Translated Poem : Childhood

~Krishna Bhushan Bal~Krishna Bhushan Bal
Trans : Mukul Dahal

The silken curtain of reminiscences is fluttering in the window of my eyes.
In each fringe of the curtain peers a rainbow and vanishes.
In each nap of the eyes a rose blooms and wilts away.
How tender was the time bygone
the yearnings there were higher than the hills.
How swiftly spent were the days
when I had embarked on such an enormous journey.
Like the darling beloveds in arms secure
the days that never return.
Like a crystal morning to kiss himalMukul Dahal
the celebrations that leave behind mere a memory.
The past like the drops of tears the eyelashes cannot hold back
do not become reality again like a garden in a dream.
Even if true in reality like a castle of sand there is no castle.
Only in the present we be aware of the time slipped by us.
At large from grip time too becomes a bull
leaving behind only reminiscences.

© Krishna Bhushan Bal, 2003

(Source : Quillandink)

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