Poem : The Waiting

~Pravab Dhakal~

I’ve been standing tall and strong
All around this corner
With haunting memories
Just to watch you pass by.
My bones have been rust
Due to the cold striking wind
But the worth of your waiting
Has made my heart go alive.

Where had you been all this time
Just leaving the memories behind
For me to survive far yield your arms.

The waiting has been long
So long for me to recognize my breath
I’m still broken
But the waiting has held me up.

This time i will be stronger
thinking of the beautiful memories
we have had together
all the dancing and talking
that made the night pass by
without the dream
This waiting will help me
with you and ur memories
alive and shining.

Where had you been all this year
isn’t the question i ask anymore
as i know it was just time
that we had to wait
to find our soul meet once again,
the people who have never met but
The souls which connected
without even meeting
why should we even give it a name
when we know we belong in each others arms?

The waiting is gonna be long i know
but the hope of running and getting
to your arms once again forever
will make it be just fine
all we have to be is patience
as we know where we belong

The beautiful ring that you held me
is guiding me along the waiting
i know it will be worth it
as from now you and i will be walking together . . .

January 17, 2006

(Source : Poet’s Blog)

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