~Pujan Roka~
I see the world
Being destroyed bit by bit,
people by people and nation by nation;
I see blood spilling all around,
its dreadful smell
encroaching the harmony of the air.
I hear humanity cite
words of deception
and words of war –
All incited to fight
and not to reconcile.
Tell me,
where brotherhood is
when there is rage and riot,
racism and refugees;
People are hungry
not for bread but for blood –
blood of their brothers and fathers;
They yearn for the zeal,
not of fondness but of flesh –
flesh of their sisters and mothers;
They are all sell-outs,
with vain egos and no essence.
Tell me,
where do flowers grow
when there are gardens
that harvest guns and grenades;
Songs of peace have ceased to sound,
only explosions are heard now.
Forests are in blaze,
wild creatures in agony,
blood and grease mixed in the water;
Even the air –
where is it now
when everything is filled with smoke.
I know
the genesis of the world was divine,
and of destruction – human;
I know
today has become
nothing but all ruined,
Tomorrow may be harsher
than nightmare.