Satire Poem : The Great Friends

~Jiwan Kshetry~Jiwan Kshetry

In the midday
they kidnapped her.
They had machine guns in shoulders
And dollars in the bag
And they had mask in the face.
They dragged her
In the rough floor of civil war
They disrobed her
Among a large crowd, the whole world
But all others blindfolded
Yes in the midday,
They battered her.

Predators with the sniffing dogs,
Disguised as the great friends,
They caught the steering
Yes they drove her to the trouble
They led her to the dark,
In the morning,
They were stepping out of the pool of blood,
Yes, their lips were still wet with blood.
But they were still shouting
the slogans of peace and democracy.

They kept on bringing the fatal weaponry
And they were reassuring their stance for peace.
A barrel of SMG staring at us,
We were as quite as in a funeral.
They interpreted this as approval
of their heinous act.
Yes they prematurely invited the dark night
Throughout Asia, Africa and Latin America
They robbed the babies of their parents,
They seized the walking sticks of the grandma’s.
Then they declared how much they did
For the peace and prosperity
through their so called free press.
They chopped her fingers
And announced they would arrive to help
Whenever she needs to use the hand.
Yes, they were so called true friends,
Yes they were agents from Washington.

(Source : Poet’s Blog)

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