had hide my Npeali passport and my health card was out of date i could not go to Dr. and i was Emaling you that only thing we know about you uttamgautham@hotmail.com but you never repply to us finnly after 12 month later you email to pastor by your new hotmail ID ourcontact@hotmail.com and after tow month later you responce to my eamil that kids use to write for me i did not know how to write in English and i did not have email Adress after that Rosy’s friend open hotmail for me to email you that is nanicolagi@hotmail.com .. you repent with me and kids on the mail ask me to call Rejesh Pandit brother who is from Krishnapur and Nepali Conculate Kunjer Sherma and Madan KC from Nepali Commnuity leader you told me to ask them to have meeting at my Appartment with you that you can repent with them about how you leave kids and me alone and watch us going through hardship .. but i say no i will not do that to you as honor i will trust you and please come back and you cam back and saty there till 2004 feb ..but you did not talk to me or kids after you came back only curse and abuse us more mentely and phyicallymore then before ..in 2003 july you had car Accdent at foodBasic , Food store parking lot and you calm for inserence for that you saty with us in same appartment till 2004 feb 9 that morning i went to work you was in living room in front computer bout when i came back in the night Rosy say he left !! since that time we have no idea where you are and waht you doing ?? when you went to Neapl 2002 you sold all the land i have that my mother have guiven me and take that money to Beligum’s Bussiels bank how do i know banks and paper to my Appartment by mistake..it was over 70,000 Euro Dollars. you not only took that every thing my mother have given to me but you took over $50,000 USa dollars onmy name from Cridit cards ..and you took money from insurence $35, 000 canadian dollars and you have take over $50,000 from canadian banks line of credit and credit card they called us and ask us to pay back thret kids and me .. till year 2012 they called and make threat us to pay kids cry and cry scare ..how could you get all this ..if you are kind to your self please write truth about your self and give your true name.. you teach Bharath pur Brindra Campus ,Bharathpur Mabi, Gaduli Mabi,Gandaki Campus, you had won Cosmopalation Lauguage Institute ,, even if you forget about your self all your student from Chitwan know you and people from Canada and USA know you mister uttam gautam ..i take cake three Daughter that you have given to me by cleaning wash room and changing Elderly peopls dipers and get food from food bank.. also from 2004 to 2007 Canadian Government give some money to pay rent now kids are grown tow daughter have family and i also have three grand son one grand daughter another one coming soon ..you are Uttam Gautam from Bharatpur Chitwan near Eyes .Hospital Reply subhadra says: यहाँको प्रतिक्रिया मध्यस्तताको पर्खाइमा छ । फ्रेवुअरी 17, 2014 मा 11:45 बेलुका

    Mr. Uttam Gautam [गौतम “उदय”~~] i was married to you and satyed as your wife 25 years take care of my three Daughters Rosy ,Sony, Sanu Gautam.. you commit Adultry continu with your Brindra Campus I .A. Student who was your Girlfriend Lila Dhai and his mother know her … yes Lila Dahi from bharatpur Chitwan who had bring you to my house with his mother , yes Lila dai love you and his mother and his mother was my mother’s friend that’s how this story start .. 2040 Nepali year Jyth 18 you ,me,my mother ,Lila dai. Karki Baa was in your rentel house and Engagement was done after that day you ask my mother if you can take me out and she say yes i have to go with you with fearful heart and you would abuse me but i could not tell any one just sad and shame give my life for more abouse this is your story and my story गौतम “उदय”~ there is not many woman have gon through what i have been through in my 25 years with you and my kids from you ….your blood and flash … why do you shame about telling true story about your self why.. you did all this you should be very proude to tell the world what you did to kids you have bring them to this world..!!!!! you write love story about Campus four girlfriend one of them was your true girl friend and you have keep that relation all that years ..that is your won story only i know peopl read but think just story but that is your ture story .. and you had cheatedd with school teacher ,, you had cheated on me with your Student when i was having Sony in my tummy and i find out when i was having Sanu and i called that girl home and talk to both of you infront other Student name Subhada from Gadauli and that girls say sorry she was child and make mistake ..she said right infront you that you had start taking her out since she was in grad 7 and i find out when she came to Bharatpur Studay to Prepare for SLC Exam.. and you had ask me to find room for her near to house that i had Built Momey came from the Land my mother had given to me now you sold it and took all ..continue all that years abuse my life every way..you had Rape me befre you married me.. this my story ..and i am very proud to tell the world what i have been through and where iam now.. i do thank you for bringing me and kids to Canada uttam Gautam i feel sorry that you told me by email last year September you are going blind but i am thinking if you are going blind how can you write all this thing..and you called my brother and tell him you are going blind ..i think there is other way to make money for you ..i think you have found some other very smart way to make big money about decelaring about loose of your site as you have done with other Insurance Company in Canada year 2003 to 2004 …even if you try to make people blind God is not blind he can see allthingsyou doing and you cant hide from Him He can see you you .. Reply

