रचनाकारलाई खोज्न अंग्रेजीमा नाम टाइप गर्नुहोस् ।
प्रमुख सम्पादक/सङ्कलक
~ आविष्कार ~
विधा छान्नुहोस्
- English article Nepali Writer (392)
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- Micro Story (24)
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- अनुवादित साहित्य (516)
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- Translated Poetic Novel (2)
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- अनूदित कविता (155)
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- अनूदित निबन्ध (14)
- अनूदित लघुकथा (21)
- अनूदित संस्मरण (1)
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- नेपाली गीत (1,279)
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- नेपाली प्यारोडी गीत (34)
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- लोक गीत (18)
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- नाटक – रङ्गमञ्च (89)
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- वीरकालीन कविता (4)
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- नेपाली कथा (3,335)
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- मनोवाद / स्वगत (34)
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- चाम्लिङ भाषी रचना (22)
- चाम्लिङ कविता (19)
- चाम्लिङ गजल (3)
- डोट्याली रचना (20)
- डोट्याली कविता (1)
- डोट्याली गजल (11)
- डोट्याली गीत (8)
- तामाङ भाषी रचना (27)
- तामाङ कथा (1)
- तामाङ कविता (10)
- तामाङ गजल (11)
- तामाङ गीत (1)
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- तामाङ लघुकथा (1)
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- थामी भाषी रचना (10)
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- थारू कविता (7)
- थारू गजल (9)
- थारू छेस्का (1)
- थारू बालकथा (2)
- थारू मुक्तक (7)
- थारू हाइकु (2)
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- धिमाल कविता (15)
- धिमाल गजल (1)
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- नेवारी कविता (30)
- नेवारी गजल (3)
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- नेवारी मुक्तक (1)
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- नेवारी हाइकु (3)
- बज्जिका रचना (3)
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- बज्जिका गजल (1)
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- बान्तावा कविता (2)
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- बान्तावा गीत (1)
- भोजपुरी रचना (9)
- भोजपुरी कथा (2)
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- भोजपुरी गजल (3)
- भोजपुरी गीत (1)
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- मैथिली रचना (85)
- मैथिली कथा (4)
- मैथिली कविता (32)
- मैथिली गजल (22)
- मैथिली गीत (5)
- मैथिली मुक्तक (13)
- मैथिली समीक्षा (1)
- मैथिली हाइकु (8)
- लिम्बू भाषी रचना (12)
- लिम्बू कविता (6)
- लिम्बू गजल (3)
- लिम्बू हाइकु (2)
- वाम्बुले भाषी रचना (1)
- वाम्बुले कविता (1)
- शेर्पा भाषी रचना (13)
- शेर्पा कविता (4)
- शेर्पा गजल (8)
- शेर्पा गीत (1)
- संस्कृत रचना (5)
- संस्कृत कविता (2)
- संस्कृत गजल (1)
- संस्कृत समीक्षा (2)
- सुनुवार भाषी रचना (39)
- सुनुवार कविता (33)
- सुनुवार गजल (3)
- सुनुवार गीत (3)
- अवधी रचना (3)
- लेख – समीक्षा (832)
- विचार मन्थन|चिन्तन (28)
- संस्कार – संस्कृति परिचय (28)
- साहित्यिक भलाकुसारी (38)
- स्थान परिचय (4)
- स्मृति साहित्य (535)
- स्रष्टा चिनारी (81)
- स्रष्टा जीवनी (26)
- स्रष्टा परिचय (54)
- स्रस्टा वैयक्तिक विवरण (1)
- हास्य – व्यङ्ग्य (555)
- English article Nepali Writer (392)
नेपाली साहित्य लेखन सहयोगी
१. साहित्य सृजना कसरी गर्ने ?
२. हाइकु कसरी लेख्ने ?
३. गेडी कसरी लेख्ने ?
४. गजल कसरी लेख्ने ?
५. छन्दमा कविता कसरी लेख्ने ?
६. तान्का कसरी लेख्ने ?
७. रुबाई कसरी लेख्ने ?
८. छेस्का कसरी लेख्ने ?
९. मुक्तक कसरी लेख्ने ?
१०. कविता कसरी लेख्ने ?
११. सिजो कसरी लेख्ने ?
१२. तप्कना कसरी लेख्ने ?
१३. तियाली कसरी लेख्ने ?
