Memoir : Red Wine

~Dilip Poudyal~

I was bored. Sorting out the stuffs and put them on the shelves was not an exciting job at all. But I had no choice. I got the job, I picked it up. It used to pay me $15:00 per hour. It was a dollar store named, ‘Dollar Tree’. Every stuffs in the store was a dollar and quarter or less. Most of the stuffs were shipped from rural part of china. 99.9 percentage merchandise were labelled as ‘Made in China.’ Anyway, it was not my business. I had to do the job what was assigned to me to do.

I was not only the staff bored while working long hours. There were cashiers who did not have anything to do during slow hours. When I had a break, I used to chit chat with them and kill the monotony of the work. Most of them were the old people above 50s. They had always a story to tell. They used to talk about their earlier job, their own kids and their husband’s kids, grandchildren. Some of them used to talk about their boyfriends or living together partners. I had only the stories to tell them was Nepal as a mountainous country and the highest peak of the world Mt Everest.

Due to my accent they used to pay attention to my lips and the facial gestures than the actual story I was telling to them. Anyway, I liked to chat with them to learn and understand their accent.

One day there came a new cashier, a young girl of her teen, probably, with a blonde hair, slim built with an gala apple sized tits and a pair of swelled hips giving her a perfect shape. Her name was Samantha, she told me when I met her at the staff break room. She was frank talking jovial. Most of the time she used to talk about the little dog she had in her house. I was not the fan of any kind of dogs. But I was paying attention to her every words because her accent was different from other staffs. Later I came to know that she was from New Founded land Labrador which she called ‘New Finland.’

I told her my story of back home in a different way than I used to tell other old staffs. I told her how I used to teach to the students of her age, what students used to do in the classrooms. She said, ” we never listened to our history teacher when he was telling about war and civilization stuffs. I liked our science teacher most because he used to take us to the lab and never concern what we did.”

“Oh! that was not really fare with the students, was that? ” I asked her.

” You know what there were students who always ask questions to the teachers and they care about the study. But hated the science stuff and wanted to have fun rather that sitting bored.”

“Neither I like the science stuffs. I used to teach literature. I like it.” I said.

“Poetry and novels stuffs, you mean.”

“Yes. Have you read any of them in your class?”

” Yah, I remember, we had to do the essay stuffs. And some romantic novels. I liked them. I hate the classic stuffs. I liked Separate Lives by Carolina Jants and Day Of Fire series. We never read seriously about the course book. But one of them used to be the part of talk among friends.”

I had not read those books, so I did not want to talk about them anymore. I said, ‘ well, you so romantic girl.” I had read the classics of Jane Austen and George Orwell and many more.But now a days I am reading modern writers and some of the self help books.”

” Well, I read’ Art of Not Giving a Fuck’ recently. I liked the guy who wrote this book,” she said.

“Wow, that’s great. I am reading the same book. I have it in my backpack.”

“Nice talking to you, Dal, I have to go, now,” she walked away immediately. I had the really friendly chat first time with a white girl who was young and beautiful.

Then I went to the Shipping and Receiving to assist other staffs unloading the merchandise. There was a Pakistani guy who used to operate forklift. He was supposed to train me. But later he told me that I had to take a class. I hated that job. So I kept escaping that training stuff. I helped hem moving lighter stuffs away from the service lane and stocking them on the storage racks. I never did that before in my life. All I did was teaching. After we finished stocking all the stuffs, we opened all the boxes, read the labels and restock them in the ails. There were two white girls who used to move their hands faster then I uses to while writing on the white board. But they were boring like a hell. They never talk, never smile and never help. They used to come exactly the right time and would leave at the right time.

On my second break, instead to the staff break room, I went to the counter. There were a few costumers. She was dusting the till and also organizing the items at the counter area.

“Don’t work hard,” I said.

“I am trying”, she gave me a sexy smile.

“Do you have boyfriend?”

“ Not at the moment. I hooked up with a brown guy from my high school, but his parents were so traditional. He was a kind of dick”, she looked away.

“ Can we hang out this weekend somewhere?”

She smiled. She did not say a word. After a while she looked at me like she was screening my soul, heart and lungs. This time she did not smile at all.

“Are you serious?” She said.

“ just asking you!” I am bored working all weekend. You are my type of girl .”

“ You are also brown. You guys are so fucking nuts.”

