नेपाली उपन्यास : सारङ्गीको र्याँईर्याँई र बाल गन्धर्भ

~डा. कविताराम श्रेष्ठ~Kavita Ram Shrestha

सारङ्गीको र्याँईर्याँई र बाल गन्धर्भ
(नेपाली र अंग्रेजीमा उपन्यास)

डा. कविताराम श्रेष्ठ


The Melody of Sarangi and Little Gandharbha
( A novel in Nepali and English)

DR. Kavitaram Sherstha


भन्दा भन्नपर्ने कुरा

मैले यो उपन्यास घयाम्पेसालको एउटा वाल गन्धर्भको सच्चा घटनामा आधार गरी लेखेको छु । गन्धर्भहरूलाई पहिले गाइने भनिन्थ्यो र उनीहरूका परम्परागत पेशा गाउँघरमा गाएर हिँडने थियो । मुलुकी ऐन लागूु हुनुअघि २०२० सालसम्म यो जातीलाई नेपाली लोकले अछूत मान्दथे । त्यही छुवाछुतबाट दलित अवस्थाको एउटा गन्धर्भ बालकले गरेको दुख र उनका सफलतालामाथि यो उपन्यास केन्द्रित छ । आज पनि तत्कालीन अछूतहरूलाई राम्रो व्यवहार गरिन्न । बालकहरूमा समभावको सोच श्रमशीलता, परिवारिक दायित्वबोध, तथा कला क्षेत्रप्रति आकृष्ट गर्ने हेतु यो उपन्यासको रहेको छ । यसलाई मैले नेपाली र अंग्रेजी दुई भाषामा लेखेँ । आशा छ नेपालीका साथै अं्रग्रेजी भाषाका स्वदेशी र विदेशी वाल पाठकहरूलाई समेत यसले सेवा पु¥याउने छ ।

Things, I should say when I say

I wrote this novel based on a real incidence of a child Gandarbha named as Lal Bahadur from Ghyampesal. Gandarbhas were called as Gaine some time before and their profession was to sing going around villages. The Nepali community used to take them as untouchables up to the introduction of constitution of 2020 BS. This novel is written on the efforts and the success of a Gandharbha child who lived during the suppression of caste discrimination. The then untouchables are not treated well even these days. The objective of this novel is to attract the children to the sense of equality, labor, responsibility in the family and art. I wrote it in two languages, Nepali and English. I hope that this serves the readers of both Nepali and English languages.


मेरो नाम लालबहादुर गन्धर्भ हो । गन्धर्भ मेरो जात हो । गन्धर्भहरूलाई “गाइँने” पनि भनिन्छ । हामी बाउबाजेको पालादेखि गाउँघरमा गीत गाएर पेट पाल्दै आउँदै छौँ । त्यसैले हामीलाई गाउँघरमा “गाइँने” भन्ने गरेका हुन् । साँच्चै भन्ने हो भने यो “गन्धर्भ” भन्ने नाम दिइएको त त्यही तीस पैँतिस वर्षमात्र भएको छ । अझैपनि गाउँघरमा “गाइँने” नभने हामीलाई जसलेतसले चिन्दैनन् नै ।

Namaste! My name is Lal Bahadur Gandharbha. Gandharbha is the name of the caste, I belong to. Gandharbhas are also called “Gaine”, the caste of a singer. Singing to entertain the community is our traditional occupation, therefore our folks call us “Gaine”. In fact, it has only been 30 to 35 years that we have been named “Gandharbhas”. The majority of the folks still would not know us if you do not introduce us as “Gaine”.

अहिले म ७० वर्षको भएँ । यो उमेरसम्म आइपुग्दा मैले धेरै घामपानी खपेँ । हामी गन्धर्भहरू २०२० सालको मुलुकी ऐनले छुवाछुतको चलन नमासेसम्म अछूत मानिन्थ्यौँ । हाम्रो पानी चल्दैनथ्यो । हामीले छोएको खाना बाहुन, क्षेत्री, नेवार, राई, लिम्बू गुरुङ, मगर, तामाङ्ग, आदि जातिका मान्छेहरूले खाँदैनथे । हाम्रा जातका मान्छेहरू उनीहरूका घरभित्र पस्न पनि पाउँदैनथे । उनीहरूलाई छुनसम्म पनि हुन्नथ्यो ।

Now I am seventy years old. I have gone through many ups and downs in the past. Gandharbhas were treated as untouchables before the constitution of 2020 BS abolished the system of caste discrimination in Nepal. Water that came in contact to us was treated as polluted because of our untouchable social status. Nobody from the other caste groups such as Brahmin, Chhetry, Newar, Rai, Limbu, Gurung, Magar, Tamang, etc would not accept any food that came in our contact. We were not allowed to enter their house. We even could not touch them physically.

