Translated Poem : A Street Child’s Question To His Father

~Jhamak Kumari Ghimire~
Translation : Manjushree Thapa

Baba! I’ll ask you a question
if you won’t shout it down
for though you can boast
a hundred thousand offspring
I have only one father

Baba! Have you forgotten me
amid the hordes of your offspring
I am your fugitive child
Have you forgotten your
sleepless communion with my mother?
How could you embrace me
a new ray rising from wrong time?
I am the avenging apparition
of wrong time

an unneeded offspring
added to the hordes of your offspring
a mere child who broke through
his mother’s stained womb
a renegade child

Baba! I’ll ask another question
though you can boast
a hundred thousand children
the union of your blood is in
the union of my blood
Questions of silent union
arise from the cacophony

Half formed by you
fully formed by my mother
am I, the child of the street
Why did you damage me
on a corner of the street?
Why did you fill my mind
with gunpowder?
Its transformation will leave
your society and you

Baba, my last question:
why are you siring
renegade children like me
who have lit your funeral pyre
before you have died
who have mourned you
before your death
shattering pebbles

Baba! Why are you siring
renegade children like me?

(Source : Nepali Times)

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