Essay : The First Reader of Story

~Eagam Khaling~

The existence of story shows rationality of a human being. On this meaning, creativity presupposes human life as such. It is all about human life and everything that is related to human world. Sometimes, complexity of story may be due to the experience of life and life itself in relation to everything else. A story in part always objectively and subjectively presupposes not only human life but human life-world, in a whole. Thus, the main objective of this small article entitled ‘The First Reader of Story’ is to show how a story writer though being lucky enough to become the first reader of a story loses his right and dies an obligatory death. This death is not a death of creativity but continuum of creativity in the realm of successions till his last and ultimate death. This realm of successions in the continuum of creativity is sustained and maintained by a creative desire.

A story writer constructs the plot of a story from inspiration. All the creative art works of the world, by the artists, have their root of creation somewhere in deep in inspirations. Inspiration acts as a soul. A story writer first needs an inspiration then a concept from it. A question can be asked here: from where does a story writer get these inspiration and concept? Sometimes, a thing or idea may inspire him and he gets a concept which may or may not be of his interest and he expresses that inspired idea through his writing. For this type of inspired idea he needs different qualities and conditions otherwise it may simply remain up in him (as a mere thought). These types of conditions, situations and qualities act in the creation of art. In this sense, sometimes, a story writer goes beyond the common readers understandings. In this journeys of the perfection of going beyond, they ascend high and to reach them one has to fly speedily or faster than them. That is why, some become extraordinary. Earth is the base of all conditions and causes and human being is at the centre of it and his world. Thus, from there scattered ideas are rearranged into a sequence and then they are fired by inspiration in imagination. However, that fire is light. Since, the ground of the idea is this world itself. Cosmopolitans can enjoy this light but the first enjoyer of that creative fire is creator himself. Every person can experience burning life in it.  But the very first enjoyer is the burner himself. Before others can, he enjoys the warmness of the fire. The project of the fire evolves from single idea and the idea from the inspiration. Again, this inspiration as a spark may have subjective and objective grounds. Thus, the very first reader of that story is the story writer himself. In this context, a post-modernist’s view that a creation is not artist’s property; once it is created into an art form it itself instantly belongs to society, is well matched. In that way, a story writer naturally entangles in an obligation and loses his rights to his story. On the other hand, the readers also do have equal right over the story writer’s sensitivity, experience and expression. Every reader understands every story and expresses his reaction according to his capability. Every single piece of story is a chapter of a life. It is like life even if it is not like life. If life is whole in itself then story is a piece of expression. It always stands being a piece of dialogue of life. It silently speaks in sentences of words being a piece of society, age, history, space and time and being a piece of event. A story writer is fortunate enough even in losing his obligatory right to his story, because he does already live a complete life, in the process of creating a story, before his obligatory death. Thus a story writer as a creator (composer) is always pleased in losing his obligatory right to another obligatory death.

Nature has given us impulse and desire. These creative impulse and desire survive the creativity in this world. Here, he finds a satisfaction in a story to lose his obligatory right to it, and again, longs for another one. This process remains till this world ends itself. This however similar to Bertrand Russell’s view (in Principle of Growth) that a man may write a book or paint picture under the belief that he desires the praise which it will bring him, but as soon as it is finished, this will not stop him from beginning a new piece of works because his creative impulse will not exhaust with a piece of works. This is applicable to art works that what is finished will grow uninteresting to the artist and again direct impulse moves us to begin another new piece and the desire which he possesses with him is a garment for the impulse and this is applicable equally to all that is most vital in human life. Here, our subject of interest is creative desire and impulse, where a story writer walks from one creative desire to another desire. Thus subject and process of creation is equal to life, human desires are endless, he passes from one success to another, from one idea to another idea and from one mystery to revelation of another mystery but the end of this mystery is not possible because story is a part of literature and literature is also one of life and journey of experiencing from one window to another window and the journey of this pleasure from one window to another window remains continuous in searching. This searching is searching of the last and absolute truth.  In this journey of searching one day he leaves this earth. A story writer accepts his obligatory death in his right to the story and again he claims his death through his new creation. That is his obligatory death because he cannot survive whole of his life in a single creation. From the very beginning, he always longs for an ultimate liberation but that does not happen through the story. He collects all the jumbled parts of life and moves from inspiration to perfection but absolute perfection is not possible.

Beginning and measure of time is purely intuitive and a continuum, that’s why, we cannot predict where it would end. In this endless truth being present in the present the story writer measures his limitation and finiteness. In fact, only the perfect can create perfection and in this way the obligatory death of a story writer perishes in the realm of finites of infinite and in search of being dead in finiteness he dies the last and ultimate death. In this journey of revealing one mystery to another mystery he leaves this world without revealing his last mystery.

Courtesy: Dr. Dipak Roy (chief editor) Azammari, Vol. II, Darjeeling Government college, p. 479-81

Eagam Khaling,

(Source : Writer sent it via ‘‘ )

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