म सात वर्षको थिएँ होला, एकपल्ट मैले झुक्किएर एउटा बाहुन पुरेतलाई छुन पुगेँ । बच्चै थिएँ, को छुन हुने को नहुने मलाई ज्ञानै थिएन । उनले मलाई झण्डै मारेका । मेरा बुबामुमालाई समेत काँच्चै खान खोजेका थिए । बुबामुमाले पनि मेरै गल्ती मानी मलाई नै गोद्नसम्म गोदे ।
Once I accidentally happened to touch a Brahmin priest when I was only seven years old. I was a mere child and did not know whom I could touch and whom not. Apparently, he was so mad that he almost had killed me. He was very aggressive even to my parents. My parents also took it as my fault and spanked me to an unbearable limit.

त्यो बेला अछूतहरूले छुँदैमा माथिल्लो जातका मान्छेका जात जाँदैनथ्यो । केहीगरी तल्ला जातकाहरूले माथिल्ला जातकाहरूलाई छोइहाले सुनपानी छर्केर आफूलाई चोख्याउन सक्थे । ती पुरेतवाजेले पनि त्यसै गरेर आफूलाई चोख्याए ।

High caste people would never lose their caste status only by coming into physical contact with untouchables. They could purify themselves sprinkling on their polluted body some holy water prepared by dipping of gold. That Brahmin priest also purified himself by the same ritual.

अव त जुग अर्कै छ । बीससालदेखि मुलुकी ऐनले जातभातको ऊँचनीच मान्ने चलनलाई मासेको छ । हामीलाई अछूत मानी कसैले व्यवहार गरे उसलाई सजाय हुन्छ । तर यस्तो सबै जातलाई बराबर गर्ने कानुन हुँदाहुँदै पनि उहिलेदेखि अछूत मानिएका हामी दमाई, कामी, सार्की, गाईँने आदिलाई अझ उस्तै व्यवहार गरिन्छ । सबै मान्छेको शरीर उही हाडमासु र रगतले बनेको छ, होइन र ? सबैलाई चोट लाग्दा उत्तिकै दुख्छ होइन र ? अन्याय होइन त यो ?
Any way the time has changed now. The constitution introduced in 2020 BS has abolished caste discrimination. Any one that discriminates us as untouchables is subject to punishment by law. However, the then untouchable caste groups, Damai, Kami, Sarki, Gandharbha etc., are still being treated the same way even though there is the law of equality for all. Are not all human being’s bodies made of the same kind of bone, blood, and flesh? Don’t we all feel the same pain when hurt? Is not that an injustice?

यो उमेरसम्म मैले गीत गाउने काम गरेरैै बिताएँ । मेरो गाउने पेशा नौ वर्षको उमेरदेखि सुरु भएको थियो । त्यत्ति कलिलै उमेरमा मैले कमाइ सुरु गर्नुपर्ने एक किसिमले वाध्यता नै थियो । त्यसको बारेमा पनि बताइ हालूँ ।
I spent whole of my past with this singing profession. I started this profession when I was only nine years old. There was a suppressive situation, which compelled me to start my profession so early. Let me describe what it was?

हाम्रा बुबालाई कुनै साहूको पन्ध्रसय रिन तिर्नु थियो । त्यो रिनमा ब्याज र ब्याजमाथि स्याज लाग्दै जाँदा बर्सेनी रिन बढेर चारहजार पुगिसकेको थियो । त्यही रिनको पीरले बुबा देशविदेशमा महिनौँ दिनसम्म गाउँदै धन कमाउन जाँदै हुनुहुन्थ्यो ।
My father had borrowed some fifteen hundred rupees from a moneylender. That debt increased to four thousand rupees because of the compound interest accumulated for years as my father could not pay back the loan. Out of worry to pay the debt he made a plan to earn money singing from place to place for months.