“Don’t be racist. Try once. I am not that type of brown”’ I tried not to laugh.

“Then where are you planning to go?”

“ Lets go to movies at WEM and try luck afterwards.”

“ How come?”


She remained silent. I got her number and returned to the work. The store manager was watching us the whole time we were talking. I did not give a shit. He wanted to be the Big Brother which I truly hate being watched. There were dozens of cameras all over the ceiling. They were watching from each corner and somebody is watching on the screen sitting on a cozy chair with freshly made Marxian coffee. I could see those homeless people stealing pops and chocolates right from the cameras angle, but nobody dares to stop them.

I finished the job. As I went the front, I came to know that she had already gone home. I typed a text, “ why did’t wait me. I wanted to sleep with you tonight”. But I deleted it . I thought it might be too

Next day, I texted her,”hey! what about our hang out this Sunday?”

“DOMS”, she texted.

I did not understand what she mean. I never use those letters while texting. I did not reply for a while. Then another text popped up,” are you there”?

“Yup. I did not get DOMS.”

“ Dad Over My Solder. So, I did not want to talk,” she texted again.

“What is answer?”

“Why? You want to hook up with me seriously?” She replied with some smiles.

“No, I don’t hook up. I fuck hard.”

“He-he really. You guys don’t know how to fuck, do you. LOL?”.

I was wordless. I never though she would say that .” I will try.”

“Then how come you have no girlfriend?”

“I never looked one. I never loved one. You are the right person for me”.

“ you only met me yesterday. How come you say I am the right person to you? I am a slut, he-he.”

I was laughing so hard. I typed something and deleted again. Again a MSG popped up on the screen “ scared”!

“Okay, I will come to pick you up at 11:30. That day will be ours. Absolutely, ours, do you understand?”

“ No”! I don’t trust brown guy.”

“Are you serious? You are a racist.” I like you though.”

“Yes, I am.”

I had to go in the kitchen as my wife was calling me to help her chopping the onions. I texed “catch you later.”


“Your tits”.

I closed the app and went to the kitchen. I put my phone on the dining table and started chopping the onion. Texts kept popping up on the screen. My wife was wiping her hands to get the phone. I jumped before her and shoved the phone in to my pocket. She looked at me mysteriously.

After dinner, I read all the craps and deleted the conversation.

On Sunday, I picked her up from Seven-Eleven next to her house and spend the whole day in WED.

I had lied my wife telling her that I had a meeting with friends. That night I wanted to bang her in her home because she was already hammered in the Casino. I had to drop her home. She told me that her girl friend was no more at home.

I made up a bull shit story to my wife and went to her apartment. Her apartment was not that impressive. A pair of bras was sitting on her sofa. Her inner garments were on the floor. Sink was full of dishes. Pizza boxes and chips packages were heaped on the corner of the living room. She asked to to sit on the cough removing the bras. She went to the washroom turning TV on for me.

When she came out of bathroom, she was just wearing a jumper. I could see her tits slightly tilting down to the ground. Her hips were dancing as she was walking to and forth. Her wet hair on her solder adding sexy look on her.

“Wine or beer?”

“I would prefer wine to beer,” I replied. I was thinking not to drink at first. But I just surrendered to her beauty.

She put two wine glasses on the table and a bottle of red wine. I opened te bottle and served to her. She thanked me and sit close to me giving me a flirty look.

“Netflix?” She asked.

“Sure!” I replied. She put an adult movie on the TV and tossed my glass “cheers. Her legs were open and wide. I put my hand on her left thigh and gently pressed. She put her hand over mine and started rubbing it. It gave me a romantic sensation. I got permission to explore deeper. I slide my hand down the the slop of her thighs towards the curve. It was hot.

“ Are you serious?” She looked at me.

“Ya, I am,” I touched her pussy hair. She was wearing nothing inside. As I started fingering the hole, I felt her grabbing my little fish. She leaned on to my laps. I hold her on my arms and kissed her right on the lips. She unzipped my pants and hold my fish tightly. As I released my lips from her she lowered her head and got my fish in her mouth. I heart beat was speeding. I grabbed her tits and rubbed on my knees. As I raised her head to kiss me, gathered her both both nipples in one hand and started shucking them. She was already submissive and had opened the legs as a welcoming gesture.

“Do you have condoms?”

“No, I hate condoms”.

She folded her legs and said, “ no way.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yes, I am. I am not going to hold your fucking juice.”