१४. बाछिटा कसरी लेख्ने ?
१५. कथा कसरी लेख्ने ?
१६. लघुकथा कसरी लेख्ने ?
१७. उपन्यास कसरी लेख्ने ?
१८. नाटक कसरी लेख्ने ?
१९. एकाङ्की कसरी लेख्ने ?
२०. रेडियो स्क्रिप्ट कसरी लेख्ने?
21. पत्रसाहित्य कसरी लेख्ने?Follow साहित्य सङ्ग्रहालय
यो हफ्ता धेरै पढिएको
- नियात्रा : इलाम यात्रा
- समीक्षा : नारीमनकी कथाकार प्रेमा शाह र उनको ‘पहेँलो गुलाफ’
- कथा : एक रात
- शोधपत्र : विधा तत्वका आधारमा सन्त्रस्त आँखाहरु कथासङ्ग्रहको अध्ययन
- कविता : देशभक्ति
- समीक्षा : 'पापिनी आमा' खण्डकाव्यको विश्लेषण
- तेजिन्द्र रानाका तीन मुक्तकहरु
- कार्यपत्र : नेपाली उपन्यासको विकासक्रम
- बालकथा : बिचरो कौवा
- संस्कृति परिचय : किरात चाड उभौली/उधौली पर्वः बारे प्रचलित मिथकहरु
Category Archives: English article Nepali Writer
Poem : Time after Time
~Kiran T Limbu~ There is a beautiful moment where I can see your face, Which exists only between time and space Time shreds space and wears off fashion, And leaves us hopeless for our precious compassion
Poem : Funeral
~Kim Aryal~ Death is a loss, without a doubt Death is a lesson to learn about Death is also a call to heaven or hell Death came and now my beloved Fellow countrymen is gone
Poem : No matter even
~Ramu Gaire~ No matter even I am far from my wife Always she comes in my dream And says darling how is your life No matter even Someone says me badly but my son says honey Dad, i want to … Continue reading
Story : Waiting for the Day
~Jiwan Kshetry~ What if I die right now? A holiday in the college, mourning for few days and the rituals for the next thirteen days. Is there anything more than that that I deserve? Mom would create one more stream … Continue reading
Poem : Greetings
~Dibya Giri~ Without you alone myself and gloomy This chilly December so cold Your absence is more chiller than that And I’ve lost your warm embracing love. Just like the poles standing line wise in the queue as soldiers The … Continue reading
Poem : rhyme a rule
~Pranika Koyu~ s for shadow(s) s for silence g for grief d for defeaning my own alphabet rhymes rules I loathed
Essay : Words, Words, Words
~Ram Prasad Prasain~ Literature defines life in vast, various, vivid and vivacious manners nearly in all moods. Henceforth, life demands aesthetic sensibility. It demands test, trial and turbulence to ponder, realize and understand diverse spectrums of life. Literature deserves to … Continue reading
Poem : Oh, Subru! Hi, Humanity
~Ram Prasad Prasain~ Retiring the tiresome day He bid and told me, Wrapping up the all conversations, “Sir, don’t send my body to my country” “Why?” I was in grave consciousness, Continuously vibrates my auditory drum “Coz, my wife has … Continue reading
Poem : I like your presence
~Basanta Prabin~ Whenever you visit my dreams, I feel you with my sense And its true I like your presence When you are near I cry with fear for when you depart My heart falls apart You are my life’s … Continue reading
Satire Poem : Bush! Your Highness
~Jiwan Kshetry~ Can’t tolerate, Bush! Your highness, Your prosperous and well secured world. Stabbing bayonets in the bellies of the hungry, Throwing grenades to the bodies of the naked, Bombing the roofless from the fighter planes. Bush ! your highness
Poem : The little girl
~Pranika Koyu~ Mama in the labyrinths of your heart a little girl softly treads mama in the labyrinths of your heart solace she seeks to lull into sleep
Essay : Kids are kids
~Ismael Subba~ There is still more time Kids are only kids, Let them be kids.., ********——******** Dear Doraemon, From the big coloured Tv screen of saney’s home Or from the dreams Which I used to see
Poem : The Wedding Of The Doll
~Dibya Giri~ Once I happened to see a doll in the cup-board The Old doll but very beautiful and attractive My daughter used to love it to a great extent She used play and enjoy with the doll She used … Continue reading
Poem : The River
~Jiwan Kshetry~ The river beds, That barely diverges much But can never converge Watching haplessly at each other Facing the wrath of the flood every year, Torn apart yet silent Disappointed yet content Coerced yet complacent The river beds
Satire Poem : The Great Friends