यसै यात्रामा उहाँले मलाई पनि साथै लान चाहनुभयो । बच्चाले समेत कष्ट गरेको देख्दा दयालु व्यक्तिहरूले बढी बक्सिस देलान् भन्ने आशा बुबाको थियो । त्यसैले पहाडको अप्ठेरो बाटोमा हिँडन पनि नसक्ने मजस्तो एउटा कलिलो बालकलाई गाउँगाउँ घुमेर कमाइमा लाग्नुपरेको थियोे ।
In his mission, he wanted to take me with him. He had a hope that kindhearted people would reward more if they see a small boy working hard. Therefore, I, a child like me, who was not even capable of walking in difficult hills, had to start the profession so early wandering around the villages.

हाम्रो घर गोरखाको घ्याम्पेसाल हो । हामी पहिले त्रिशूली बजार गयौँ । त्रिशूली बजारमा पुगेपछि हामी गाउँ पस्यौँ किनभने त्यो बेला बजारकाहरूले गन्धर्भहरूको गीतको चाहना उत्ति गर्दैनथे । गाउँघरमा पनि गीत गाएबापत सबैले उस्तै गरी सीदा दिन सक्दैनथे, त्यसैले धनी ठालूहरूकै घर छान्नपथ्र्यो ।
Our home is in Ghampesal village in Gorkha district. We went to Trishuli town to start with. In Trishuli, we chose a rural area because town people had less interest for songs from Gandharbhas on those days. In a village area, we still had to choose a higher class of people because lower class people would not be able to reward us with good sida.

सीदा भनेको बुझ्नुहुन्न कि ? सीदा भनेको पैसाको साटो दिइने वस्तु हो, जसमा विशेषगरी दाल चामल आदि खानेकुरा राखिएका हुन्छन् । त्यसबेला यस्तो लेनदेनमा पैसाको चलन थिएन । हामी गन्धर्भहरू त्यसरी नै सीदामा चामल उठाउँथ्यौँ र बजारमा बेचेर पैसा बनाउँथ्यौँ ।
I do not know if you understand what a sida is. In fact, it is a ritual offering, containing mainly foodstuffs like rice, lentils, etc. bartered for services taken in stead of payment with money. Money was not in use those days for such services. We, Gandharbhas used to collect rice in sida and sell it in the market to make money.

त्रिशूली बजारको उत्तरतिरको गाउँमा हामीले एउटा ठूलै घर छान्यौँ । घरको आँगनमा पस्न अघि नै बुबाले ¥यार्ईँ¥यार्ईँ सारङ्गी रेट्नुभयो । गन्धर्भ आँगनीमा आएको जनाउ दिन बुबाले यसो गर्नुभयो ।
We chose a wealthy family house in a village north of Trishuli town. Before entering the courtyard of the house, my father played a solo tune. It was to notify the house owners that Gandharbhas were visiting the family.

घरका मान्छेहरूले हामीमा राम्रै चाख दिए । ठूलासाना सबैजना गुन्द्री बिछ्याएर हाम्रा गीत सुन्न बस्न लागे । अझ तातोको लागि आगोको मकल समेत अगाडि राखे । तर हामीलाई भने बस्नको लागि पीरासम्म पनि दिएनन् । हामी चीसो आँगनमै टुक्रुक्क बस्यौँ ।
The family members showed a real interest in us. All small and big family members sat on a warm straw-mat to listen our song. They even managed a fire bowl for warming themselves. However, they did not offer us anything to sit on. We squatted on the cold floor of the courtyard.

बुबा हाम्रा पुख्र्यौली तारवाजा सारङ्गीको तार टाङटाङ टुङटुङ ¥याईँ¥याईँ रुइँरुइँ गर्दै स्वर मिलाउन लाग्नुभयो । थाहा छैन, तपाईँले यस्तो बाजा कहिल्यै देख्नुभएको छ कि छैन । यो काठेवाजा हो । यसमा चारवटा तारहरु हुन्छन् । यसलाई तल्लो भागमा खस्रा तारहरूकै मुठाले आवाज निकाल्दै रेटेर माथिल्लो भागमा औँला चालेर बजाइन्छ ।

My father started fixing and tuning the strings in the sarangi, a traditional string instrument. I do not know if you ever have seen a sarangi. It is a wooden made instrument. It has four strings. It is played with fingers on its top whilst at the bottom the strings are scoured making sound with a coarse string bow.

