Essay : Dream, Insight, Crime and Penalty

~Rajendra Ojha ‘Nayan’~rajendra-ojha-nayan

Different types of stories are created with the flow of time. Some stories are natural and some are artificial in nature. Some stories are still being created by nature according to the need of time and (sometime) space, whereas some are intelligently created by some groups to establish their strong presence. If we look around, we are literally bounded by geography of stories. Aren’t we? Even our history may probably be conscious dream or some kind of chronological story that was set there before that incident happened. The value may be real, but numbers? Well, if we can put the same value in every letters, numbers may not be that important. The letter grading system is a partial example of this concept. There are lots of hypothesis as well as chances of being every people as actor and actress of this world with readily installed script and actions along with numbers being illusionary observation of our senses. Similarly acceptance is nothing rather than our psychological addiction. We accept those things which we are trained to since our childhood. Even every researcher first of all tries to prove themselves and their perspectives as far as they can. Isn’t it true that most of the things and ideas that we accept matches with our way of perceiving? If our mindset is bounded in the custodial of religion or any kind of socio-political values, we perceive things through religious or socio-political perspective. Likewise if our mindset is free from all boundaries we perceive things in more creative and dynamic ways. Moreover, our insight is our actual (soul) identity.

So the question here arises is, are we living in the world of dream, illusion and perception? Well, many religions agree with material world being as illusion and now most of the physical scientists as well as spiritual scientists have agreed with the fact of being this world a perfect illusion or kind of natural computer program.

This leads to think more about our actions and consequences of both good and bad dreams. Good dreams or illusions which we call as “Social Service” are way too good for dreamer, so people are merely worried about it. But unscrupulous dreams which we call as “Crimes” in social language are more dangerous. Well, if this world is really an illusion as said by different thinkers and religions these two things must also be just an illusion. Isn’t it? This means we are neither doing good deeds or bad deeds. What we are really doing is acting of our part to run this illusionary world. This philosophy of “Illusion” or “Maya” directly leads to denying the existence of penalty and prizes by Supreme Being after death. This means that person who conduct criminality is responsible for their criminal activities as they have done nothing in reality because if this world is illusion everything that lies here are not real and every kinds of act we do is neutral. Isn’t it?

Dream is such a close relative of illusion who never leaves us. It is said that although we can’t remember our dream, we dream every day. Sometime we experience doing some bad work unpredictably. We may also be punished severely for that guiltiness in that specific dream because at the time of dreaming, our dreamland seems to be real and every work we do there seems to be actual. But, after we wake up from our sleep and share that dream with our nearer ones or with our elders, are we punished for dreaming that act? No, not really. They just take that as our bad dream and leave it with laugh and sometime funny advice. If this kind of bad dream repeats our parents or educated elders never punish us, rather they try to make us comfort by chattering some funny jokes or if this kind of dream starts to hamper our daily activities, they council us in one or other way. Should we have to pay penalty for society or our family members for experiencing such a bad dream? We shouldn’t, Right? Because that is our dream and it was already set in our subconscious mind, we can’t do anything for that act while we are in dream rather than to involuntarily involve in it.

Now let us come to this world. Most of the religious scholars, Vedic scholars as well as most of the physical scientist of modern world have stated this world as some kind of solid illusion. Even deities of most of the religion have clarified this world as an eventual dream. If we believe in this theory of world being an illusion then we should not believe in penalty or eternal punishment after death. Shouldn’t we?Similarly, if we believe in penalty after death, we shouldn’t deny the idea of rebirth and fruits we get in this birth through action of our past life. Different experiment are being held to prove the existence of rebirth theory. Some of those experiments have been proven with positive conclusion.

Rebirth is a chance which may be given to any soul after huge counseling by supreme soul rather than giving punishment. It should not be taken as failure to attain perpetuity by our soul. Most important thing that is also mentioned in Bhagwat Gita and other scriptural books for those people who believe in rebirth is that, we carry only those characters and knowledge that we possess and remember at our death time. So isn’t it necessary to keep good insight of death all the time to attain true freedom?It is absolutely needed to do so.Fear of death is the greatest punishment that any living being could ever have. What could be biggest punishment after this for any soul who came here to act as a wish of supreme soul? Different spiritual philosophers have agreed that, each developing soul have their own developed soul to council and train them with their experiences. In other hand, we are merely punished because we are just illusions who are living in the world of supreme dream dreamed by supreme soul. If we take this world as a dream of any supreme power, then question here arises is; should a character of a dream or an illusionary character be punished? Supreme soul or any strong energies of universe are there to council us to be free from the scenario of this worldly dream like our parents rather than giving us penalty.

About writer:
Rajendra Ojha (Nayan) is a literary writer, philosophical writer, social worker and stage actor.

(Source : Writer sent it via ‘‘ )

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