Poem : Lonely is the Heart

~Eagam Khaling~

Lonely is the Heart
I smiled just for you,
You smiled just for breaking my heart.
You compared me
With the dust lying on the deserts.
You broke my dreams
And played with my emotions.

I know,
It’s all in the understandings.
I never said anything
Rather I waited you the day you changed.
I saw you like the full moon
In the silver nights.
I touched you in my feelings
Like the dews touch the roses.

You made me cry
Every moment you met me.
I never mind that,
Rather I placed you in my poems
Like the living words.
I still happen to experience you
Like music in the silence
And in the loneliness of my heart.
When I cried for you
I saw many falling stars in your name
From the dark sky.

Whenever I feel you
My tears roll down my cheeks
Spreading like fragrance,
And condensing into poems
Which is only the ornaments of my life.
I swear,
Your hatreds are like a pearl in an oyster
In the depth of my emotions.

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