बुबा तार मिलाउने धुनमा हुनुहुन्थ्यो, तर मलाई भने चीसो आँगनमा खुट्टा ठिहि¥याएर खपिनसक्नु भइरहेथ्यो । यो हिँउदको महिना थियो र मेरा खुट्टामा जुत्ता थिएन । घाम नभएकोले आँगनमा तुषारो छपक्कै जमेको थियो । यस्तै तुषारोमा म टुक्रुक्क पोका परेर बसिरहेको थिएँ । सोच्नुहोस् त, मलाई कस्तो भइरहेको थियो होला ?

My father was lost in fixing the strings but I was feeling really helpless, as my feet were almost numb due to the cold ground. It was a cold winter and I had no shoes on my feet. The courtyard was fully frosty as there was no sun in it. I squatted with bare feet on frost bending chest on knees. Imagine how was I suffering?

मेरो बुबाले सारङ्गीको तार मिलाएर सिध्याउनुभयो र ¥याईँ¥याईँ बजाउँदै तीखो स्वरमा घोक्रो फुलाएर देवीदउताको पुरानो भाकाको प्रार्थना गाउन सुरु गर्नुभयो –

अवरिया पनि कि, यकुनाम लिउँ पनि कि,
परमेश्वरीके दोस्रो नाम लिउँ पनि कि,
रामचन्द्रके तेस्रो नाम लिउँ पनि कि,
वीर हुनुमान संकट मोचन गर भगवान,
आहै राम नी हो…

My father finished fixing the strings and started singing with a high pitch a traditional prayer for deities-

Should I start this song with prayers,
I pray to all the gods at first.
I pray in the second to the great goddess,
I pray in third to Lord Ram,
Lord Hanuman ! relieve us from obstacles,
Oh Lord Ram…

जाडोले मेरो गला थरथर कामिरहेको हुनाले मैले गाउँनै सकिनँ । बुबाले बिहानबिहानै धेरैपल्ट गाउनुभएको सुनेर यो प्रार्थना मलाई कण्ठै आउँथ्यो । तर गाउँनै नसेकपछि के लाग्यो र ?
I could not sing with my shivering throat due to the cold. In fact, I could sing this prayer as I had learnt it by listening to my father’s practice every morning. However, what could I do, as I was unable to sing?

बुबाले मलाई सँगै गाउन यस्सो कुइनाले धकेलेर संकेत गर्नुभयो । त्यसपछि म पनि सकिनसकी गाउँन लागेँ–

आहै वायोगङ्गा तिमी, नारायण,
सरवर पाप मच्छेकन,
आहै राम नी हो…

My father knocked me with his elbow to alert me to join the song. Then I joined him even though I was not capable at all-

Oh holy Ganges! Oh Lord Narayan,
Eliminate sins, if we have committed,
Oh Lord Ram…

चीसोले थरथर काम्दै बुबासँगै मैले पनि तीनवटा गीत जसोतसो गाएँ । मेरा गीतमा बच्चाहरूको विशेष चाख भयो । घरका आइमाईहरूले चाहिँ “बराकठै” भनेर दया पनि पोखे । तर सीदा राख्ने बेलामा त्यस्तो माया दया भएको देखिएन । म बच्चाले दुःख गरेकोमा अन्तर कत्तिपनि भएन ।
I sang three songs joining my father even though I was shivering with cold. The children showed a special interest in my singing. The women of the family specially expressed their sympathetic kindness saying- “Oh poor child.” However, in the sida, those sentiments did not reflect at all. It was evident that my presence and effort did not help at all.

एक माना चामल, एक मुठी दाल, केही आलु र अलिकति नून मात्र सीदामा राखिएको थियो । साँच्चै भन्ने हो भने एकजनालाई एक छाकको मात्र सीदा राखियो । हामी दुवै बाबुछोरालाई कत्ति चित्त बुझेन । अझ त्यस्तै असन्तुष्टि दिनभर अरू घरहरूबाट पनि भयो ।
A small bowl of rice, a handful of lentils, a few potatoes and salt, it was enough only for a meal for a single person. Both of us were not satisfied all. Moreover, the fact was that same thing happened in other households for the whole day.

