Translated Poem : Yes, I’m Black. Or Black. Or, Acolored.

~Manoj Bogati~
Translation : Raja Puniani

Yes, I’m Black.
Or Black.

Nobody becomes dirty
If touched by some black.
Like, nobody becomes clean
If touched by some white.

Alphabets are also black.
Your name is written by nigger black letters.

The wound that grows on your skin
Doesn’t spare mine.

You are White.
I am Black.

My short nose is as tall as me.
Or, is as tall as your long nose.

My footsteps are as short as my height
But I might walk with you.
I might walk more than you.

Color doesn’t walk.

You are showing your child the world
By pointing with the fingers of your hand.
I’m not pointing with my toe.

They say that eyes are irritated by white light.
But I never closed my eyes.

I’m farer than color.
Darker than color.

The engine of your vehicle might be well.
But then that’ll lead you only to the destination of mine.

You couldn’t follow me yet?

Soil doesn’t have color.
Water doesn’t have color.
Fire doesn’t have color.
Wind doesn’t have color.
Sound doesn’t have color.

This is same as
Truth doesn’t have color.
Religion doesn’t have color.
Peace doesn’t have color.
Love doesn’t have color.
Passivity doesn’t have color.

Who you are to talk about color?

What if I am Black?
Yes, I am Black.
Black, or Black.
Or acolored.

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