Translated Poem : The Earth – 1

~Manprasad Subba~
Translation : Suraj Dhadkan

The earth is lifted high up
not only on the rising hills and mountains
but even on the tiny leaves of our ordinary gossip
that shares our small pleasures and pains.

On the new leaves of subtle feelings, too
the earth rests lightly.

The earth is never heavier
than a plate of rice on the hand of someone starving.

Mother Teresa’s frail hands
have lifted this earth
many times like a doll.

It is not too big to be embraced,
not bigger than the nipple of a mother’s breast.

Each dose of medicine tells us
how loving the earth is.
The feet coming back to step on earth
after days of flood,
know how sweet the earth’s touch is!

No need of alphabet
to write Earth.
Just touch the blank sheet of sky
with the point of your pen
and from there grows and expands the earth
filling up our heart
and spreading all around our consciousness.
Or just make a hyphen on the sky
and it grows and grows into the horizon.
This is how the earth emerges in our vision.

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