दोस्रो दिन मेरो बिजोग सम्झेर बुबाले मलाई साथमा लानुभएन । उहाँले मलाई त्रिशूली बजारमै न्यानो घाममा बस्न छोड्नुभयो र एक्लै गाउँ जानुभयो । मलाई धेरै नराम्रो लाग्यो ! कमाउन हिँडेको यो यात्रामा मैले पनि केही गर्नैपर्र्छ भन्ने मलाई सँधै लाग्थ्या,े तर सोचे जस्तो भएन । म धेरै दुखी भएँ ।

The next day, considering my trouble, my father did not take me with him. He left me alone to sit in the warm sun in Trishuli town and went alone by himself to the village. I felt very bad. I always supposed that I also had to do something in this earning mission but the consequence was negative. I was very sorry.

तपाईँ त्रिशूली बजार कहिल्यै पुग्नुभएको छ ? यो सुन्दर बजार त्रिशूली नदीको किनारमै बसेको छ । यो बजार पनि नदीको खोँचमै भएकोले दिनभर यहाँ घाम कमै लाग्छ । तैपनि मलाई काममा जाँदाजस्तो चीसो आँगनमा त बस्नपर्दैनथ्यो । तल त्रिशूलीको पुलमा घाम पनि ताप्न पाइन्थ्यो र नदी अनि बजारको रमाइलो पनि हेर्न पाइन्थ्यो । त्यसैले बुबा गाउँतिर जानुभएपछि म त्यतै गएँ ।

Have you ever been to the town of Trishuli? This beautiful town is situated on the bank of river Trishuli. This town itself is situated in the gorge of the river therefore, the sun shines here very little for the whole day. However, I got rid of the cold courtyards of the villages. Down there on the bridge of the river Trishuli, I could enjoy the warm sun and also the beauties of the river and activities of the people. Therefore, I went there as soon as my father left for the villages.

बुबाले अर्को सारङ्गी मसँगै छोड्नुभाथ्यो । हराउने डरले मैले यसलाई सँधै बोकिराख्नपथ्र्यो । एउटा नौवर्षको बच्चाले अठार इन्च लामो सारङ्गी त्यसमा पनि ठूलाहरूले भिर्ने लामो डोरीसाथ भिरेर हिँडदा कस्तो देखियो होला ? सोच्नुहोस् त ? साँच्चै भन्ने हो भने बारम्बार त्यो सारङ्गी भुइँसम्म घिस्रन र ठोक्किन पुग्थ्यो ।
My father had left another sarangi with me. I had to carry it all the time for fear of loosing it. Just think, how it looked when a nine-year-old child carried on his shoulder a big eighteen-inch long sarangi with a long strap fixed for an adult? In fact, the sarangi bumped on the ground very often and looked almost like it was dragged.

तल पुलमा पुगेपछि त जात्रै भयो । केही बजारिया भलाद्मीहरूले रमाइलो मान्दै “ए बाबु तिमी त्यो सारङ्गी बजाउन सक्छौ” भनी सोधे । मैले अकमकाई अकमकाई भनेँ– “सक्छु ।”
When I reached the bridge, I became an amazing attraction for many people. Some towns people came to me and with a pleasing tone of curiosity asked me if, I could really play the sarangi. I hesitantly replied- “Yes I can.”

अनि त ख्यालख्यालैमा उनीहरूले मलाई “पैसा दिन्छु लौ बजाउ त” भनेर अनुरोध गरे । गाउनलाई मलाई धक लाग्दैनथ्यो तर बजाउन अलि गाह्रै थियो । गीत गाउनु त अरूले गाएको सुन्दासुन्दै पनि सिकिहालिन्छ तर सारङ्गी बजाउन भने अलि फरकै कुरो हो ।

Then, with some curiosity they asked me lightly to demonstrate my skill for which they were ready to reward with some money. I would never feel awkward if I had to sing a song but as for playing sarangi, I had some difficulties. I could learn any song only by listening to others but acquiring the skill to play sarangi is a lot different.

सुनेकै र देखेकै भरमा यो कुरो सिक्न सकिन्नथ्यो । यसको लागि चाख र मिहेनतको निक्कै आवश्यकता पर्दछ । मजस्तो बच्चाको लागि यो कुरा सम्भव थिएन । जे होस्, मैले सारङ्गी बजाउन सिक्दै नसिकेको चाहिँ होइन, तर त्यो बच्चाको खेल खेलेको जस्तो मात्र थियो । बुबाले मलाई “यता थिच उता थिच” भन्नुभएर बेलाबेला सिकाउनुभएको पनि हो, तर खेल्ने उमेरको बालकमा त्यस्तो गहिरो चाख कहाँ हुनु ?
This was not an art that could be learnt only by listening and observing someone else’s practice. It needs a lot of interest and practical involvement, which was not possible for a child like me. However, not that I never had practiced sarangi but it was like playing with a toy. Though my father had coached me often dragging my fingers on the strings, I, a mere child was never serious with those lessons.

