रचनाकारलाई खोज्न अंग्रेजीमा नाम टाइप गर्नुहोस् ।
प्रमुख सम्पादक/सङ्कलक
~ आविष्कार ~
विधा छान्नुहोस्
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- हास्य – व्यङ्ग्य (555)
- English article Nepali Writer (392)
नेपाली साहित्य लेखन सहयोगी
१. साहित्य सृजना कसरी गर्ने ?
२. हाइकु कसरी लेख्ने ?
३. गेडी कसरी लेख्ने ?
४. गजल कसरी लेख्ने ?
५. छन्दमा कविता कसरी लेख्ने ?
६. तान्का कसरी लेख्ने ?
७. रुबाई कसरी लेख्ने ?
८. छेस्का कसरी लेख्ने ?
९. मुक्तक कसरी लेख्ने ?
१०. कविता कसरी लेख्ने ?
११. सिजो कसरी लेख्ने ?
१२. तप्कना कसरी लेख्ने ?
१३. तियाली कसरी लेख्ने ?
१४. बाछिटा कसरी लेख्ने ?
१५. कथा कसरी लेख्ने ?
१६. लघुकथा कसरी लेख्ने ?
१७. उपन्यास कसरी लेख्ने ?
१८. नाटक कसरी लेख्ने ?
१९. एकाङ्की कसरी लेख्ने ?
२०. रेडियो स्क्रिप्ट कसरी लेख्ने?
21. पत्रसाहित्य कसरी लेख्ने?Follow साहित्य सङ्ग्रहालय
यो हफ्ता धेरै पढिएको
- समीक्षा : नेपाली नाटकको परम्परा र विकास
- समीक्षा : 'पापिनी आमा' खण्डकाव्यको विश्लेषण
- समीक्षा : मुनामदन खण्डकाव्य
- नेपाली भजन : न धन त्यागेर त्यागी हुन्छ
- कार्यपत्र : नेपाली उपन्यासको विकासक्रम
- पुस्तक समीक्षा : अर्की आइमाई : अमेरिकाको अलिखित वास्तविकताको कथाव्यथा
- समालोचना : महाकाव्यीय तत्वका आधारमा प्रमिथस महाकाव्यको विश्लेषण र यसको कथासार
- खण्ड-काव्य : युद्ध र योद्धा
- समालोचना : लेनसिंह बाङ्देलको लङ्गडाको साथी
- कविता : वातावरण
Category Archives: Poem
Poem : Unanswered Question
~Dibya Giri~ Whenever I am making coffee in the kitchen I hear the news of the radio everyday Suicidal attack, kidnapping and war My heart is disappointed I don’t feel the taste of the coffee. Whenever after the tiresome day … Continue reading
Poem : O! Poet, O! Nature
~Ram Prasad Prasain~ Droplet smiles at the balcony Emerging from seminal flow Life becomes happiness And, existence remains a prop Where humanity envelopes eternity And momentum fills with reemergence of urgency In your multi-color land, A butterfly flies at the … Continue reading
Poem : The hollow mentality
~Ismael Subba~ The deep hollow mentality is danger than the sea. waves of thoughts are deeper than the sea and is very dangerous..
Poem : Thoughts
~Swami Subash Chandra~ Thoughts, ideas they are all like steam if you harnessed them properly they would turn into energy,
Poem : Shifter
~Ismael Subba~ Dear shifter, Who is your friend? Hand,believe,determination, Agony,sorrow or happiness,
Poem : Reality
~Ismael Subba~ Stop! And think once…. What if I am black, Do I belong to Africa?? Though I’m just like you, Speaking the same language, Eating the same things, Sharing the feelings As of yours..
Poem : Face Book Mania
~Swami Subash Chandra~ The Universe is the network of intoxication. Face Book is its a motion and continuation. In alcohol, gambling, love and so on therein, everywhere, the intoxication can be seen.
Poem : Oh Desert !
~Pancha Vismrit~ Decorated with towns and cities Religion culture and legends And decorated with growth and prosperity The desert Where I am right on Being a stranger In pursuit of life In pursuit of dreams Sitting on the burning sands … Continue reading
Poem : Contemplation…
~Shirish Lamichhane~ Miles away in godforsaken land Wind whistles right in the ear And the trees barely stand I see far into the horizon The twilight of the dusk Just makes me feel grand! Can’t retreat from here
Poem : What I Stand For
~Pancha Vismrit~ I am climbing up the mountain of days Up to which the top looks so high Where I can see My sparkling Mt. Everest from And I can see my homeland from The days seem to be so … Continue reading
Poem : The Snowman
~Ningwa shakti Maden~ Once there was a snowman Stood outside the door , Thought he’d like to come inside And run around the floor ; Thought he’d like to warm himself By the firelight red ; Thought he’d like to … Continue reading
Poem : This Night
~Shankar Lamichhane~ Like a torn leaf of notation A piece of sky Is glued over here. It is its song thant the waves murmer And sing out to the shores.
