Poem : Night, Morning and Around

~Eagam Khaling~

Mind connects mind,
Lips connect lips
Together with the rhythm of breathings,
Secreting a pink-pain between
In the swing of desires
Erupting the hot white lava
From the top of a mountain
Above black forests of two hemispheres—
A fate of the whole night’s dream
Dies with regression
In the cold morning of the winter.

Innocent songs of birds
Beat the eardrums creating everywhere
The extension of Socratic-phobia.
‘Death of God’ is the breaking news
In the television—
A cup of hot tea served on a table may be poisonous
For the moment.

Window is viewing
The colorful flags hung around
A temple of a hill.
Pregnant maize-seeds are struggling
In the sweated fields of the down hills.
Amidst these,
Time escapes carrying dimension without dimension—
From birth to death.
Matter to mind,
Consciousness to matter,
And collapsing into the infinite magnitude.
Business being imprinted
In every objects of the kitchen is cooking
Living in a broken pot
Transcending the properties of heat
And Newton’s third law of motion.

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