ल¥याङत¥याङ “हाम्रो तेन्जिङ्ग शेर्पाले चढ्यो हिमाल चुचुरा” भन्ने एउटा गीत बजाउन सिकेको थिएँ । त्यसैलाई जसोतसो बजाउन सक्थेँ । तर, मैले एक्लाएक्लै कमाइको लागि कहिल्यै यसलाई बजाएको थिइनँ ।
यसरी बिरानो ठाउँमा त्यही पनि बजारिया मान्छेहरूको अगाडि अलि धक त लाग्यो नै ।
Somehow I had learnt playing Sarangi for the song of “Our Tenjing Sherpa climbed the peak of Himalayas” and thus I roughly could play it. However, I never had played it alone for earning. Therefore, I was somewhat reluctant to play it in a new place, moreover in front of town people.

तर मैले “बजाउन सक्छु” भनी फुर्ति लगाई त हालेँ, अनि वरपरका अरू मान्छेहरू पनि मेरो फुर्ति जाँच्न थपिएका थिए । मलाई कर परिहाल्यो । मैले त्यही गीत ठूलै स्वरमा गाउँदै सारङ्गी बजाइदिएँ ।

हाम्रो तेन्जिङ्ग शेर्पाले चढ्यो हिमाल चुचुरा
गम्केर बज्छ खैँजडी चम्केर नाच्छ मजुर ।
Whatsoever it was, I had already boasted that I could play it and some others from the vicinity were also joining in to witness my claim. I was compelled to demonstrate my skill. Thus, I played the song in sarangi singing loudly.

Our Tenjing Sherpa climbed the peak of Himalayas
Tambourine is played vigorously peacock dances dashingly

ठूलो मान्छेले बजाउने सारङ्गी नौवर्षको बच्चाको लागि त धानीनसक्नु ठूलो हुन्छ । मैले यसलाई जसोतसो तेन्जिङ शेर्पाको गीत गाउँदै बजाएर देखाएँ । ती भलाद्मीहरू मैले यत्रो धान्नै नसकिने बाजा बजाएको देखेर चकित भए । मैले त्यहाँ कति जानि नजानी बजाएँ, उनीहरूले मतलवै राखेनन् । बरू प्रशंसा गर्दै सबैले जनही सुका–मोहोर पो बक्सिस दिए । त्यति मात्र कहाँ हो र ? अरू त्यहाँ आएर हेर्नेहरूले पनि त्यसरी नै सुका–मोहोर थपिदिए ।
A sarangi used by an adult is unmanageably big for a nine-year-old boy. However, I managed to demonstrate my skill to play it with the song of Tenzing Sherpa. These towns people really were amazed to see my ability to play such a big instrument. They did not care for how prematurely I played the instrument. Instead, each of them gave me suka and mohor as reward. Not only them, but others attending there also gave me more sukas and mohors.

सुका–मोहोर भनेको के हो थाहा छ ? सुका भनेको पच्चिस पैसाको सीक्का र मोहोर भनेको पचास पैसाको सीक्का हो । उ बेला सुका–मोहोर भनेको नै धेरै हुन्थे । एकसुकाले एकजनालाई पुग्ने एकमाना चामल आउँथ्यो । अनि हामीजस्ता केटाकेटीहरूले यसरी यत्तिका सुका–मोहोर एकैचोटी कमाउनु सानो कुरा थिएन । मैले त सोच्दै नसोचेको इनाम पाएथेँ । मलाई धेरै हौसला बढ्यो । यसरी नै पैसा कमाउन लागेँ भने बुबालाई धेरै सहयोग मिल्नेछ भन्ने मैले ठानँे ।

Do you know what suka and mohor are? They are coins. A Suka is a quarter and a mohor is a half of a rupee. It was the time when suka and mohor had really meant something. One could buy one mana of rice, enough for a person for a meal with a quarter. Therefore, it was not a joke if a child like me earned so many sukas and mohors for the first time. I got the reward, I never had thought of. I was encouraged by it a lot. I thought that if I earned like this it would be a great help to my father..

