Translated Poem : You are my same moon

~Nabaraj Dahal~
Trans: Durga Pandey

I never knew that you were the same “moon”
I never bothered to take a glance of you when I could
I had come here leaving you oceans apart
And fearing if I would never get to see you again

I never knew you were my own “moon”
Same old coolness on your shade
Same old impatience on your manners
Same old tenderness on your love

You used to cover your face every now and then,
Oh! How I used to suffer then
When dark clouds hovered around you
Oh! How I used to burn with jealousy

The scar you bear on your face
To protect yourself from evil eyes;
The promise which you had uttered
“I am only yours, only yours”

Nights filled with peace and tranquillity
Those when we used to whisper love;
Soft nights and tenderly feelings
Always vivid in my memories;

You are rigid in the sky
But I am crawling down here
Waiting patiently,
if you will ever come to me?

Translation of poem तिमी त उही चन्द्रमा रहिछौ – नवराज दाहाल

(स्रोत : INLS – australia)

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