Poem : My Alibi

~Bhim Thatal~

I enter TV set
And exploring through the channels
Reach the tumultuous forests of Africa.

Riding the turbulent waves of the tranquil forest
There is a woman Who has
Spent her entire legacy
Amongst the sprouting hopes in ruins of life and
Budding little hungry children.

In the contest of living of hundreds of people
A lanky man with unkempt beard spares his time
Casting his life in the bid of survival
And capturing untold realities of life in camera
He keeps on talking civilization to all.
With scores of conflict in her embryo
A river flows down the time.
Its water drops are provoked by the rays of the sun
Which rise high to invade as if victory ha~ beckoned
And though they rise in a war footing speed but only to fall down
Yet its downpour is ample to irrigate.
All that a life requires to sustain.

There is no dearth of anything
Happiness is omnipresent
Yet, I don’t know what,
These tourists are all around searching,

In the regular intervals of commercials
Channels also telecast news.
Keeping a leopard in standby that is chasing a deer
Surfing the fancies and desires of daughter in cartoons
Listening to the folklores that father had ever liked
Keeping’ in abeyance. the serials of wife
And the bank account that ceases like top ten songs
Life ,slowly moves in the faster streets of bewilderment.
Abstract nouns like compassion, service, tolerance!
Are confined to grammar only these days.
Our children are graveling and going to schools
Where grammar is not in the syllabus
Like an exiled patriotism from a citizen
Thoughts escape every second from the soap opera
Like the self lifted out from the body
Realization shift dwelling.

There are lots of things to do
Like in a school boy’s exercise book.
There are more things to think before you write
And still much more to visualize
The things that You should not write
You should not think
And you should never visualize.
A greater quest is there
About my alibi.

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