त्यसपछि त मैले अरू ठाउँहरूमा पनि स्वर सुकुञ्जेल तेन्जिङ्ग शेर्पाको गीत बजाउँदै गाएँ । बुबा आउनुहुँँदा मैले पन्ध्र रूपैयाँ कमाएछु, जब कि बुबाले दिनभरीमा जम्मा पन्ध्रमाना चामल मात्र कमाउनुभएको रहेछ । त्यो सबै चामल बेच्दा हामीलाई पन्ध्रसुका हात प¥यो । त्यसदिनको मेरो कमाई बुबाको भन्दा चारदोब्बर बढी भएछ । हामी दुवै बाबुछोरा दङ्ग प¥यौँ ।

So I sang the song of Tenjing Sherpa in other corners of the town playing sarangi until my voice had gone. I earned fifteen rupees by the time my father came back, whereas, my father had collected only fifteen manas of rice for the whole day. We got fifteen sukas by selling whole of the rice in the market. My earning was four times more than what my father earned that day. Both of us were really happy.

हामीले केही दिनसम्म त्रिशूली बजारकै वरपर कमाइ ग¥यौँ । तर पछिपछि हाम्रा कमाइहरु घट्दै गए । मसँग सारङ्गीमा बजाउने एउटै मात्र गीत भएकोले मेरा गीत सुन्नेहरू कम हुनलागे । त्यस्तै बुबाले पनि वरपरका गाउँ घुमेर सिध्याइसक्नुभएको थियो । आखिरमा राम्रो कमाइको लागि हामी त्रिशूली छाडेर काठमाडौँ गयौँ ।
We worked for money some more days in the vicinity of Trishuli town. However, the later days were not so fruitful for both of us. Since I had only one song to play with sarangi my fans had been diminished considerably. Similarly, my father also had finished going around the nearby villages. We finally left Trishuli for Kathmandu for better earning.

त्रिशूलीको यो अनुभवले मलाई केही पाको बनायो । मैले थाहा पाएँ दयामायाले मात्र सँधै काम नचल्ने रहेछ । मान्छेहरू मबाट मनोरञ्जन पाउँथे त्यसैले मलाई पारिश्रमिक मिल्दथ्यो । मैले थप मनोरञ्जन दिन नसकेपछि उनीहरूले मलाई पारिश्रमिक दिन छाडे । मैले अरू नयाँ गीतहरू बजाउन सकेको भए अरू बढी कमाउन सक्थेँ । धन्न, दुख गर्ने बच्चा भनेर मात्र मलाई उनीहरूले माया गरेका थिए ।
The experience gained in Trishuli gave me a sense of maturity. I knew that no one helps anybody for ever with sentiments of kindness. People got entertainment from my art thus in return they used to pay me. As I could not present a new item to entertain them, they stopped paying me the remuneration. Had I been able to play new songs I would have earned more. They kept on keeping interest in me only because I was a mere child working hard.

अरू ठाउँहरूका यात्रामा बुबालाई मैले नयाँ गीत बजाउन सिकाइमागेँ । गहिरो चासो भएकोले होला मलाई नयाँ गीतहरू सिक्न पहिलाजस्तो गाह्रो कत्तिपनि भएन । जहाँकहीँ रात होस् वा दिन मेरा औँलीहरू सारङ्गीमा नाच्न पुगिहाल्थे ।

I asked my father to teach new songs to play in sarangi during our travel to other places. May be because I was keenly serious to learn new songs, I did not feel any difficulty like I did before. Everywhere during our travels, no matter whether it was day or night my fingers would be engaged in the sarangi.

दुइ महिना बितेछ हामी घरसम्म फर्कँदा । यी दिनहरूमा मैले सारङ्गी बजाउन निक्कै सिकेँ । त्यसो त धन पनि हामीले राम्रै कमायौँ । तर यो कमाइ रिन पुरै तिर्न पुग्ने भने थिएन । जे होस् धनको कमाइभन्दा पनि सारङ्गी बजाउने सीपको कमाई मेरोलागि ठूलो थियो ।
Two months passed in this mission until we came back home and I attained considerable competence in playing sarangi. On the other hand, we also earned money satisfactorily even though it was not enough to pay the entire debt. Whatsoever it was, my acquiring of skills in playing sarangi was most important for me.