“I will take out and shove into your mouth. You can swallow it.”

“No way fucking retard”

I tried to shove in her asshole when she rolled back. But she quickly moved other side. I was already out of control.

“ I promise, I will take it out when it comes to its mouth.”

“You might have disease.”

“You are the one fucking cunt. I am clean. You might have the disease. “

She held the dick folding her fingers and shoved into pussy hole.” I just followed the command of the tower. She said “no fucking inside.”
We finished in ten minutes. She cleaned up the mess. After that she went to the bathroom of the living room. I followed her. We took shower rubbing each others gentiles . She making fun of my under sized dick.

She made French omelet and served to me. I was already late to home. I ate hurriedly, gave her a kiss and left the house. I had stories to tell my family.

We met again in the workplace . But this time we were different than the earlier meeting. She was more vulgar at the back house and flirting constantly. I was worried about my job. If my manager would know what was going on between us at the back of house I might get fired. Then it would be harder to find another job. It might take another two months going through the frustrating process of job search .

I started avoiding her after a few weeks. She knew that why I was avoiding her. She used to tell me “you are a little scared brown” when I made her aware of the manager. One day she told me that she got the another job with EPCORE . I did not know what job she got, but gave me a tight hug that evening she signed out for the last time in the time clock for the employees.

I felt relieved. I continued my work as usual. New employees used to come and go. But I limited my interaction with them. Most of the employees were old and cold.

Another month I got the job with Canada Post. I had to deliver the mails everyday to the community. I was posted to the China Town community. I used to carry the letters and other mails door to door, unlock the mail boxes, put the mails and lock them before I leave the building. As soon as Winter started the job became much harder. I had to park my truck three four block from the house and carry the sack on my back. It would be biting cold and roads would be slippery. In some areas people never clean the snow so there used to be deposits of the black ice.

One afternoon I was putting the mails into the boxes in a residential building in my area, there I heard a soft and sounded familiar voice, ” Hi”.
“Hello” I looked back holding the mails in my hands. There was Samantha. She looked hot and sexy in her home gown.

“What are you doing here?” She said .

“I am doing my new job. How come you are here?”

“I moved here as soon as started the new job. I tried to call you a couple of time. What happened with you? You never call me back.”

“You know what Samantha, I lost the job soon you left. I had to go back home for a month. I closed the account with my phone carried and changed with another when came back. I had the new plan and had to take the new SIM for the phone. I lost most of contacts”, I made a beautiful story.

“Okay, I understand now. How is everything?”

” Surviving”.

“You are on duty now. Do you have some time to stop at my apartment if you are not in a rush.”

“Let me finish this job,” her beautiful body definitely overpowered my mind.

The I put the sack over my soldier and followed her to to the apartment. The apartment was full of aroma of roasted chicken. She took out the tray of chicken from the oven and offered me. “Do you drink?” she smiled.

” I wish! but I am on duty now. I hate the policies that chain our freedom. She sat close to me. She told me that she had a boyfriend from Quebec. They had good relation for a year. When she proposed to marry, he refused without saying a word. Then he disappeared. After that she went on depression. She started drinking alcohol very often. She was nearly the victim of an addiction. One night she met her school friend Tina at the club, who advised her to join the yoga class to manage the stress. First, she did not believe on yoga . But as soon as she practiced the meditation, she felt a change in her. She had a new hope, new light and new color of life. She quit alcohol forever . She told her story everything as a lecture. I could feel the relief in her. She was not the same piece of flesh of sexual urge.

“You are transformed Samantha . You are beautiful and qualified girl. You have a good job. You will find a best of the best boyfriend.”

“I am not thinking of any boyfriend. I was hurt when he betrayed me without a reason. Later I knew that he had his another girlfriend in BC which I never got the clue during our relation”

“What about our relationship?”

(She laughed! You were married, weren’t you? Anyway, you never tried to be close after that night. I know guys. They want to keep relation but don’t want to be in the relation.”

I had no words to reply. I said, ” I did not do anything that night, all I blame is the Red wine.”

( She laughed again..) Okay, I don’t want you be late in your work. When you come this house again, you can stop at my door and knock. if no red wine, I will welcome with red tea.

I put the sack over the solder and walked out.

(Source : Story writer sent it via ‘नयाँ रचना पठाउनुहोस्‘ of this website. )

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