Poem : A mess

~Shrisha Tuladhar~

When the world’s on the start

I’m still on the ways

And the ways to make things right

And when the world’s looking beautiful

I pop to mess things up

And mess myself up on the way

I have been a fool in all the season

For all the reasons I see the mud on my face

When I behold it to be right

And start every thing with a fight

There are situation I can’t bite

And trap myself between nothingness

The thunders in the night make me wonder

Why aint I like you or some body else?

Or why I landed here for no reason?

It’s hard for me to walk between these lines

For the lies I’m not meant for

Or for the truth I’m not suppose to hold

I find myself to be a perfect mess

And no matter how hard I try

I feel myself to be a mess .

Shrisha Tuladhar
Maitidevi, Kathmandu

(Source : Tanneri Dot com – Issue 2 – Magh, 2061)

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