Translated Poem : Introduction

~Siddhicharan Shrestha~
Translation : Dominik von Bohlen und Halbach

I am a Nepali, skilled at climbing formidable mountains;
Even if they become my foe, I show great kindness to the needy
I am always ready to drink the hot red blood of the enemy,
Look you brother! I am always prepared to wield my treasured khukuri.

My teachings taught me to provide protection the world over at all times,
My moral instructions to safeguard the welfare of others until the last breath;
The flame of injustice is whipped up by the breeze of death;
If there is oppression anywhere, there I shall aim a blow at its head.

Dyang-dyang dung-dung, the dreadful music of thunder,
The demon assumes a shape throughout the blackening skies;
Even if the enemies try to stop me, it will only be a slight hinderance,
My soul is eternal, do you understand? I will never cease to exist.

Bullets scatter across my injured body,
May skin be torn from this body and flesh rip off in pieces;
May the path burn white hot like sand,
If we come across any enemies of the state we will aim blows at their heads.

Even if pus, urine and excrement flow in a dark river
Around us on all sides, we feel undaunted;
Swimming unaffected through the filth, I attack the enemy.
I am a Nepali, ready to subjugate the whirlwind.

Jumping down into the pit, smiling all the while,
Even in the face of death let the happy song be heard;
I will proceed without fear of death,
You must understand, to die, and discard this body, is the law of nature.

(Source : Translator’s blog)

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