Micro Story : The Unseen Power

~Ismael Subba~

Far there the horizon,sun is about to set as Deepak glances his life sitting in top of the hill unknown what’s next…An unseen power has lead him to walk all away from his home.Many things runs through his mind…There are such responsibilities which comes with him being from a middle class family. That power is still provoking his mind. It is talking about his failure,Its talking about his unknown results.It speaks again and again that no one cares for him. As the sun goes down and the warm air passes by him, waves of loneliness runs through his mind. He wants to shout and cried out loud…He finds his life meaning less as he compare his to the life of his friends. He thinks that all the burdens of the world is in his shoulder,and there is no way out of it. That power speaks again- You are so lonely,You are alone..There is nothing you can do in your life..Why do you want to live such a grumpy life. Look your friends are living thrice better than yours. And look at you?Who are you? What are you? What is your destiny? Fed up with such questions,Deepak screams louder and tries to jump from the hill. He wants to run away from his problems and Life. But a small voice in him is stopping him again and again. Though the voice is far more smaller than that of the unseen power, it speaks to Deepak.. “Deepak,Don’t listen to that power. I know you don’t have enough,You are feeling alone,But I know one thing that you are precious,you shouldn’t do this…” This words stops him from jumping. The unseen power is still forcing him to look at his failure,betrayals,a life full of problems…But the soft voice tells him again and again-Your life is precious,You have to live. All of a sudden,his phone rings with a song-

Fall in my arms I will carry you
I know you and I will make it through
All who need rest all who are lonely
Come to me now and just let it go…

He couldn’t pick up the call but those words effects him a lot. He recalls each and every word and starts thinking Who it might be? Who loves me a lot…Who will help me out in every situations of mine. I have to find out,I have to find out…He recalls one of his friend who always said-He is the way,the truth and the life and he says “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

The horizon becomes a witness as Deepak walks to his friend to know what is there beyond this Horizon…Those words really comforts him and the unseen power Vanishes away from his mind…

(Source : Writer sent it via ‘Kritisangraha@gmail.com‘ )

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