Translated Poem : Home

~Kewalchandra Lama~
Translation : Raja Puniani

Home has chased me
Out of the home.

Outside the home
In the chilled weather
I feel tempted of the hot breasts of my bed.

I have with me the carnivals
Which open the menopause doors of home.

The body of home has cooled down
By the fatigue.

The pink ankle of home is paining
Due to tiresome toil.

Home has been peeled off
From my skin.

Home has kept me aloof
From the lines of love letters.
Don’t let the light of dangerous high voltage
To open the secret doors
In my home.

There is one door
That doesn’t shut
To close my home. That cannot close, at all.

Home escapes by jumping
Out of the toothless window.

The home turns its head back
To see the home
When it covers a good distance.
Inside murky room
It collides with almost everything
In search of home.

The race car of one room collides with
The bulldozer of the other.

The light of temple inside home
Breaks into pieces.

Home is scared by the eerie sound and runs away.
After the home escapes out of home
The flavor of meals disappears.

Stealthily, home fades away
From the eyes of home.

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