Poem : Misapprehended


I never desired, but should I have deserved
From you my love, to never get loved
I kept you waiting too long to bear
Once I shunned you, but now I care
For the love was too deep to rub out
You were the only, what my life was about

Assuring myself at every point of life
That the fruit might not yet be ripe
Hiding my love from your avid eyes
Pretending to be nothing but a foolish wise
I held back that passion from a curious you
Showing you just the sinister view

Today I need you, but you’re there no more
Weighing my guilt.. a large whiskey I pour
One led to two, two to three, and four
With you in mind I crashed to the floor
Life was too short for so young I died
I’m in hell, with that guilt still beside…

April 18th 2008

(Source : INLS – australia)

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