    मन परो वा परेन: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

    [Reply] | Comment in moderation. your Fromer {Ex wife ] Subhadra February 18, 2014 at 8:11 am

    you photo ta toronto ma ny leya ko ho.. i think this pict.was taken in Toronto Canada year 2001 behind 311 the west mall M9c1c9 .. how can you forget your won blood and flash and live life peacefully?? how??????????? what three kids Rosy ,Sony and Sanu have done to you ? how much you hurt them ? and have peace at your heart ..how much money do you take from all the credit card from my Name in USA and Canada ..why they have bother us and scare kids and me why kids have done to you .. Uttam Gautam [गौतम “उदय” / हवाई, अमेरिका ] you think no one can find you and see you.. how can you denies won blood and flash!!? how could you lie to your won self!!!? May Lord of Heaven and Earth forgive all things you have done to me and Rosy,Sony ,Sanu.. how much kids cry in front you ? how much they say Daddy please do not leave us …how do you think there is any human being can do things like you did to us..and for banks..wow..you think you are hero..

    मन परो वा परेन: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

    [Reply] | Comment in moderation. your Fromer {Ex wife ] Subhadra February 18, 2014 at 8:28 am

    thank you for giving me this chance to post my story what you have done to my life and kids..i was praying with my Heavenly Father God all this years to tell my Story to Neapali brothers and sisters. iam so proud and grateful to the Lord who sustain my and kids’s life in Canada.. do you think Pastor John Arnot. Pastor Steven and Sandra ,Pastor Duncan and Kate Smith from Catch the fire ministry do not know what you did and our Consulate Kunjer Sharma ,Kumod Sherma who teach Universityof Toronto for get all what kids and i have been through infront their eyes..and Rajesh Pandit bhai from Krishna pur .and Madan Dai from Toronto..and Pastor Allan Bowan who have to come to our place at night 1 am to save our life from your abuse you thing no one can member!!? every one remember every thing kids and we went through ..you think Pastor Duncan forget how he have to take Rosy in to His house and make take care as his daughter and get her married !! do you think God cant see sony’s broken heart and live with boy since age 17 and have baby age of 19 and she is 24 years old and have five kids no high school education who make that happen who?? how can your heart have peace and joy to do all this thing in the world?? uttam how can you stand before the man and talk like man when you have hurt this many life and done so much thing evil.. be kind to your self and ask God to help you to live true life ..your farmer [Ex wife] chhody ke Iemaie

    मन परो वा परेन: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

    [Reply] | Comment in moderation. your Fromer {Ex wife ] Subhadra February 18, 2014 at 8:38 am

    i clean wash room and make money to feed my three your kids गौतम “उदय” / हवाई, अमेरिका Rosy,sony ,sanu, i did not have money to sand them to university ..Rosy went to live with Pastor Kete and Duncan Smith with their three daughters ask you to give her some money to go to school you denie.. sanu my baby who cried …cried for her dad cried and say even he abuse me i love him more then my life..i will give my life for him i love him he is my dad.. she have to go live with her sister and do house cleaning some ones to pay rent and by food she ask for money to go to university you stop emailing her you say you are not bank you cant give money..she try to find job to survive but very hard without good education only have high school pass she had very big dream but no one to help to sand her to university how could your गौतम “उदय” / हवाई, अमेरिका heart beats and have peace after doing all this things to so many life..i wonder so much

    मन परो वा परेन: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0 Susan Dahl 12:55am Susan Dahl

    गौतम “उदय” / हवाई, अमेरिका

    babu ..ya hi ho evil man who descry my life

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