Poem : To The Silence

~Arjun Dahal~

Silence……and silence,
I see silence everywhere.
Things happened in an order,
ascended to the top,
reached the paramount,
and now, are descending back to the beginning.
I wonder,
If everything will be back as same,
as once.
Thus, I still remain silent,
mentally raped by the psychological phenomenons,
beyond- a psychiatrist can counsel.
Physics and Mathematics,
Have sunk in the ocean of infinity,
and the poetry been taken away,
by it’s waves.
Will they ever return to the shore?
It’s true!
The memories-thus collected can be made fun in the future,
But the scars remains,
with no lotions to heal.

(Source : Poet submitted via ‘Kritisangraha@gmail.com‘. )

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