गन्धर्भहरूको त पढाइ भनेकै सारङ्गी बजाउने र गाउने सीप थिए त्यो बेला । किनभने हाम्रा जातीय पेशा नै यिनैमा आधारित थिए । रहरले पनि त्यही सिक्न पथ्र्यो अनि करले पनि त्यही । आज पो जसले जे पायो त्यो पेशा गर्ने बेला आयो र शिक्षा पनि त्यही अनुसारको रोज्जीको लिन पाइन्छ ।

It was time when the singing songs and playing sarangi were the only education for Gandharbhas. It was because the profession of ours was completely based on them. We had to learn them no matter with a hobby or with a compulsion. You know it is different today, as people have freedom to choose any profession and choose any education accordingly.

तर साँच्चै भन्ने हो भने मैले यो सारङ्गीवादन र गायन कलालाई कहिल्यै करको शिक्षा मानिनँ । मेरो पेशा यो थिएन भने पनि पक्कै म उत्तिनै यसमा लागि पर्थे । त्यत्ति मनपर्ने विषय थियो यो मेरो बच्चैकालदखि ।
But to tell you the truth I never took the art of playing sarangi and singing as an education of compulsion. Even if it was not my profession I would have taken it seriously. It was my great hobby ever since my childhood.

गन्धर्भहरुलाई तल्लो जात भनेर हेर्ने परम्परा आज पनि नेपालमा कायमै छ । त्यसैले इज्जतको पेशा गर्ने भनेर धेरैजसो गन्धर्भहरुले आफ्ना परम्परागत पेशागत कलालाई छोडदै आएका छन् । दुखको कुरो, युगौँदेखि जनसमुदायको मुटु छुँदै आउने हाम्रो यो परम्परागत सारङ्गीबाजा र यसको चलन घटेर गइरहेको छ ।

The feeling of taking Gandharbhas as low-cast people is still prevalent in the Nepali society. Therefore, majority of the Gandharbhas has been discarding their ancestral professional arts replenishing with others to jump in so-called prestigious professions. It is a pity that the traditional musical instrument and its usage that touched people’s heart for hundreds of years in past is in the trend of decaying.

यस्तो अवस्थामा मेरो यो सदाको ¥याई¥याइँले पूर्खाको बेंडामात्र थामेको छैन, आफ्नो गौरवपूर्ण मौलिक बाजाको सीपकै संरक्षणसमेत गर्दैछ भन्ने मलाई लाग्दछ । मलाई गर्व छ, मैले यो कार्य ज्ञान नभएको फूच्चे अवस्थादेखि नै गर्दै आएँ ।

In this situation, my constant involvement with sarangi is not only keeping alive the heritage of my ancestors but also preserving the fundamental art associated to this esteemed native instrument. I feel proud that I have been doing it ever since I was a mere ignorant child.

जाँदाजाँदै म तपाईँलाई मेरो बाल्यकालको पहिलो र प्यारो गीत सुनाइहालूँ–

हाम्रो तेन्जिङ्ग शेर्पाले चढ्यो हिमाल चुचुरा
गम्केर बज्छ खैँजडी चम्केर नाच्छ मजुर।

हवस् त नमस्कार ।

Before I say good bye, let me sing for you my favorite song that I learnt first in my childhood :

Our Tenjing Sherpa climbed the peak of Himalayas
Tambourine is played vigorously peacock dashingly dances

Okay, Goodbye to you

About Sahitya - sangrahalaya

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2 Responses to नेपाली उपन्यास : सारङ्गीको र्याँईर्याँई र बाल गन्धर्भ

  1. नवोदित उपन्यासकारहरुलार्इ पनि समावेस गर्नु पर्यो ।

    • राजन जि,
      नमस्कार !

      हजुरको टिप्पणीको लागि हार्दिक क्रितज्ञता व्यक्त गर्दछौं । हुन त रचना र रचनाकार नयाँ या पुराना कहिले हुँदैनन्, यि अजर छन र हुन् भन्ने हाम्रो धारणा छ । पुराना-पुर्रिएका-हराउन आँटेका लेख-रचना खोजी खोजी स्थान दिने ‘साहित्य संग्रहालय’ले पक्कै पनि नयाँ रचनालाई पनि प्राथमिकता दिने नै छ ।
      कृपया हजुरका उपन्यास, लेख-रचनाहरु kritisangraha@gmail.com ईमेलमा पठाउन हुन सविनय अनुरोध गर्दछु । अन्यथा नलिनु होला , हजुरका रचना पस्कन आतुर छौं ।

      धन्यवादका साथ,
      साहित्य संग्रहालय

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