Poem : Unfulfilled Desires!!!
~Santosh Koirala~ I came from a country People, torn out and poors Started searching for a job ringing bells and knocking doors I got a job here Working place is quite far Anyway, I started earning dollars Now!! I want … Continue reading
Poem : Color
~Mukta Sapkota~ Colors are the smiles of nature, Sacred, divine and solemn Contributing to beauty Friends of their neighbors Lovers of their opposites With utmost purity
Poem : Crisis
~Shirish Lamichhane~ I turn my TV on And switch my channel to CNN All I hear about is “Debt Ceiling” I look up in my room And get haunted by a creepy feeling! August 2 is round the corner And … Continue reading
Poem : Gods Are Dying
~Bhuwaneshor Sharma~ Down the Heaven Road, I encountered Jesus on a narrow alley; Surviving in an artificial oxygen pipe, He suffered chronic asthma. Further down was Mother Teresa, Beside the shadow of eucalyptus, She’s refused an entry to heaven For … Continue reading
Poem : Great Expectations
~Santosh Koirala~ Out from the heaven I landed in a place Looks like a desert Unknown people and Unknown face With no hope whatsoever I wish I could return back Head to the airport With loads of books and rugged … Continue reading
Poem : O Mountains !
~Shankar Lamichhane~ Keep forever now My footprints as souvenirs – I am on my way to the valley now. I’m so very grateful You have carpeted my trails with gold-leaves; I am so very grateful That you flowered the rocks … Continue reading
Poem : You are incomparable……
~Rajan Poudel~ You are incomparable; you are one of a kind You are sweeter than the sweetest wind Time passes by but your beauty shall not fade No matter what, you will always precede the rest Your beauty goes beyond … Continue reading
Poem : Bread
~Shyam Kumar Yadav~ Transformation of a chauvinist into a quisling, A traitor born by the virtue of the arrogated Mother, Exanguination from the rented womb, Indifferent terrae filius, searcing the Beget, Donor of the life, apathetic in upbringing,
Poem : Misapprehended
~Shirish~ I never desired, but should I have deserved From you my love, to never get loved I kept you waiting too long to bear Once I shunned you, but now I care For the love was too deep to … Continue reading
Poem : Who knows what will happen next?
~Radha Malla~ Wandering into the loneliness, Bewildering into the happiness, Who knows what will happens next Who knows who will win the race? New land, new atmosphere, New people, new thought, New, new, new and new everywhere, Oh! I am … Continue reading
Poem : Into the place where the god meets his disciples
~Niraj Shrestha~ Into the place where the god meets his disciples Where I see all the colors mingled in the same white I see the black I see the white All the lotuses floating in the same water Some yet … Continue reading
Poem : You Cannot Quit
~Shirish~ In touch with this vivid depth of human mind In the beginning I conclude the end to this doctrine Decisive as it is, neither me nor you Have a choice to quit, but ascend or fall At the foot … Continue reading
Poem : I want to live again !
~Rajan Poudel~ Regret and remorse is too much to bear Oh god! I cannot control my tears Please take away my fears Please take away my pain It is just too much to bear… I won’t do what I did, … Continue reading
Poem : Such is thy relation!
~Radha Malla~ Sublime lies there In the presence of pleasure and fear So, are thy spiritual ties There, the beauty lies! All the planets enjoy Moving around sun But they relation Don’t entertain sun fun Beauty lies there In the … Continue reading
Poem : False Truth
~Rajan Kafle~ The same destiny’s daughter who kept her hand on my heart and said with a gentle whisper -dear, we are entwined by non verbal contract made up in the heaven before our souls were pumped with life before … Continue reading
Poem : ……metamorphosis……
~Radha Malla~ The period was so difficult When I underwent, Continuous metamorphosis…… Pupa turned into Butterfly, And, Flew as like its species… An embryo turned into an infant, And, Started living like a human being…
Poem : No place like home……
~Rajan Poudel~ Struggling to make my living back home I came to this country of unknown Carrying hopes and dreams of my own I thought life would be better here but I was wrong! Now I have realized, this place … Continue reading
Poem : Got to drink today
~Sanat Acharya~ Today I worked a lot I saw the sun at both ends of horizon Sore are joints, brains cannot plot My feet feel like carrying a ton There is a bottle shop on my way To erase this … Continue reading
Poem : Mother!!!
~Santosh Koirala~ Years and Years of hardship Nine months of pain She gave a life to a baby Profounded of a huge gain Caring from the very beginning Life has turned so pity She never regrets her deed Thinking of … Continue reading
Poem : Intriguing disconnection
~Rajan Kafle~ An enchanting repartee Between you and me Was stopping the ticking clock And calming my living block Utter silence and tranquillity around Simply the echoes of a soothing sound Came from the wires as we proceeded And my … Continue reading