~Jiwan Kshetry~ In the midday they kidnapped her. They had machine guns in shoulders And dollars in the bag And they had mask in the face. They dragged her In the rough floor of civil war They disrobed her Among … Continue reading
Poem : Unanswered Question
~Dibya Giri~ Whenever I am making coffee in the kitchen I hear the news of the radio everyday Suicidal attack, kidnapping and war My heart is disappointed I don’t feel the taste of the coffee. Whenever after the tiresome day … Continue reading
Story : A Ruined family : Legacy of Smoke
~Jiwan Kshetry~ “Jail or Rehab-home”, Jange thundered “That is where a person like me can live.” He was now virtually unable to control his rage as his hapless mother took further defensive posture at the corner of the room. It … Continue reading
Poem : O! Poet, O! Nature
~Ram Prasad Prasain~ Droplet smiles at the balcony Emerging from seminal flow Life becomes happiness And, existence remains a prop Where humanity envelopes eternity And momentum fills with reemergence of urgency In your multi-color land, A butterfly flies at the … Continue reading
Poem : The hollow mentality
~Ismael Subba~ The deep hollow mentality is danger than the sea. waves of thoughts are deeper than the sea and is very dangerous..
Poem : Thoughts
~Swami Subash Chandra~ Thoughts, ideas they are all like steam if you harnessed them properly they would turn into energy,
Poem : Shifter
~Ismael Subba~ Dear shifter, Who is your friend? Hand,believe,determination, Agony,sorrow or happiness,
Story : Deep in thoughts
~Ismael Subba~ Chowrastha,A junction of four roads.The crowd there in the midst of the cold is really awesome. People are staring each other as if they are Aliens. Noises passes by Ankit’s eardrum. He could see students yelling,and roaming in … Continue reading
Poem : Reality
~Ismael Subba~ Stop! And think once…. What if I am black, Do I belong to Africa?? Though I’m just like you, Speaking the same language, Eating the same things, Sharing the feelings As of yours..
Poem : Face Book Mania
~Swami Subash Chandra~ The Universe is the network of intoxication. Face Book is its a motion and continuation. In alcohol, gambling, love and so on therein, everywhere, the intoxication can be seen.
Essay : A Review of Sex on Earth
~Swami Subash Chandra~ The August 1st issue of The Hindu BLink carried a review I wrote a while ago of the book Sex on Earth: A Celebration of Animal Reproduction by Jules Howard. There have been some issues getting the … Continue reading
Story : Victory
~Bishrut Bhattarai~ Lion village. Enough to make an adult cry and whine. And that’s exactly where dark people rule the land. The so called ‘dark guardians’ guarded the border so closely that even if a fly tried to get in, … Continue reading
Story : Expected happen Unexpectedly
~Sagar Karki~ “What? SUICIDE?” Pankaj Dai screamed, all of a sudden left his tea on the table and launched into an investigation. I lowered the TV volume. An ABC’s sport was heating up Suneheri, the most popular Tea Shop at … Continue reading
Poem : Oh Desert !
~Pancha Vismrit~ Decorated with towns and cities Religion culture and legends And decorated with growth and prosperity The desert Where I am right on Being a stranger In pursuit of life In pursuit of dreams Sitting on the burning sands … Continue reading
Poem : Contemplation…
~Shirish Lamichhane~ Miles away in godforsaken land Wind whistles right in the ear And the trees barely stand I see far into the horizon The twilight of the dusk Just makes me feel grand! Can’t retreat from here
Poem : What I Stand For
~Pancha Vismrit~ I am climbing up the mountain of days Up to which the top looks so high Where I can see My sparkling Mt. Everest from And I can see my homeland from The days seem to be so … Continue reading
Poem : The Snowman
~Ningwa shakti Maden~ Once there was a snowman Stood outside the door , Thought he’d like to come inside And run around the floor ; Thought he’d like to warm himself By the firelight red ; Thought he’d like to … Continue reading
Poem : This Night
~Shankar Lamichhane~ Like a torn leaf of notation A piece of sky Is glued over here. It is its song thant the waves murmer And sing out to the shores.