Poem : Some snapshots of poor

~Pravin Rai Jumeli~

Many people marked that destiny has written the poor

Other many used to state that God created that creature

By seeing and reading this word it seems simple

and as this is made of four letters only

but it encapsulates several meanings

its kept commentaries are also hundreds

The people declined by the blow of Ernesto and Lenin

when they re-arouse again in the memory of evil dreams

and in comparison to their labyrinth of new economy

poor seem as real destitute and sufferers

Though as the other paraphernalia of this world

all animals are acceded as the product of some utmost authority

in this manner poor are also determined as his creation

or assumed as copies of neuter gender

but there is not any difference in the creation of that unseen authority

everyone’s head, hands, feet and other organs are measure for measure

and the destiny of ravine between rich and poor

are carved by those re-aroused evils

and lead the weaker up the garden path to suck more blood

which are defined as result of fate and previous birth

to suck’ is a much controversial verb within time

because when the age to the utmost limit of  physical strength

is crushed by other species of strength

this verb is absolutely assumed as the usages of devil

someone mourns for decaying of his stomach

someone wails for  infertility of her womb

also we hear  that happiness is burnt somewhere

heard is that  somewhere peace is dying somewhere carcass is rotting

somewhere love is exiled and somewhere is flowering autumn of hatred

some have shortage of belief some have indelible effect of illiteracy

some are waiting for cognition and some are convocation for passing the labor

somebody dances beating the Damphu of home and vehicle

and somebody sings playing with flute of money

someone ever salutes by displaying his pieced legs

someone salivates abnormally on the flank

perhaps the system to obtained fallacy or destiny does not break

therefore it is hard to discover the tracks of penury

albeit other than wealth there is also wisdom to earn

other than gold there is also dreams to get

this way the creator wish to explain about the numerous forms of poverty

because poverty weary  everyone’s shoulder

and of course uncountable promises also cannot delete it’s boundary.

-Praveen Rai Jumelo
Joom Basti, West Sikkim

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